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"Yes" Scott whispered to know one and I knew he was answering whatever question Jackson had

My eyes moved down to Scott's hand as he gripped the bottle right and then his tray

"Scott come on. you can't let him do this. You can't let him have this kind of power over you. Okay?" His hand still gripped the tray harder and eventually it broke. Everyone turned to Scott on I quickly ducked under the table so Allison couldn't see me

"Do you think she saw me?" I asked once everyone went back to what they were doing after seeing Scott's lunch tray in half

"Nah I think you're good" stiles said and I slowly lifted myself so I could see above the table
"We need to find out who sent the message to you and Allison. So meet me after school okay?"

"Okay" I mumbled taking a sip of my water

"I told my mum I drink water" I mumbled to Scott and he laughed

"Are you sure. It looks like soda to me" i narrowed my eyes at him

"Very funny" i mumbled
"Hilarious" stiles looked back and forth between the 2 of us with a confused expression

"Wait I don't understand the joke"


"Okay let's get started" stiles said walking over to his laptop and sitting down. I went to the bed beside him and sat there waiting for him to start the search on what happened that night

"How did I get dragged into this?" I mumbled and stiles shrugged

"I dont know honestly"

"Hey stiles!" I heard his dad shout. We both looked to the door seeing a figure beside it at the same time shocking the both of us

"Yo da-Derek" I jumped at seeing Derek there and he held his finger to his lips before pointing to the door.

Stiles quickly ran up to stop his dad from entering and kept the door shut slightly so he couldn't see fully inside

"Whatd you say?" His dad asked confused

"What? I said 'yo dad" his eyes scanned the room before they landed on me

"Who is that?" He looked behind the door to me and stiles moved out the way slightly allowing me to be fully seen

"My names Avery. It's nice to meet you" he held out his hand which I shook

"You two studying?" He asked and I nodded

"He's more helping me, I'm struggling at maths which is something he's got an A in so he offered to help"

"Oh that's nice of you stiles" he said turning to us both
"Well I got some stuff to do today. But I'm gonna be there tonight for your first game"

"my first game. gosh. great. awesome. Uh good"

"I'm very happy for you. And I'm very proud of you"

"Thanks. Me, too. I'm happy and proud of myself"

"So they're really gonna let you play right?"

"Yeah dad I'm first line. You bet"

"I'm very proud"

"Oh, me too. Again, I'm-" his dad hugged him cutting him off
"Huggie. Huggie, Huggie" he moved back away from stiles and pursed his lips, probably wondering why stiles was acting so weird today hit he brushed it off
"See you there"

"Take it easy"

"By mr stilinski" he waved before walking off and me and stiles walked back in the room before shutting the door

Hunters daughter - Derek hale ✔️Where stories live. Discover now