9.moiety- contrary but my other half?

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Dani's Pov:

'I wanted to stay with them, what am I supposed to do in an art gallery, am never keen into stuffs like these' as I kept ranting to myself fighting with the edges of my bag, looking at the busy roads, I reached the art gallery, I went inside to see the most antique pieces, stones and other stuffs that I can't even name them, roaming for a while, to my surprise I felt happy, my heart started to beat faster in fact it was pounding , guessing that something is about to come, yet to happen, as I walked through the art and paintings, looking around my eyes and heart wandering for something.

My eyes after wandering, stuck on one guy who stood few feet away from me, my eyes stared at him, 'You're making it awkward Dani' I pinched myself but couldn't take my eyes off that 6 feet tall guy, My eyes scanned him, my heart beating fast without letting me to calm down, the way he was explaining the painting to a kid, with outmost care and the love, his tender hands rested on that boy's shoulders and he almost kneeled down to reach the boy's height, I was noticing every tiny details, not letting one thing to miss, he had the cutest dimples I ever saw in my whole life, The love and adoration he has on those paintings which was so evident through his dragon eyes. Without realizing that I was staring at him, I walked closed to him, my legs walking without my control over it, I stood beside and heard him speak, the words he spoke, the way he interacted with that kid, the way he was so respectful, I was completely lost and thanked my parents that I came to this place...

End of Pov.

Monie's Pov:

Nothing really excites me other than art, music, people might call me boring but these were the few things that made me happy, but for the first time, something changed inside me, my heart without listening to me, made its way to that girl who seemed to have no interest in art, her frowned face even looked so pretty but also screamed that she is least bothered about this place, I wanted to talk to her, wanted to know more about her, like things which make her happy and sad? when she made her away towards me and stood beside me, my heart stopped beating, I have heard many people say this phrase but this was my first time experiencing it and suddenly I wanted to experience all other things with her, for rest of my life, but was it too early to say? I thought to myself diverting my thoughts back to that boy.

as I was talking about my favourite painting to the kid, my heart fluttered, a feeling I never felt before, I wanted to take her hand and walk her through the art gallery, to talk about things which excites me the most, explain things and theories to her, soon enough I realized I am falling for her, because I found something which was more beautiful than the art itself... should I take the first move and talk to her? Will she be the art I was searching for?

End of Pov.

Dani's Pov:

'Can I just take the first move and talk to him, I want to know what excites him, what makes him so kind and respectful, are there other things that excites him? What scares him and what makes him happy I wanted to know them all', I stood there hopelessly my feet kept stomping the ground because of my anxiousness and my hands started to sweat. 'Wait, am I falling for him?' I asked myself looking at the most beautiful art in the whole gallery, cliché, right? I laughed at myself.

End of Pov.

Monie's Pov:

I finally gained courage to look to her side...she was so beautiful, the exact thing my heart was searching for, the girl of my dreams, the colours to paint my art and heart.

'You seem to have no interest in art, then why are you here' I gained confidence and asked her, my hands shaking as if it will rip off in any moment. she looked at me and the world stopped for me, not exaggerating but she was really pretty and her smile that could save many lives, The anticipation to what was about to come, what will she say. When she finally parted her lips to say, my eyes staring at those pink lips hoping to hear something positive, my heart skipping a beat, 'yes, I am never interested in art, but fate took me here, who are you what's your name?'

'The voice that was sweet as honey' I thought, but I couldn't say anything because her words kept playing in my head, she stood there for a while and snapped near my face dragging me back to my senses, I felt embarrassed as she caught me getting lost into her, after shuttering I said "Namjoon".

End of Pov.

Dani's Pov:

"namjoon" his name was an art itself I smiled to myself looking down at the floor, few minutes passed, we started talking as if we both knew each other since centuries, as we discovered all the pieces of our art, the way his eye shines when he explains the meaning behind it, his eyes almost gets buried between his eyelids, eyelashes that land on his cheeks when he closes his eyes and smile, the way he took my hand showed me around, which didn't feel intimate but felt light and he made me feel safe even though we just met, I started falling for him and wanted to keep him by my side for the rest of my life. He also made sure he doesn't bore me, made me fall for art and more precisely made me fall for him...

End of Pov.

Fate at the right time made them meet, a girl who was least interested in art and a boy who knows nothing else expect art. Opposite poles do attract each other it seems to be.

Time skip

Dani's Pov:

Monie later dropped me at my house and we exchanged numbers, I thanked him and we planned on meeting again.

I texted on the group chat we made years ago "the best four". I shared them about monie, the meeting I never expected to happen, I was excited to share them and we four planned to meet at the same lake tomorrow.

End of Pov.

When will Yara and Jungkook meet, will it happen, will the two hearts rhythm together in synchronicity...?

[What do you think about this chapter, let me know your thoughts, I hope you liked this one, next chapter will be posted soon until then take care <3 ]

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