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4 days later.

"Hey, Sasha how-

"HeydidyougethomeokMikasaAnnieandihavebeencallingyourphonebutnoansweritsbeenfourdaysareyouok?" Sasha spewed more words at you but you couldn't make sense of it all.

You could tell she was about to continue so you quickly interjected before she could start. "Sasha, please don't worry I'm ok,"

"I've just been really busy," You explain. This was true. Sasha exhales, relieved that you're ok.

"Well as long as your not dead," She says. You giggle at her comment. "Also, Mikasa has been calling Scary shortman too, she won't admit it because I think she's worried."

Sasha took a bit of whatever she was eating and continued. "I'm also worried for scary shortman, cause he never misses work, but I didn't go to work today-"

You turn around to see Levi leaning on the doorframe of your room.

"Sasha," You say.

"-or yesterday-"

"Sasha please-"

Your eyes started to widen, Levi raised his pointer finger, and pressed it to his lips, telling you to let her keep talking. You take the call off speaker not wanting Sasha to incriminate herself any further.

"-and I don't plan on going tomorrow, he wouldn't know so no harm no foul."She continued. "And Petra's being a real-

"Sasha, I'll, I'll have to call you back," You tell her defeatedly.

"Oh ok, byeee!"

You end the call.

Levi is still standing in the door frame arms crossed with a hint of satisfaction radiating off him.

"Hey," You say.

"Hey," He replies.

Things are a little awkward after the, K I S S.

You remember embracing Levi for a good minute 4 days ago. Your cheeks warm when thinking about it.

"How did you sleep?" You asked. You take the black dress and hang it inside the closet.
It's dry clean only.

"I slept ok," He said. There was a small pause before, "Thanks for asking." The truth was he didn't sleep at all. The past 4 nights were sleepless for him.

A part of him wanted to tell you about his nightmares maybe he, or that he slept better with you. Levi sighed. "I think I'll be working from here for a few more days."

You give him a reassuring smile. "Ok, take your time, if you need-

Your phone started to ring interrupting you. You look away for a split second, but Levi is gone.

Caller  I.D shows Mikasa🥰


"I'm so glad you picked up, Sasha texted me that you were alive," Mikasa said. "I figured you were just lying low because of the media." She clarified.

"Media? What do you-"

Petra falling on her ass replayed in your mind. "Oh, right," You remember. Mikasa sighs. "You forgot, didn't you? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"It's fine, I'm glad you said something before somebody else did." You assured her. You placed your shoe download and put your dress on a hanger.

Levi was standing in the same spot from before when you exit your closet."I'm glad you're ok, but what about the grinch?" She asked. You nearly shrieked when you saw him.

Arranged [Levi x fem! Reader] Modern a.uWhere stories live. Discover now