Chapter 2 :Unexpected meeting/feelings

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The next day

Ariel got ready for the day for her so called "summer classes" Luca signed her up for.

She hugged Sheila, Enrico, Alberto and kissed Matteo's cheek but walked passed Luca.

Luca said, "Ariel, your forgetting something."

He held his arms out for a hug but Ariel took her lunch leaving Luca speechless.

Ariel then left while saying, "Well see you all tonight."

She left the house but didn't go to the summer school instead she used her grandfather's boat and went to the island to pass the time.

On the island there was a figure theren Ariel got to the island and took a closer look, she saw a really pretty girl and everything was in slow motion for a bit and out of nowhere her heart started beating.

The girl had brown skin, mixed light and dark brown eyes, mixed colored hair color, her hair was short and half shaved, extra piecings on one ear, on her cheek, wearing a short top colroed red, orange and yellow, along with blue ripped jean shorts.

For a second it felt like it was just the two of them in the whole wide world but she snapped back to reality.

Ariel approached and said, "Hello there new girl why are you on this island?"

Alba said, "My name's Alba Rossi Russo and sorry if I'm intruding?"

Ariel wanted to make a good first impression so she made up a lie and said,

"I'm Ariel and your not intruding no one lives here... well actually I do from time to time, I'm kinda an expert on being solo."

Alba said, "Cool and I've never been on this island before mind showing me around."

Ariel showed her around, the tower, trees, hills and the cliff with an amazing view.

Alba said, "Wow this view is as beautiful as the views in Puerto Rico."

Ariel said, "Puerto Rico? You mean your not from here?"

Alba said, "I'm actually half Puerto Rican I'm also half italian from my mother's side, she told me she was from here before travelling after meeting my dad."

Ariel said, "That's so cool where are your parents."

Alba looks down and said, "Divorced... my dad moved to America in New York and I stayed in Puerto Rico with my mom but now I live with my foster family and cute little Blanca."

Ariel said, "Oh my I'm so sorry for your loss."

Alba said, "Oh no my mom's alive but she had to leave for a while but I know she will return one day I know it in my heart."

Then as they took another step a piece of the cliff broke and they both fell into the ocean.

Ariel turned to a sea monster and turned to Alba who also turned into a sea monster herself, her scales were orange, red and yellow as the sunset.

Ariel's face turned red.

Both Ariel and Alba said,

"Your a sea monster too!?"

Ariel took Alba and they got to the shore.

Alba said, "I can't belive it another sea monster I thought my mother and I were the only sea monsters left but now there's another one just like me."

She held Ariel's hands all excitedly.

Ariel blushed and said, "Well I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow."

She left for home on time and she couldn't stop thinking about her.

At dinner time

As everyone talked, Ariel just poked at her food, she couldn't stop thinking about Alba.

Daniela noticed and said, "Ariel? What's on your mind?"

Ariel said, "Oh... well I was just curious... is it normal for someone to crush on boys and also girls?"

Daniela said, "Yes it's normal and why have a crush on someone?"

Sheila snickered and said,

"Or is it another book character?"

Ariel got angry and shouted a little, "Sheila!"

Sheila and Enrico laughed.

Luca said, "I'm serious Ariel you need to move on from those children books and think about your future."

Ariel said, "I already thought of my future, once I turn 18 I'll travel to explore, come back to Portoroso, work at the pescheria, and live my life to the fullest."

Luca said, "No you will not! You can't even take care of yourself! Your irresponsible! And with that attitude you'll have trouble when your in your 30s."

Ariel looked down angrily trying not to cry, she got up, went to her room and slammed the door shut.

Everyone left the room except Alberto.

As they were cleaning up Luca ended up muttering angrily.

Alberto said, "You know teenagers these days now Luca."

Luca sighed as he turned to Alberto and said,

"I still blame you, rebelliousness, stubbornness and too much freedom, entirely from you."

Alberto said, "Luca calm down okay, just go and talk to her."

Luca said, "Fine but hopefully she would actually listen and not cover her ears from when I try to talk to her."

Alberto said, "Look pretend I'm Ariel, *in a high pitch voice* I hate high school, I wanna live my life to the fullest, live in my fantasy world until the day I grow really really old."

Luca practiced on how he wanted to talk to her like he wants her to have a bright future, you will thank me later when you have a comfortable and simple life I want for you because that's what I wanted for you since the day you were born.

Alberto kissed Luca's head and said,

"You got this Luca just wait for the right time to tell her."

In Ariel's room

She was thinking of Alba every second and was excited to see her the next day.

Ariel to the window to look at the island and actually could only think about Alba.

Ariel x Alba love story🏳️‍🌈🐟🇮🇹🇵🇷❤Where stories live. Discover now