Spark: Family Planning

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  I met a lot of good friends in Jake's nb team. I also realised how goalie in nb means attacker in football. So I am not saving balls after all haiya. But anyways, I found it quite fun! I get to rush out like a maniac~ walk like Frankenstein~(sry)
  Today's a Friday and like every Friday, we will have training, especially these week cause the city states will compete each other in the biggest nb tournament, the nb tackle. The name sucks I know. I somwhow got on the starting list, I guess I got potential or are they short on people mhm.
  A month passed and dates have flew by to the last day before the tournement starts. We had extra training today so we can get use to the formation. I've never seen people so confident and focused on training today, even Jake he seemed scared idk he be shivering.
  Jake and I are both goalies, fyi. He stands in the middle and I stand on the right. There's also this move we have been practicing requires the middle and right goalie to do it together. We have been practicing but it never seem to work out like the way coach told us to. The coach always said today or in the competition it will work but I don't see the difference. Anyways we kept practicing the move but this time something different happened.
  I ran to the front, Jake passed the ball to me and he jumps up to catch the ball with me and we both kick it to the square, yea pretty simple when you can fly. However, today something additional happened, the coach never described that in his explaination.
  I ran forward and Jake did what he need to do. We both touched the ball, but as we touched the ball, a spark lighted, big enough to cover the both of us and spin us around so fast I alsmot vomited. Then there was this force kind of stuff that pushed us to the ball yet again, but this time we are able to sit on the ball as it grew bigger. As the force got bigger, Jake and I got closer and closer until our lops met each other. Till that the spark's gone. We didn't break the kiss though, cause we didn't care.
  After we broke it cause we both don't have a 3 min lung capacity. We flew back to the ground, or should I say fell down...
  Then we continued practicing like nothing happened. I kept asking Jake what was that and he just only replied me tell me home.
  At home Jake was walking back and forth from the bedroom and the living room, while I was just looking at him blankly, sitting on the couch without doing anything. My head turned in sync with his walking pace. Until I wake up from this head exercise, Jake was already sitting next to me.
"Ay you know what was that," Jake asked in a sleepy voice.
  I shook my head.
"That was a love spark only couples who truly love each other and married couples can make it happen," Jake explained, but I don't really understand how, who cares though.
"How do you know so much Jakey," I've decided to ask this because this just ran out of my mouth without thinking twice.
"Um...I saw one of my best friends did this with his girlfriend. Then I searched this thing on Goobo, and it said what I just said," he said this almost too confidently.
"Does it have to happen at thr pitch though," I continued to be Socrates.
" can happen anywhere, even on beds," he said while evil staring at me.
  I knew at first glance what he meant, I was not ready for this, what if we are doing this in no condom style, what do I do...
  Without my permission, um yea, he pulled me to bed bridal style and he throw me with him on the bed, making me on the bottom, and he be lying on me, his muscular body OMFG.
"Come on baby, it's time for us to make our own baby, it's your parents and my parents last words," ok he just used our parents to convince me, wow what a speaker.
  I think you guys all know how babies are made right? If you don't know, I hope you can stop reading and goobo it... I mean don't. Anyways back to the story.
  Everything was fine for the first 3 minutes, as we were somewhat wearing clothes, but then he decided we are going too slow and tore his clothes apart and took off his pants and underpants ofc. I was actually waiting for this. Then he laid his hands on my chest and took of my tee, then my bra, then um my well bottom-(shit I am disgusted) Now we were both naked, that's more like it?! We will break our bed today, good thing it's only $500 haiya...
  Frankly speaking though, naked hugging feels even better than wearing pants and dresses. However, IT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD DOING THIS WITHOUT CONDOM! We are doing this so what called sexual intercourse, but we making it extra- So Jake decided to do 5 rounds with condom first, like what we used to do, then he will start his 'hard work'.
  The first 5 rounds were intense in all but I can feel he saved some strength for later... Then he threw away the condom... I screamed, already, he didn't even do anything. Then you know what he will do next. He became a little too aggressive in sucking and I felt like my vagina is breaking into two. And you know what, it's not just my vagina breaking, also my throat cause I am screaming my lungs out here, he may have added to much power in the penis and when it came But with this going on, Jake may have gotten sicl of my desperate scream, so he kissed me on the lips just to make me stop screaming. He kissed roughly on me, and I give him back one, I don't have energy anymore haiya.
  (decided to stop describing this)
  A few hours later it be 1 am, Jake decided to stop cause he had to go to work tomorrow morning. Yes we this type of vampires work in the time range just like humans. As we put back on our pjs, we slept, but before that jake pecked my lips, I did the same.

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