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After my shower the following night I got ready, dressing into my pyjamas. I walked out of my room drying my 2 french braid plaits I had just did in my hair I sighed as I put the towel down

"Ahh!" I jumped as I looked at someone standing in the edge of my room but once he turned on the light I realised it was Derek

Luckily no one was here tonight so I didn't have to worry about being to loud

He looked kind of defeated in a way and I felt horrible

"Derek" I mumbled in relief and walked over to him hugging him. I was just so relieved that he was actually okay I couldn't hold myself back

As I went to pull away he wrapped his arms around my middle and held me close to him as he buried his face in my neck

"What happened?" I asked pulling away but he didn't say anything and instead held me tighter, keeping me in his warm embrace

I sighed and pulled away slightly and I led him to the edge of my bed where I sat down and he followed and I placed my head on his shoulder and he placed his head on top of mine

"I don't want to talk about it" he muttered and I nodded

"We don't have to. But it's not your fault" he lifted his head up and I followed looking at him

"What if it is?"

"It isn't. All you want to do is help, for everyone to be safe. Your not wrong for that"


"That was most likely uncle Chris" I told Scott and stiles over the phone

They had just told me how they found him trying to help out Jackson but as Jackson went to get in the car with them he fixed it

"What do you mean?"

"The car worked after right?"


"It's a device. He placed it on Jackson's car and activated it to stop his car when he wants. He must've done that and when he saw you guys he took it off allowing it to work again"

"That son of-"

"Hey. Don't finish that sentence" I said to him, stopping him from swearing at my uncle

"Right sorry aves"

"It's no problem. But I got to go" I said

"Okay, I'll see you then"

"Alright bye"


"Get up" my mom woke me up the next day
"I dont care whether you stay in your pyjamas or not but out your shoes on. We're leaving now" thankfully I was wearing just a tracksuit to bed since it was cold last night so I just put some shoes on and went downstairs where she was already waiting for me

We left the house and got in the car and from how she wasn't talking I could tell it was important

"I've already showed Allison this, because I felt she needed to see it first but you deserve to see it too. She also knows everything" my mum said from outside the place we was supposed to go in.

It was kind of hard to believe that Allison now knew everything, I just didn't think she would get told this soon especially since uncle Chris didn't want her to know anything yet

She opened the door and shut it behind both of us and went to a light before turning it on revealing a tied up Derek against a metal wall thing

I gasped at how he looked and I could tell my mums been here a few times probably hurting him

Hunters daughter - Derek hale ✔️Where stories live. Discover now