Extra: Truths

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After the yellow eyed gang left, the red eyed dude vanished itself. Jake flew down and hugged me tight. He was breathing heavily and what happened explained it all.
"God thank god you're ok!" he looked into my eyes and said while sweating and holding both my hands.
"What happened!?" I asked because I have to know I am writing this down in my journal bro.
"Um..." he stumped. "Um...eh...well...eh...I will tell you um...after we get-get home," he finally said something I understand.
That's weird, he never talked like that. I wonder what I said to make him like this.
Before we left the arena, we looked at the tables. It was full of blood and a few dead or fainted bodies lying on the floor. We contacted the receptionist and called a bunch of ambulances. We got back on our cars after everyone who survived this invasion. Unfortunately, only around half of the people we invited survived, excluding both our parents... Let's take a moment to reflect on how we treated them... Just kidding...
We got home fast and we cleaned ourselves. Jake took his longest bath because he felt like he had just came back from fighting in WW2. However, after we finished bathing and me drying my magnificently long hair, we both collapsed on the bed and slept. We didn't even do bed sports like what couples usually do after marriage.
The next day, I woke up super late. Jake woke up before me. He made breakfast for me, he made my favourite egg omelet.
We finished eating, then we stared at each other. We don't know what to do, eventually we played some PS5.
After a lot of rounds of winning, Jake made a punishment for me. He said to do the thing back yesterday, he decided todo it now. He even promised to open the AC for me... He looked at me with puppy eyes and his lips were moving a bit. I somewhat got melted and convinced so we ran to the bed. Guess what I went there first, I win again!
A few hours later is 1 pm, we both felt hungry so we called takeaway from a random shop on the menu. Then I remembered what Jakr said before we left the wedding hall, the eh ums.
"Listen honey, you know the wizarding world right?" I nodded.
"Well I um actually ca-came from there. So in other words I am a pure blood..." he said without looking at me.
I was shocked, too shocked to speak. What?! I've married a wizard? I wish I was a witch, so that I can play magical matches with him...
"And one more thing... It's the most important, um how should I put this... I'm not human..."
"No no! Calm down! I'm a good monster! I'm just a vampire-I-..."
I stopped fucking after he said he was a vampire. I love vampires, vampires are the monster I love the most, including werewolves. However, I just can't believe he fell for me like what does Jake even see in me, you see it? I don't see it- But then he said something surprising about me I don't even know.
"There's a reason why I love you Y/N," he started while he touched my jaw line softly.
"You're also a vampire," he said and held my hand.
"I know you don't know, but it's because no body told you and you're a different kind of vampire. Only people who truly love this kind of vampire can tell they are vampires," he said.
"Fucccccccccccc," I said again.
"I can bring you back to our home where all vampires belong! To be honest you are quite famous there," he said with puppy eyes again so I agreed and he died of happiness.
How do we get there though, I don't think GPS works here. But wizards are wizards, they had their own magical way. And today we used the traditional broom way... I wonder if I am a witch! I asked Jake on the way and he said yes! I'm not a muggle!
We flew for a few hours and let me tell you I tumbled a thousand times. And we reached the entrance of the wizarding world. In here we just had to put our hands in the scanner and we were in. I saw everyone did it and the scanner will either say welcome back or get out, but when I put my hands on it, it saif different...
"Welcome back Mrs Y/S! We've been missing you especially head of wizarding school," the machine said with a narrative voice.
I could feel Jake smiling all to brightly anf others be looking at me, now I see why I'm 'famous'...
All I could think of now was having a nice sleep cause it's like 11 pm already, but it looked like Jake had something planned for me. He took me to his mansion which seemed to have every single facility you can think of, even a football pitch?! I love this place! Jake opened the door and I almost fainted.
It was decorated with dark colours especially black and dark red, there are spider webs and fake bats around the corner. I also saw some like werewolf scars on the wall. I was never scared of this and in fact I find them interesting, I guess it's because I'm a vampire and these are part of our life. Then Jake closed my eyes and I felt myself levitated to another dimension or something. Jake then slowly opened his hands and I saw a large rook with a table of 2 in front of me. There's 2 cup of blood on the table and a suoer tiny candle in the middle. There's balloons in the room as well that says I LOVE YOU, well um yea. I could tell this room was a basketball court though. We're having a dinner date, after marriage...an unusual and tragic marriage.
We had steak, but I guess nothing's normal here anymore. The steak looked like normal steak, but when you eat it, you can feel smoke burning in your body until all of them brust out in your ears. It's quite horrible actually, you feel like your ears going to break... But the main character here was the blood beverage. Blood, the reddest beverage I've ever drunk, was the best drink I've ever had. Maybe because vampires drink blood, but it's amazing, I recommend you try it.
Then Jake gave me a box, a present. He told me to open it and I did. I opened it and I only saw a pair of extra large and thick gloves, looks like goalie gloves to me but you know football doesn't exist here.
"Babi, those are the gloves for a game of football here, we call it nb here," ok I guessed right.
"This is the newest version of the gloves and you can be goalie because your relatives all have been fantastic goalies throughout the past centuries! Our team needs a goalie that has potential," he was using puppy eyes weapon again.
Anyways, football is my favourite sport, so I guess nb will be the same! He took me to a training field right after I said yes... I wore the gloves and damn I'm already sweating, and the suit?! Damn even hotter.

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