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We all looked as stiles got out of the car and threw a beaker to the alpha who caught it in his hand easily

"Oh damn"

"Allison!" Scott threw the archery thing to her and she shot the beaker sending it and it's contents onto the alpha and lighting its arm on fire. Jackson threw the next one and the whole thing went In flames and that's when Scott kicked it, sending it to the floor.

Derek came out and walked over to Peter

"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one that bit you. Derek if you do this I'm dead. What am I supposed to do?!"

"You've already made up your mind. I can smell it on you" Peter said painfully

Derek said nothing and raised his hand, claws up before he slashed peters throat killing him and his eyes turned red as Peters dimmed down

"Mum" I whispered remembering she's still on the floor and quickly ran away from beside Chris who was now up and ran to her

"Mum!" I sat down beside her body and shook it and tears came to my eyes as she didn't wake up

I knew she was dead. I did. but I just couldn't believe it

"Come on mum please!" I sobbed as I didn't stop shaking her

"Avery" I heard chris but I didn't stop
"She's gone. She's gone"

"S-she can't be" he grabbed my arms and pulled me away from her and I noticed Allison behind him

"She is. She wasn't good for you anyways" I scoffed and pushed him away

"How dare you!"


"No" I sobbed
"You we're just as bad as she is because you knew! You knew everything she did to me! You let her do what she did to me!"

"I tried!"

"No you didn't. You were the one to patch me up. When my blood was filling up the bathroom sink you drained it. You plastered and sewed up all my wounds. You knew where my bruises came from"

"Dad?" Allison whispered looking between us and she looked utterly shocked and hurt at her dad

"So don't you dare tell me, if I can or cannot mourn my mother's death because your not any better" I pushed past him and saw Scott stiles and Derek outside so I just ignored them knowing they heard and ran off back into the woods


"Avery!" I heard a shout but I didn't stop running

"Avery!" Derek ran in front of me sending my body into his and he wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed

"Shh, shh, your okay" he ran his hand up and down my back in a comforting motion and I put my arms around his torso

"Do you want to come with me?" I nodded against his chest and he walked with me to his car and set me in there before driving off


We sooner or later got to his loft place where he was staying that actually had bedrooms in that you couldn't just see and he went to his drawer and handed me some clothes

"You can change" he pointed to a bathroom and I thanked before changing and coming out and sitting beside him on his bed. I was still crying at this point but I wasn't sobbing as tears just silently fell down my cheeks

"Come here" he whispered and he placed me on a lap. My head was against his neck and my arms were wrapped around him as I basically sat on his lap

"It's okay to feel sad" he told me

"Is it though? With all the horrible things she did?"

"She's still your mum, you will always love her"

Derek was right. We were family, bonded by blood but other than that there was no love between us. And that's what hurt the most.

"I don't want to" I mumbled and he nodded

"You never want to love anyone. It just happens"


This is the end of my story. If you want the next season comment and I'll do it.

Hope you liked the book

-Kylie ❤️

Update 11/08/22

I'm thinking of getting rid of this book. Deleting it, i dont know why I just don't really like it. I may just keep it up but it's just a thought. This also means that I most likely won't want to make a second book for this

I'm sorry

Hunters daughter - Derek hale ✔️Where stories live. Discover now