Via School

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  The next day, I tried to push myself out of bed and did my absolutely normal routine, not counting the first thing I checked is did he message me. And he did! A little "hello~" How did I not see that little warm hello?! Anyways I replied him with a "hi~" because I feel like hi is better and faster than hello. Then I brushed my teeth, cleaned my face, making the best appearance of myself. I had to go to school by minibus anyways, maybe I got to magically meet him there again.
  "du-du-ddu" yes, my favourite machine sound... Ok I admit I am a very weird person.
  Without knowing, I arrived at school and I walked in my classroom. Today's Day 3 and I can already smell the toxic oxygen that literature, Mandarin, Science and after school programmes left.
  5 minutes of Mandarin lesson past, but trust me I already wanted to fall asleep. How can you not fall asleep when you don't understand a single shit she's saying? However, I tried my best not to sleep or else I might have to sleep forever yes I will be dead.
  5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... Finally one lesson ended, still had one fucking lesson. 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... Finally, I am out of hell! I can fly to heaven which is the playground!
  I went down to the playground to see what my friends are doing, usually playing basketball and it's my absolute nightmare. My dribbling and shooting are so shit that I can't get past people and my shooting accuracy is just 20% or below? Anyways I joined, I am the best at getting people's ball when their team mates pass it to them. But when I walked to their direction, one of my friend that sits behind me dragged me over and talked to me. She made it look like it's a serious talk, but to me I think this is kind of extra.
"Y/N! Don't tell me you didn't realise that the hot guy in our class can't keep your eyes off you!" she stated, at that time I did feel a little under pressure for some reason.
"Say who?"
"OMFG do you not know! He litearlly sit next to me! Argh! Tony bro!"
"Tony Stark?" "I never knew he was one of our class!" I was being a worst friend I know.
"OMFG I give up on you," and she just rushed off.
  It has been a long time I have been rushed off by this basketball partner of mine, usually happens when I did something silly, which in this case I really did.
  I rethinked about what she said to me and yes I now finally realised that I had fall for him. And he had fall for me. I am not really sure if it's that guy from the minibus, but most probably cause I think I saw him before somewhere in school and I just can't remember it's him. I know this is kind of an awkward met, but like yah whatever at least he's a good guy, he's the best student in form 4, in addition the hottest dude in the room. I feel comfortable and that's already ok!
  After school I left school alone because my friend had to stay behind for some extra classes. Guess what minibus again! I am taking a minibus home! That's the only route! Just as I was about to plug into my earphones and listen to some swearing songs. The tap I felt unfamiliar first was flt again. He tapped me.
  His uniform, I had to admit, it's cleaner and more white than the one used to wear. I had no idea did he wear it like this because he knew I was in the same school and clads as him or he just bought new clothes because he became more muscular?! Then he broke the awkward slince between us and started a conversation:
"Hello Y/N!"
"Hello To-Tony," I guess I just can't speak clearly, normal when you are in front of your crush, I guess...
"Do you have time for a cup of Starbucks today?" "I changed the schedule of my soccer training to tomorrow 5 in the morning!" he sound excited really.
  I dead aired for a while. He was so desperate that he actually changed the schedule and he didn't even mind waking up at 4 or something for this? Seriously I don't know how to turn him down if I need to, but no worries, we will be together soon anyways!
  So we walked our way to Starbucks and chatted a little while walking...sweetly?!

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