Horrible Ethan

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Chapter 7, Horrible Ethan
 Austin: Who is making those shocks? Me: Why do you care pint size? Austin: This isn’t you, Ethan, stop acting like a jerk. Me: Jerk? Austin: You’re a JERK. Me: What did you just say…? Austin: JERK. Me: I’m gonna beat you up wimp. Austin: Help! Me: No escaping now. My eyes flashed more red. Austin: Please don’t kill me! I was walking closer and closer to him as he backed up. I got out my pocket knife. Me: Ha ha. Austin: My life is too short and here’s your 50 lives back by the way. He held the jar near me. My powers were back. My eyes turned normal. Me: Thanks. My eyes turned red again. Austin: I have to be nice to you…? Me: Ewe I hate that word (NICE) so dumb. Austin: Don’t kill me Ethan! Me: Why now? Austin: Luna is watching you. Me: Luna? Austin: Yeah… Luna your love. Me: L-u-n-a. Austin: She’s standing over there. Me: I will still kill you. I walked towards Austin and he kept backing up. Suddenly he was at the wall. Me: Any last words? Austin stared in my eyes and I caught his gaze. My eyes turned normal and I started running away. I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Sydney. Me: What have I become? Sydney: A jerk that no one likes? Me: Yeah… I started to run again. I tripped and fell. Me: Oof. I looked up and saw a bully. Bully: You’re not going anywhere. Me: Oh no… The bully held onto my shirt. Bully: You hurt my friend. Me: Sorry. Bully: You’re going to pay. He dropped me and I kept backing away. He charged to me and got out his fist and punched me really hard. Fire came out of my eyes as they turned red again. Me: Nobody punches me. The bully ran away. Austin and Luna ran to me. Luna: What is happening to you Ethan? Me: Stop talking to me. My eyes turned normal and tears ran down them. Luna: What’s wrong? Me: Sorry… I ran away with tears falling to the ground. Luna: What’s his problem? Austin: He’s sad that everyone hates him now. Luna: I don’t hate him at all! Austin: He makes me angry now. My eyes turned red and I walked in the hall wearing a leather jacket. Random girl: :O! Luna: Ethan? I walked to her with my hand on the locker. Me: What’s up? Luna: What are you doing? Me: I try to be cool. Luna: Well it isn’t working. Me: What are you saying? Luna: Stop being evil and be yourself! Me: You want a fight? Luna: I didn’t mean… Me: Fine I will fight someone. Benny walked up to me. Benny: What’s up Ethan? I punched him and he started bleeding. Benny: What did I do? Benny stood in front of me. Benny: You want a fight? I got scared and my eyes turned normal. Me: Don’t hurt me Benny! Benny: You asked for it. He held his fist up. Me: Don’t please! Luna: Stop! Benny: Why should I stop? Me: It wasn’t me I swear! Benny punched me really hard in the face as I flinched. People: “OH!” Me: You’re not a real friend Benny. Benny: What? Me: Punch your best friend? Benny: You started it. Me: My evilness did it. My eyes turned red. Me: You want a piece of me? Benny: What? I thought we went over this. Me: Pipsqueak! Benny: What?  Me: You’re scared of fighting your best friend. You’re weak. Benny: I thought you said you weren’t my friend. I sent Benny a thought message saying, “Help me!”  Benny: Ok Ethan. I really couldn’t control myself. I got an electric shock. Me: Aggh! My eyes turned pure white. Me: … Benny: What? Me: … Benny: I don’t know what you’re saying. Me: … Benny: Tell me! I sent him a thought message, “My body has turned itself scared and won’t talk to anyone.” Benny: Oh. Me: …? I had another electric shock. Me: …! My eyes turned normal. Me: Austin has to get these cuffs off of me. Please tell him to help. Benny: Ok. Benny walked away. People: Cuffs? Me: See these? I held my hands out. People: Oh how did you get them? Me: Evil doctor. People: Can you take them off? Me: No only Austin can do it I think. Austin walked over to me. Austin: It’s worth a try. He tried making them disappear. My eyes turned red. Me: Get away from my hands. Austin: I was trying to help like you said. Me: I don’t need you. Austin: Evil… Me: I like my handcuffs because they are nice and cozy. Austin: What is wrong with you weirdo? Me: Cheese. Austin: Cheese? Me: You’re Cheese. Austin: Snap out of it! Me: Don’t touch me or get in my way of ruling the world Cheese! I made the lights all turn out. My eyes turned normal. I looked and saw another Ethan. I suppose it is the evil one in a different body. Evil Ethan: You will all suffer. Me: Suffer what. Evil Ethan walked near me but I couldn’t see very well. I felt like I was strapped to a chair. Evil Ethan picked up a remote and pressed a button. The ropes on me were really tight. Me: Can’t… breathe! Evil Ethan: I took your 50 lives when I made this body. Me: Suffocating! Evil Ethan: Now for long. He covered my eyes. I wondered what he was doing. I heard loud noises coming from other people. Austin: Where are you Ethan! I looked and Evil Ethan didn’t have cuffs but I did. Me: No fair! Luna: I can’t see Ethan where are you! Me: In a chair. Luna: Get out of the chair! Me: I can’t. Evil Ethan put me on a bed and tied me feet to the bed. I already had handcuffs what else did I need? Evil Ethan: Be evil with me. Me: No! He forced me to drink an evil potion. My eyes turned red like his. Evil Ethan turned on the lights. Me: Let’s rule the world now. Luna: No Ethan! Evil Ethan left. Luna untied me. She chained me to the wall. I started pulling and struggling. Luna: Ethan don’t be evil! Me: Don’t tell me what to do! Luna: You can’t touch anyone. Me: Why are you doing this to me! Luna: You’re evil. I sat down on the floor. Austin: He’s still our friend Luna. My eyes turned normal for a second. Me: Help me. My eyes turned red again. Me: Evil Ethan help! Luna: We will torture you until you tell us Evil Ethan’s secrets. Me: Make me! Luna: Never mind egh. Austin: What do we do now? Me: Un-chain me you fools! Austin: No way. My eyes turned into fire. Me: I SAID UN-CHAIN ME! My eyes turned red again. Austin: No. Luna: I think he wants to help us. My eyes turned normal. Me: Do what Evil me says then after you do what my evil body says then I turn normal maybe. My eyes turned red again. Luna: We have to do what he says. Me: Un-chain me now cheese. Luna walked over to me and unchained me. Me: You fools. Me: Do what I say forever! Luna: Ok until you turn normal. My eyes turned normal. Me: Don’t help him anymore! He will try to kill you all now and he can’t be chained again. My eyes turned red. I got a knife out of my pocket. Me: There is nowhere to hide. People: Ethan what are you doing? Me: What I should’ve done long ago. I walked over to Luna. Luna hit me with a frying pan and I dropped the knife. When I woke up I was tied to a chair. Me: At least UN cuff me. Luna got off my handcuffs. Me: Finally. Luna: Are you evil? Me: Who are you? Luna: You’re kidding right? Me: Stranger! Luna: …? Me: Help someone I’m being kidnapped by a stranger! Luna: Stranger? Me: Don’t hurt me! Someone walked over to me with my knife. Person: I won’t hurt you at all. I stared at them and fainted. Luna: What are you doing weirdo!? Person: Killing Ethan what does it look like I’m doing? Luna: No you’re not going to kill him. Person: Are you dumb? He lost his memory when you used the frying pan. Luna: Really? Person: Can I kill him? Luna: No. Person: Fine I will do this instead. I woke up. Me: What… what’s going on who are you people? A person walked up to me with something behind his back. Me: What are you doing? Person: Nothing… The person showed me what he had. I looked and it was a large needle. Person: This won’t hurt a bit… I looked at it carefully. Me: Luna help me! I fainted. Luna: What are you doing! His memory was back until you showed him that for longer than 5 seconds! Person: What? I woke up. Me: Aah who are you people! Luna: Ethan turn normal! The person held out their needle again. I stared at it for a long time. My mouth randomly opened. The person got out a knife. I stared at it. Me: Luna is this person trying to torture me!? Luna: Ethan you remember? The person plunged the knife down into my neck. Me: Help me Luna… Luna: Why did you do that!? Person: Stop dating Ethan or I will kill him when you aren’t around. Luna: What?!? Me: Lu-n-a… I closed my eyes. I thought to myself, my life will end horribly like this and I must stop it Luna needs me.  Evil Ethan walked in. Evil Ethan: Ethan speak to me! Me: Luna… Luna: What? Me: Save me… Luna: I’m going to take him to the hospital! Me: No more… blood… Luna: NO MORE!?! Me: Going to die. Luna: Evil Ethan quick give him the 50 lives! Evil Ethan gave them to me. I got up. Me: All better but I’m tied to this chair. Evil Ethan: Are you still evil? Me: Ethan you don’t have to be evil be nice and we all can have a good time and be great friends! Evil Ethan: I never thought of it that way… Call me Ethan number 2! Me: Yeah! Person: I will kill you in your sleep Ethan… It will happen and my name is Steven. I went to my house. Ethan number 2 is living in my room. Me: I can get you a bed. Ethan number 2: No thanks I want to sleep on the floor. Me: Ok. We went to sleep. I heard screaming from Ethan number 2. I looked at him. Steven was there and he was standing on Ethan number 2 and he had a knife. Me: Ethan number 2! Ethan number 2 couldn’t get up. Steven was about to kill Ethan number 2 until I jumped in the way. The knife went in my neck as I jumped trying to save Ethan number 2. Ethan number 2: You saved me… Me: Help me. Ethan number 2: You still have your lives left. Me: I know. Me: Save me. I was bleeding on the ground in pain. The floor was stained red. Me: Mom! My mom walked in the room. Me: He tried to murder me and I got a knife in my neck! My mom: I have to take you to a doctor! Steven left. My eyes turned pure white. Me: …! My mom: What? Me: … Ethan number 2: Just take him to the hospital. They took me to the hospital. Suddenly my head was spinning and my vision was blurry. I touched something and had a vision; Steven took my 50 lives away and killed me with a knife. My vision was over. My head was spinning fast. All I saw was a weird person and I assumed it was the doctor. Doctor: I must give you this pill to heal your wound. I looked and the knife was gone and replaced with a bandage. Doctor: Here’s the pill. I ate the pill. Doctor: Someone is here to see you. I saw Luna walk in. Luna: I heard about the thing… You sacrificed yourself… Me: Yeah… Luna: That was so nice. Me: Thanks… Luna: Are you feeling better? Me: Kind of. Luna: I got something for you. I looked and it was a card saying, “Hope you feel better soon! Love Luna.” Me: Thanks. Me: Steven will kill me later because it was in my vision. Luna: What! Me: I want to go home… Luna: Ok. She carried me home and my mom was home also. I walked up the stairs and into my room and went to my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I saw Steven and my powers were gone and he had a knife. Steven: Die here and now Ethan. Me: No… No! Steven: There is nothing you can do now. He plunged the knife down into my stomach. I screamed in pain. Steven: Bye Ethan! He disappeared. Me: Somebody save me… I felt the pain sting and I was dead on my bed. Help me…
Luna’s POV
I went in Ethan’s room in the morning because I was going to see if he was awake. I walked into his room. I saw him dead on his bed. Me: Ethan… He stayed silent. Me: Why does it have to end like this!?! I saw the knife in his stomach. Blood was staining his shirt. Me: No!!! I started crying over his body. Steven came in. Steven: Now he is dead and he only had 1 life and he used it. Steven: I killed him. Me: Give him his lives you freak. Steven: No. I looked at Ethan and saw him get up with red eyes. Ethan: I will kill anyone I see and I see Steven and he was the one that killed normal Ethan so I will kill him! Steven: What?
Ethan’s POV
 I held a knife to his neck. Me: Last words? Steven: Let me go and you can have your powers back. Me: Give them back right now! Steven: Fine. My eyes shined brightly as I got my powers back. Me: Get out of here you freak! Steven disappeared. Luna: Ethan? Suddenly I was on the bed again with the knife in my stomach and I had my eyes closed. Me: What happened? I opened my eyes and looked at my stomach. Me: Owe! Luna: You’ll be ok as long as you get the knife out. I pulled it out and the blood disappeared. Me: Yay I’m normal now! Luna: Yeah. My eyes turned normal. I was dizzy so I fell asleep. Luna: Now’s my chance! I heard her say that as I fake slept. She walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. I felt it and secretly smiled. Luna: Finally. She walked out of the room. When I woke up I wasn’t in my room anymore or my bed. I was at a weird place. I looked and saw Steven. I was tied to a chair and tape was on my mouth. Steven: I will make you on my team. He put sleep powder on me but I could still hear him. Steven: I will put more powder on you that will make you say yes to the first question you’re asked. He put more powder on me. Steven: Ha you will be evil like me and you will me my sidekick. I woke up. Steven: Will you join my evil team? Me: YES! Steven: Good now you’re evil. Me: I’m going to be the leader. Steven: No. Me: You’re my sidekick cheese. Steven: Fine. Me: Yeah. Steven: Let’s go make everyone die so we can rule the world together. Me: Ok. Pain stabbed through me as I thought, “This isn’t the real thing to do come on Ethan turn normal!” Me: No. I said out loud. Steven: What? Pain stabbed through me again, “You can’t do this Ethan it will be bad and you might even end up killing Luna!” My evil self-went into my mind where I was really in. Evil me: Stop talking please. Me: You can’t make me. He put me in a cage. Me: I can still talk you know. He tied me up and put a big rope around my mouth. Evil me: Now? Me: Mnnhh! I couldn’t speak. Evil me left and went back to my body. I struggled trying to get out of the ropes. It was useless. Me: Where first Steven? Steven: You say first. Me: My house? Steven: Yes. We went to my house in a cool car. I saw Jane standing there. I got out a knife and walked up to her. Jane: Ah! She got a frying pan out and hit me and Steven with it. I was knocked out. When I woke up I was tied up with Steven. Jane was standing in front of me. Jane: What were you doing with that knife Ethan? Me: Going to kill you with it. Jane: I’m your sister Ethan are you stupid. Me: What did you just say? I was suddenly un-evil again. Me: Jane help me Steven turned me evil and I can’t control myself but I can for now! Jane: What? I turned evil again. Me: Tie him up in a chair or something not with me! Jane got tape and put it on our mouths. Jane: Now will you shut up? Me: Mnnhh! My mom walked in the room. Mom: Jane why did you tie Ethan up!? Jane: He had a knife. Mom: Stop lying Jane! Jane: I’m not lying! Jane hit me with another frying pan. I was knocked out again. Evil me went into my mind with me and he was tied up and tape was on his mouth. Me: Mnnhh? Evil me frowned. He somehow got a knife and untied himself. Evil me: You will suffer. He pressed a button and the ropes around me got really tight. I couldn’t breathe. My cheeks turned purple as I suffocated. Evil me: Die Ethan. I fainted suddenly. When I woke up Evil me was gone and I was still suffocating. Help I thought. Body time, I was still tied up and Jane stared at me. Jane: I will let you go if you don’t kill me ok? I nodded. She untied me. Luna walked in. My eyes turned into hearts as I walked near her. I was evil but I still loved Luna. Luna: Ethan? Me: I love you Luna. Luna blushed at me. She went closer to me and kissed me on the lips. Jane: It’s a trap! Me: Shut up Jane. Luna sat on the floor.

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