10. scenic- you're my scenery

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At evening, 6pm

Yara's Pov:

We all sat near the lake and heard Dani's surprise date she had last night with her monie. The way her eyes lit when she was talking about monie, the smile which was uncontrollable." Monie was the most unexpected gift I got" she said and we all were so happy to hear that she found the happiness when she wasn't looking for it, in fact least expecting it. Now I started to drag about Tate and Kaira's story, "So, Tate how much longer will you hide it deep inside you, say what you feel for Kaira" I said suddenly giving Tate a shock soon later he started to blush. "I-I mean I do l-like" it was so cute to see him shutter turning all red, we were secretly enjoying the way he was suffering to express his heart but our eyes landed on the main girl none other than our Kaira, she looked equally nervous.

End of Pov

Kaira's Pov:

I couldn't wait any longer and I started, "I love you, yes I did but my heart was too shy to accept but Tate you make my days so much better and so much lighter I feel safe when am around you" I finally said as I shut my eyes tight didn't know what will come next, I suddenly felt hands over mine it was none other than Tate's.

My hearts perplexing, my mind not able to think straight, my hands cold as ice and eyes full of love.

End of Pov.

Tate's Pov:

My heart was beating so rapidly, after listening to her words, the exact same words I had for her in my heart. I took her hand and held it tight, the soft tender hands that were cold, I secretly wished I could give her all the warmth, hands that I never wanted to leave. "I loved you since the day one just my heart so shy to say, my mind trying its best to deny, but here I say it with my whole heart, I love you my happiness" I said blushing and looking deep into her eyes.

End of Pov.

Yara's Pov:

As the sun started to set, lake making the same soothing sound, Tate and Kaira having the best time, am so happy that they finally expressed and shared their hearts also Dani calling monie and telling her everything, my thoughts went to him, the dream boy, why is it making me feel he's close by watching my every step, just hesitant to come to me, 'Koo when will you, I can't wait for it any longer, show yourself my moon' I said while tearing up. As I look up seeing the moon glow, my heart longs for him, my dream boy...

End of Pov

Jungkook's Pov:

Wondering if she knows me, as the tears roll down her cheeks, I just want to run to her, hold her close and tell her "Everything will be fine" what might be the reason she's tearing up, if I go there and sit with her, will she like it?  "Will she pour her heart out to me, will she share the things with me, will I be the comfort person, the home, the safe place for her to reside" I thought to myself tearing up as I see her from afar. Seeing her eyes and nose go red, gave me the feeling that my heart was being tore apart, I couldn't do anything but just be here and watch her cry...when will we hold hands my moonlight, will it be anytime sooner? I asked myself. I wish I could tell you everything..

End of Pov.

Yara's Pov:

'Jungkook please come to me, I want to meet you, are you here, do you see me, hear me, can you feel my presence the way I do for you' I said looking at the moon. When can I hold those hands and never let it go, hear you sing all day? Hear the prettiest giggles anyone could ever hear; Will we be one? Will our hearts collide like those galaxies that are so far away from us? Can I again hear you calling me 'moonlight' like the first time? I asked looking at the moon.

End of Pov

Tate's Pov:

I was so happy hearing Kaira laugh, the way her eyes shine so bright, her smile that only gets bigger and wider. I was so thankful that I met her, had feelings for her, the angel who was born for me. I noticed Yara tearing up, of course the longing she has for her dream boy, I thought. I could do anything for her, but leaving her at solace was the right thing to do, no matter how comforting words I might give her, she will only search for her comfort, her dream boy. We went to sit with her after leaving her alone for a while and tried to make her smile. Though she did, but the longing and yearning was still so clear and crisp in those pretty eyes of hers. She was hankered to meet him, I hope her moon comes to her and give all the love she deserves, the longing which was so draining but worth the wait?

End of Pov.

Two hearts wanting the same thing, Yara to come out of her dream and hold her dream boy and Jungkook wanting to face her. Little did they know, Yara and Jungkook found themselves long back before they even realized.

[What do you think? will Jungkook confront himself before Yara? Let me know your thoughts I'll post the next chapter soon, I hope you're liking it so far, until then take care see ya <3 ]

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