You Can't Kill Me!

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Chapter 3, You can’t kill me!

Ethan’s POV

Me: No you can’t kill me! I need Bridget more then you will ever need her! Austin: Shut up and stop talking or I will kill you really fast. Me: Hey everybody I’m stupid Austin WITH NO LIFE! Austin: Ok! You asked for it. I stuck my tongue out at him. He cut my arm with the knife. Me: sorry… Austin: SHUT UP ALREADY Me: BLAH BLAH BLAH. Austin chucked me with the knife on my cheek it hurt a lot. Ethan: Somebody save me from this evil world. Austin slapped me across the face and started cutting me with the knife and then he started punching me in the mouth there was blood in my mouth my eyes closed at I thought it was a bad dream.

Bridget’s POV

I heard a lot of screaming in pain and things from that room. I broke open the door and walked in. I saw Ethan Tied in a chair with blood in his mouth as it was wide open and I saw scratches on his face form Austin’s fingernails and I saw a bloody knife in Austin’s hand as he cut Ethan’s hands with it.

Ethan’s POV

I felt like my blood stopped running and my vanes are turning blue and black as I slept for a while wishing it was a dream. It was real I opened my eyes and my mouth was filled with blood so I couldn’t talk. I saw Austin cutting my vanes with the knife suddenly I passed out and was bleeding all over. This is a horrible nightmare world only it is not fake I will die and I know it.

Bridget’s POV

I slapped Austin across the face. The ropes were so tight for Ethan I could see his hands turn blue. He was going to die. He is not only a seer though; he is a 5 life person. He might or might not come back to life. I looked at Ethan. His vanes were now black then his whole body turned blue I untied him and carried him to his house. I saw Ethan’s mom sitting on the couch. Me: I think Ethan is dead. He got seriously hurt my Austin and he got knifed several times. Ethan’s mom: He probably isn’t dead. Maybe he’s sleeping or something. Me: No he is dead. I did everything I could but Ethan didn’t wake up which means he is dead. I held his arm and he wasn’t blue anymore. Ethan: ghhhhughooppperrttyui. He was still on my lap and I didn’t know what he was doing. Me: Ethan are you ok? But all he did was weird sounds his eyes turned red and he got up. Me: you ok? Ethan: Never better. I went to my house and I went to bed.

Ethan’s POV

I couldn’t control myself I was lost in my mind or something and my body turned evil. I can see not talk though. I watched the body.-from now on this is the body I’m talking about- I walked into Bridget’s room slowly so she couldn’t hear me. I got out a knife and stabbed her. But she wasn’t dead. Bridget woke up. Bridget: Ethan! What are you doing trying to kill me or something? Ethan’s body: I hate you so much because I never liked you and you should go with Austin. Bridget: What? He’s dead and what are you talking about? Ethan’s body: I HATE YOU. Bridget: Well why did you like me before then! I hate you too then! Ethan’s body left. I was all alone and sad why did my body do that? Did Austin do it or something? When it was day time I could control myself. Bridget went my room which I was in. She smacked me across the face and started crying. Me: It wasn’t me! This weird thing Austin did to me is what it was. I was in my mind and couldn’t control my body! Bridget: Get out of my life moron! I started crying. Me: I’ll jump off a cliff! Bridget: Good! I started crying. She laughed at me. And she left.

Bridget’s POV

I went to town and saw Ethan and he looked like he was going to cry stuck my tongue out at him. He frowned and cried. Something was wrong. What was I doing? He wasn’t kidding was he? I want to tell him sorry. Suddenly I saw him go to a cliff and he was about to jump off.

Ethan’s POV

I’m going to jump off a cliff just for the love of my life. I jumped and heard someone screaming was it Bridget? Me: Why am I doing this? I’m going to die. My worst nightmare AHHHHH. Bridget: I’M SORRY ETHAN I FORGIVE YOU IT’S OK DON’T DIE! Me: I’m landing soon which means I’m going to die I’m sorry I do it for love. Either I die right now with my pocket knife while I’m falling or….. Suddenly I was on the ground dead. Bridget: Or what?! Ethan are you ok? She looked down and I was dead. She started to cry a little. Will I come back to life? Or stay flat on the ground. Bridget: Ethan I just want you to know I loved you and always have and I wish I kissed you but I never had the courage too. Suddenly I got up and was ok. But I was stuck down there. Me: Let me up! Bridget: Ok You’re alive! She got a rope and pulled me up. I was kind of sad. Bridget: What’s wrong? Me: Nothing. I started frowning. Bridget: Tell me. Me: Fine, it’s because you’ve never kissed me and it’s like it isn’t love anymore without kisses. She leaned into me and kissed me for 20 seconds. Bridget: I’ve always loved you Ethan. Me: I love you too. We started to hug. I smiled. Me: When I’m old and going to die I will… Bridget: What? Me: Die with you in my arms. Bridget: That’s so sweet! Ethan: I have 50 lives you only have one I must protect you at all times. Bridget: I won’t die you don’t need to protect me everyone thinks your weak no offence. Me: I’m weak? I picked up a giant rock and threw it off the cliff. Bridget: Whoa well that’s strength not what I’m talking about. Me: See Rory over there? I ran to him super-fast and pounced on him. I started to get in a fight with him I started scratching him in the face and punching him. Bridget: Stop it! Me: No I have to be strong and tough. I saw blood on Rory’s eyes. I was punching him like a maniac. It was night time and my eyes turned red. Rory got out a gun and I ran away well, my body did. Bridget pounced on me and my body got out a gun. Me: :O I didn’t want her to die so I started to get really mad and I was my own body again. I threw the gun. Bridget: What’s gotten into you Ethan? Me: It wasn’t me again every time it’s nighttime I just can’t control my body. Me: Well I told you I was strong and tough anyways.  Bridget: Whatever. Me: I’m a special seer because I have 50 lives. 5 are already gone though maybe 5 or 3. I ran home. Bridget followed me. Me: Why are you following me? Bridget: I want to sleep at your house. Me: Where? Bridget: In your room with a sleeping bag. Me: Ok. She went to her house and her things for bed. Me: want to watch a movie? Bridget: Yeah! We watched a movie and I liked it. Me: time for bed. We slept. I heard a crack in the door. I looked and it was Jane Me: what do you want Jane? Jane: Put me to bed. Me: No. Jane: Do it now or else. Me: or else what? Jane: I will do something to you in class at your school. Me: Good. She left. I fell asleep after that. It was daytime now. Me: Want me to walk you to school? Bridget: Sure. I was walking with her to school. Me: Did you know there is a school dance after school? Bridget: Yeah. Me: Do you want to go with me? Bridget: Of course Ethan I love you. Soon we got there. After school I went home. I put on a tux and was ready for my dance. Bridget knocked on the door. I opened it. She was more beautiful than ever! She was in a big red dress. I drove her to the school dance. DJ: Ok let’s start slow music first. He put on a slow song. I had my arms around her waist the whole time. We kissed for a long time. Bridget: I’m going to get some punch I will be right back

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