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AS THEY LANDED ON MUSTAFAR Zyla was surprised to see where they had landed... She didn't know what to expect but it was not this. A place with lava and fire, it wasn't a place to call home, it wasn't like Naboo. She touched her bump, how will her baby grow up? Cold? Like Anakin is now?

"What's wrong?" Anakin asked her.

Zyla shook her head, "nothing..."

"Zyla, I can sense how uneasy you are," he pointed out.

She sighed, "this is not a home, not one I want to raise my- our child in," she had to make sure to say our to make sure he didn't get mad, "but... I'm guessing I don't get another choice."

He nodded, "you don't."

She sighed, "yeah, I thought so."

Anakin stood up before helping Zyla stand, "come on, trust me, we can try to make it a home for us."

Truth be told Zyla doubts that very much but doesn't voice her opinion, "okay..." They leave the ship as they see a tall building, "you live here?" Zyla asked.

Anakin nodded, "most times, yes," he took her hand, "follow me," he led her inside as he gave her a tour of the place, "this is where I sit when business arises," he told her as showed her the throne looking chair... Then he led her to two big doors, he opened them to a big room, two big wardrobes with a bed inside. "This is where we'll sleep," she nodded understanding, then he took her hand and led her to the next room close to this one, her eyes softened when she saw the only thing inside was a crib.

"Is this the nursery?" Zyla asked in a small voice.

Anakin nodded, "yes, I want to raise our child here, not just with my morals..." He moved his hand that was holding hers over the baby bump, "but with yours as well," he confessed.

"You want me to teach them myself as well?" Zyla questioned surprised to hear this.

Anakin smiled, "I don't intend to have the mother not a part of her child's life."

"Well... That does reassure me," Zyla says.

"I'm glad."

ZYLE DECIDED, later on, to put a chair in the nursery that was mostly empty since they didn't know the gender yet. She just wanted to be able to sit in there and daydream, which she did in the middle of the night while in her nightgown, she much preferred being here weirdly than the Death Star. Both are like a nightmare but for Zyla here she has more free reign.

"What are you doing up so late?" Anakin asked as he walked into the nursery where Zyla was sitting thinking.

"Just... Daydreaming," Zyla shrugged, "what are you doing up so late?"

Anakin shrugged, "couldn't sleep," he smiled at the thought of her daydreaming of their future, "what are you daydreaming of?"

"Our little girl," Zyla admitted, touching her baby bump, she said she wasn't ready to be a mother but she sat comfortably in the role.

"You know, you once said you weren't ready for this," Anakin points out.

She nodded, "yes, I did, but..." She smiled down at her baby bump, "when a life is growing inside of you, it, well, it changes how one thinks of things."

He smiled, "I'm glad you want her or him," he points out the fact they didn't know the gender yet, "not sure what the gender is yet."

"I just have this feeling," she admits.

"I believe you," Anakin kneeled to her as he hesitated, "can I... Touch your bump?"

"Sure..." Zyla was unsure but couldn't exactly say no.

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