8.Felicity- the happiest one

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Yara's Pov:

I noticed Tate's red blushing face, I always thought Tate liked Kaira but was too shy to accept, today it was evident from his face as I admired them both, I saw Dani texting someone with a serious face. "Are you okay Dani" I asked concerned, 'yes I'm, just annoyed that I have to go this art gallery that am least bothered about, my mother bought the ticket and she is busy so she wants me to go now' she replied, I consoled her and made her visit the art gallery, Dani had no interest in such artistic things, she somehow accepted, then I booked a cab for her to reach that place, she had a frowning face, I wished to accompany her but Dani's parents booked only one ticket so we couldn't go together.

Her cab arrived, I bid her a bye by hugging her tight, thus leaving us three alone. I smiled widely seeing Tate and Kaira together, the way Tate cannot control the blush when Kaira subtly touches his shoulders, Tate's cheeks were tinted red and his boxy smile that got even more pretty as the reason for his smile was Kaira, It was clearly seen that both of them have soft corners for each other, seeing them together made me happy as moon glowed and the soothing sound of lake reminded me of my moon, I looked up thinking about the bunny smile, doe eyes and the voice when he called me 'moonlight'. 'Where are you my dream boy, I hope you're doing well wherever you are, I want to see you, when will the day manifest', I wondered with a heavy heart full of yearning for the dream boy..

End of Pov.

Kaira's Pov:

Why is my heart beating so fast when I talk to Tate, was I lying to myself whole time, do I have feelings for him, is he the one for me? Is he the person I want to spend the rest of my life? As thoughts filled me in, his smile made my heart flutter making me feel things, making me think as if the reason of his boxy smile was me, I softly hit the back of my head thinking I was so stupid, but this moment, where he is sitting close to me, where I can smell his cologne, where our bodies are making subtle touches with each other, shoulders brushing and our faces blushing, the lake watching us and the way universe aligned perfectly for us, am I falling for Tate, falling harder for him...? I wonder.

End of Pov.

Tate's Pov:

Is it too selfish of me to ask that this moment should never end, I don't want this as my memory, I want this to last, where she's close by me, making my heart feel light, making me genuinely happy, is she the reason of my happiness, the key I was searching, did she unlock the side I never knew existed? Is she the one, the one to make me blush, make me shy and make my heart feel full? Am I falling for you Kaira? I wondered. But for now, being close to her is enough for me, I told myself rubbing my chest.

End of Pov.

No one's Pov:

The way universe always aligns to make each other meet, when the time is right, everything just falls in the right place without much working, exactly the way it's meant to be, if something is meant for you, it will never pass by you, it might reach you late but it won't pass by you, the way Kaira and Tate realized they're falling for each other. Jungkook waiting for the right time to meet his moonlight, Yara's anticipation to see him in reality, is now the time for Dani to meet her Monie?

[I hope you liked this chapter, I was excited to share this one and what do you think where will Dani meet Monie? I'm leaving it right here, next chapter will be posted on friday, let me know your thoughts until then take care <3 ]

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