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Heeeeey- I stole my phone a few times this week so.
Maybe they will give it back when school starts. Idk. Nonetheless, your chapter has arrived.

You parked the car in his garage being extra careful not to bump anything, or Levi might kill you.

His garage was absolutely immaculate. It even had a second floor with chairs and, a Tv.

You wait for Levi to exit. After a few minutes, you realize he probably fell asleep. You would have to get him out.

You walk back to the side of the car where Levi is.  There the grey-eyed man had his head resting on the window while passed out.

You knock on the window and watch him flutter his eyelids open and look at you.

"We're here," You say softly.

Levi looks at you contently, tries to get out of the car, and almost falls to the floor. He would've if you weren't there to block him from doing so.

Levi stables himself. After he did, you walked close to him just in case he would have trouble walking on his own. Levi takes this as an opportunity to hold your hand.

You and Levi enter the house and you lead him straight to his room. He doesn't seem to be very talkative this time around. He usually is rambling about little things but he must be too tired.

He didn't speak besides a few hiccups. You made a mental note to get him some water, or some tea. Whatever he wanted.

His walking speed began to get slower.

"Y/n." He calls. Levi hasn't taken your eyes off you since entering the house, but you didn't notice. Looking at Levi, he seemed to be lapsing in and out of sleep.

You open the door to his room and lead him in.
You remember the water and tea you were planning to make for him. You walk past him but not before saying.

"You should take a shower." You tell him. You realize how he might take that and quickly back tread. "Not that you smell or anything."

He didn't respond. Levi didn't move from his place. Maybe he was too tired to do anything.

You walk to him and try to take his wrist,

Just kiss me

but he quickly pulls away from your grasp.

You move your hand back to your side. "I'm sorry I just-"

"I didn't ask for you to touch me," Levi said. He turned his head to you.

Well, you weren't one to violate personal space so you took a step back.

"Oh, ok well I didn't mean-"

"I didn't ask for your opinion."Levi retorts.

1 step forward 2 steps back. You thought.

Even if he was being a little hurtful, you tried not to let it bother you. Shit like what happened tonight is stressful and Levi is drunk.

"Ok, I'm sorry."

"I'll leave,"

Levi holds your wrist preventing you from leaving. "Don't," He says.

You free yourself of his grasp facing away from him, but he takes your hand again. "Y/n-"

"It's fine," You sigh, freeing your hand again. "I'm going to-

Arranged [Levi x fem! Reader] Modern a.uWhere stories live. Discover now