🎀Prom night🎀

952 6 18

Type: Fluff

Zander stepped out of his mom's old purple convertible, the small heel on the back of his pitch black shoes hit the concrete below, creating an echoing sound through the street.

"Right," A female voice was heard as they positioned the car to the side of the road; the engine still running, creating an unusual smell, "Have you got everything?" She asked, turning herself to face her son.

Zander huffed, giving off an embarrassed look, "You mean the flowers?" He muttered, holding up a beautiful bouquet of red roses, "Because if so, then yes, they're right here." He grumbled, his face turning the same colour as the flowers in his hands.

Shannon clasped her hands in delight, "Oh Luke is such a lucky guy. He's going to love them!" She cheered, putting a hand on her son's cheek.

"Mom! Not so loud!" The pianist scolded, aggressively removing her hand from his cheek.

The elder giggled before giving her son a kiss on the forehead and tucking a few strands of hair out of his face, "Gosh you're so handsome." She praised, admiring Zander in delight, "I'm so proud of you, Alex."

Zander blushed at this, though he wasn't going to let his mom praise him for long, "I'm not handsome.." he muttered, still red faced.

"Oh gosh yes you are. You've grown up into such a wonderful young man, and I'm so so proud of you." Shannon continued, causing Zander to stop her mid way.

"Moooom! Stop!" He groaned, slamming the car door shut and clutching onto the bouquet in his hands.

Shannon simply replied with a giggle before calling, "Have a great prom!" and drove away into the distance.

Prom. A night to remember. Everyone in school would go wild for this one night of their lives, and this night was Zander's senior prom.


"GAH!!" Zander jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder and quickly spun around, "Hailey!" He grumbled.

The shorter girl giggled as a response, "Are you excited for our senior prom?" She asked very unusually energetically, putting emphasis on the 'senior'.

Zander took a sigh of hope before nodding slowly, "Yeah. Yeah I am. Though I still don't know why Michael had to drive you here." He questioned, looking up at his stepsister in confusion as he tried all he could to hide the flowers behind his back, and thankfully, Hailey hadn't noticed them so far.

"Well," She closed her eyes, taking in the fresh scent of the night air, "I couldn't be seen in the same car as you!" She teased, obviously joking as she lightly nudged Zander in the left arm, opposite to the one holding the red roses.

"Shut up, Hailey. Everyone already knows that we're step siblings anyway." The pianist gave a 'You're an idiot but I love you' smile towards his sister, who he indeed loved very much.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Hailey gave a stupid grin before something caught her eye, and she was quick to question, "What's that behind your back...?"

Zander froze before blushing madly, "W-what?" He stuttered, trying to hide the flowers better to prevent Hailey from questioning him more.

"Come on, Zander. I'm not stupid. What's that behind your back?" Hailey came up to him and tried to take the mystery item away from him and put it in her view, but before she could, a voice was heard in the distance.

"Hey Zander, Hailey!" The deep voice echoed through the street, making Zander's heart flutter, knowing exactly who it belonged to.

"Luke~" He put his hand on his own chest and his face soon became lovestruck, "Hey..."

As Luke's eyes met Zander's, he too became in a similar state as his boyfriend, "Hey, cutie."

Hailey tried her best not to giggle at the nickname Luke was giving, putting a hand over her mouth as she stepped back slowly.

"LUKE!" Zander complained, "Not while she's here!" He whispered this time, the exact opposite of before as he gestured towards Hailey.

Luke chuckled before giving Zander a small kiss on the cheek, "Sorry love, I just couldn't help myself."

"Ok! I think I'm gonna go ahead and run inside the school because I'm not watching you two make out before you've even got inside!" Hailey half chuckled before her legs started taking her in the direction of which she desired.

This left Zander a blushing mess, and Luke a half blushing mess as it didn't really bother him so much.

Then suddenly Zander remembered something, so he unexpectedly held out the red roses towards Luke, squinting his eyes shut just incase, and his face was now completely red.

Luke stepped back in shock, "What's this?!" He chuckled, admiring the pretty sight, "Flowers?" He giggled.

Zander carefully opened his eyes as he was met with Luke giving an adorable expression to him, "U-um, they're for Y-you..." He stuttered, keeping his eyes fixated on the rough concrete below.

"For me? Aw, Zander, they're beautiful!" Luke gratefully thanked Zander with joy before taking the flowers in his own hands and smelling them; the sweetest smell you could imagine ejected from them and trickled up Luke's nostrils, "Mmm, they smell lovely. Thank you so much!" He pecked Zander on the lips as a thanks.

"N-no problem..." Zander blushed, though happy and proud of himself for doing that and making Luke so happy.

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, I-I didn't really have time to get you anyth-"

"Luke! It's fine, really. I wasn't expecting anything from you." Zander interrupted, coming closer to his boyfriend, "But... I know what you could give me..." He muttered, putting his hands in Luke's shoulders.

"And what's that?" Luke asked, though he had an idea of what Zander wanted.

"A kiss~" The latter hummed contently, smiling at the brunette. "A nice, warm kiss."

Luke's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he grinned back in response, "A kiss? Hm, I think I can do that for you~" he teased before wrapping his arms around Zander's waist, the flowers still in his hand, before pulling him in closer as their lips met. It was a rather deep kiss, but secretly that's what Zander was hoping for anyway, so he enjoyed it very much.

After pulling away, a small string of saliva was visible, connecting their lips. "Thank you very much." Zander giggled, wiping his mouth, giving Luke a sweet smile.

"You're very welcome." The brunette kept his arms around his small figure of a boyfriend as he felt him slightly shivering, "You cold?" He asked, rubbing Zander's back in circles.

"A little, can we go inside and actually start this damn thing?" The shorter replied, cocking a brow.

Luke chuckled before holding his arm out for him, "Of course, let's go and start our senior prom."

And with that, Zander grabbed Luke's arm and they both walked into the school building, all ready to start the best night of their lives.


Hey guyz,. I hoped you liked this one. I'm thinking about writing a little more smut/lime in this book since I haven't done that in a while so I think the next chapter will probably be smut of some kind.... If you don't like smut then that's your loss/j

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed

Byyyeee 👁️👄👁️

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