Hurting Rory?

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Chapter 4, Hurting Rory?

 Me: I’m hurting Rory. Rory: I said I give up! Benny: Wow Ethan you’re tough! No kidding. Me: Thanks but it was nothing.  Me: Just think of a song you like and you’re tough. It was easy. Benny: Nobody can win against me. I jumped on Benny and punched and kicked him but he was doing the same. I scratched him a few times. Benny: I GIVE! Me: Yeah I thought so. Bridget: Wow Ethan you’re tough! Me: I practice now. Bridget smiled at me. I smiled like I had won 1,000,000 dollars. I think I can beat up Austin later. Bridget went to her house and I went for a walk. I saw Erica walk up to me and she looked so cute. Erica: Hi. Me: h-hi. Erica: You’re hot. Me: You too. She went up to me and kissed me. I think I found a new love. Who needs Bridget anymore she was lame anyways. Yes I have found the one for me Bridget is annoying anyways. Yay! Erica gave me her number. Erica: See you later Ethan. Bridget walked up to me. Me: Umm... Bridget: What? Me: You look bad. Bridget: Are you evil again? Me: No. Bridget: What? Me: I don’t like you. Bridget: But you loved me. Me: Not anymore. She got out a knife. Bridget: I will kill you in your sleep Morgan! I ran home. I called Erica. Me: We’ve got a problem. Erica: What is it? Me: Bridget is trying to kill me. She will do it in my sleep. Erica: Why? Me: Um. No reason. I was trying to not tell Erica that I loved Bridget before her. Erica: I will protect you. Me: It is 10:30 I go to sleep at 11:00 come over at 11:00 ok? Erica: Ok. Me: By babe! I hung up the phone. I waited 30 minutes for Erica to arrive. I went to sleep. Erica was in the room watching for Bridget. Bridget walked in. Bridget picked up Erica and threw her out the window. I didn’t hear anything. Bridget walked up to me with the knife. I felt my arm bleeding as she cut me with it. Erica flew in my room. Erica fought Bridget a lot. Erica won this time… I woke up. Me: What just happened? Erica: You’re safe now. She flew off. I slept again. When I woke up I was in a dark room. The lights were off. I was tied to a chair. Bridget walked up to me. Bridget: Come with me Ethan, You’re mine. Me: You can’t make me. She started kissing me and sent it to Erica on the phone. Bridget: Now? Me: No. She threw me in a closet, Went in, and locked the door. Bridget: You’re with me forever because I left the key out there and I threw your phone out there. Me: No. She started kissing me. Me: Help! I’m being kidnapped. I started screaming really loudly. She put tape on my mouth and kissed me on the cheek. I couldn’t talk. Bridget: Now will you be with me? I shook my head. Bridget: You have too. She touched my hand even though I was tied to a chair. I had a vision. Erica came 3 hours after that it showed 2:00 and it was 12:00. I struggled trying to get out of the ropes. She took off the tape and kissed me for a long time on the lips. Me: HELP ME SOMEBODY HEEEELLLP! She put her hand on my mouth. I bit her hand. Me: SAVE ME SOMEONE! IT’S THE END OF THE ROAD SO HEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!! She got a frying pan and hit me in the head with it. I was knocked out. She kissed me and didn’t stop. Help I thought to myself. When I woke up I was at home on my bed with Erica kissing me. Erica: I love you Ethan. Me: How did you find me? I was locked in the closet and the key was gone. Erica: I kicked down the door. Me: You must not like me anymore because of what happened. Erica: I love you Ethan and always will. Me: You’re the best. Erica: Thanks. She kissed me on the forehead. I smiled. Me: I love you Erica. Erica: I love you too. Rory appeared. Rory: I thought we were dating Erica… Me: You’re cheating on me Erica?! Erica: Um… I never liked you Rory and was never dating you. Rory: I will find a way to get you my love. He walked up to me and whispered. Rory: I will kill you for my love. I was scared. I thought of the song “I will survive” I can’t die ever. Rory flew away. Me: Hey Erica, do you want to play Pokémon and go in it with my seer powers. Erica: I’d love too. We went inside. I was Articuno and she was Lugia for some reason. The flying birds were attacking us. I had an electric cage around me. I was getting hurt really badly. Finally Zaptos electrocuted me and I fell in the water. I thought of I will survive the song. I got up. We went out of the game. Erica: See you later sugar snaps. She flew away with her powers. I went downstairs to eat. I had a taco. I went on the street. I was walking. I sang “I will survive” And it sounded EXACTLY like the real singer. I was good! Austin jumped on me. Me: What now? Austin: Give me Bridget! Me: I broke up with her dude. Austin: Make her like me! Me: No. Austin: Can I still be your enemy? Me: Sure. He slapped me in the face. I was dizzy. My world was spinning round and round. He poured something on me. I turned into a ghost. I was white and flying. Erica walked up to me. Erica: You’re dead? Me: No! Erica: Then why are you a ghost? Me: Austin did it. Erica: Austin isn’t here. I looked and he was gone. Erica: Are you asleep or something? I fell on the floor in pain. I turned normal. My heart was beating really slowly suddenly it stopped. I stared at Erica. My heart had stopped and I was going to die. I have 50 lives anyways. Austin was in front of me. Austin: Looking for this? It was my 50 lives in a jar. My eyes stayed shut. Was I dead? Erica: Ethan get up! I couldn’t get up. My heart had stopped already. Erica: Ethan? She felt my heart. Erica: Ethan don’t die! Me:……… I couldn’t be stopped. It was done. I was dead. Erica: Oh no… Austin: Ethan is stupid and ugly, date me not him! Erica: No he’s not. Austin: Come on, kiss me. Erica: Ewe. Austin: I will only give you this if you kiss me. Erica: Fine. She kissed Austin for a while. I got up and saw Austin and her kissing. I didn’t say a word. Was Erica cheating? Me: We’re done Erica. Erica: What? Me: You like him. I walked away sobbing. I walked into a restaurant. I had 1 million tacos. And I was crying for a while. Someone walked up to my table. It was a girl. She looked the same age as me. Girl: Hi. Me: hello… Girl: Why are you sad? Me: My girlfriend cheated on me. Girl: How do you know? Me: I have 50 lives. And I died and Austin took my lives away. He gave them back. I looked up and she was kissing Austin. Girl: I’m so sorry for you. Me: Now how am I going to find someone for the school dance? The girl stared at me and blushed. Bridget walked up to me. She tied me up. And she started kissing me. Me: Ewe get away Bridget! Girl: Who is this? Me: My first girlfriend who I broke up with. The girl blushed. Me: Help me! Bridget dragged me away. Me: HEEELLLP. The girl touched me and her eyes went all weird like she was having a vision. I didn’t know she was a seer.

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