Chapter 1: Returning to Portoroso

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Years later in Genova

Ariel was now 16, her sister Sheila was 14, and her brother Enrico was 12, Ariel sas in her sophmore year with her friends Lori, Malasia, Kianin and Santiago and summer.

They stopped by their lockers and there was Ariel's crush, Erick Triton, who loves sailing, ocean life, and looks like prince Eric from the book.

Ariel said, "Finally this school year was the worst and we better go quick."

Santiago said, "Hey Ariel maybe this could be a chance to confess to your crush before summer vacation."

Ariel took a deep breath and went up to her crush Erick and gave him a love letter confessing her feelings for him.

Erick gently pushed the letter back to Ariel and said,

"Ariel... look I like you but only as a friend... I think you deserve someone better than me that likes your interest and wouldn't mind your personality, so I'm sorry."

He left Ariel there in tears with a broken heart, her friends cheered her up and supported her.

The next day at the train station

Ariel said, "Wish you guys can come along with me."

Malasia said, "Us too but we all have plans this summer so let's enjoy it and you got us girl."

Kianin trying to hold back her tears, they all hugged, Ariel got on the train with her brother, sister and cousins to head to Portoroso.

The train took off for Portoroso

Sheila noticed Ariel was still upset like yesterday and asked,

"Are you okay Ariel? You've been like that since yesterday."

Ariel said, "Not really... yesterday my crush rejected me and I feel like I'm not good enough."

Sheila hugged her and assured her that something good will happen."

At the train station

Luca and Alberto were waiting for the kids and they had a big surprise for them.

They arrived

Sheila, Enrico and Ariel hugged Luca and Alberto.

Alberto said, "Oh, there's someone who wants to meet you three, meet your new baby brother Matteo."

He showed them a small baby boy, Matteo cooed.

Ariel held him and said, "Hello our little brother."

Matteo giggles

Enrico said, "A brother? About time but since when?"

Luca said, "A few days ago, when I found I was pregnant with another baby, me and your dad decided to surprise you kids."

They went to the pescheria where they saw their grandparents and Massimo had prepared them their favorite Trenette al pesto.

Everything was going great until...

Luca said, "Ariel, I am disappointed in you."

Ariel said, "Why? What did I do?"

Luca showed her report card with and said,

"There's a B and a C on your report card! You said you were gonna try harder this time."

Ariel saidn "I did my best and worked very hard and my teacher said I was improving."

Luca said, "Not to me and if you want all A's your going to summer school."

Ariel got angry and said,

"I can'twait till I turn 18 so I cant leave."

She went home angrily leaving Luca shocked.

Alberto said, "Luca can't you see your being to hard on her you know she's still a kid."

Luca said, "I know but I want her to have a good future and what plans will she have? Sheila and Enrico have their plans and Ariel can't live in her fantasy anymore."

Alberto said, "You can't force her to give up something she loves... you know Luca you and Ariel use to be so close whatever happened to you two."

Luca sighed and quietly said, "I often wondered the same thing."

With Ariel

She was in her room on the phone with her friends

Ariel said, "He never lets me live my life and I know it's awful saying it but I can't wait till I'm 18 to travel on my vespa, live my life to the fullest, after traveling I can work at the pescheria to stay living in Portoroso and maybe find my special someone."

Santiago said, "Hey I know you want that for your life but just remember your mom just wants the best for you and just don't say anything you might regret."

Ariel said, "I know, I'll talk to you guys later."

She hanged up and lay down trying to calm herself down for yet another day of summer feeling alone.

Ariel x Alba love story🏳️‍🌈🐟🇮🇹🇵🇷❤Where stories live. Discover now