Things are Getting Weird...

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Chapter 5, Things are getting weird…
 Me: Oh… Luna: I will go to the school dance with you though. Me: Thanks. We went to the school dance. I saw Austin’s brother Peyton. Peyton walked up to me. Peyton: You stole my girlfriend. Me: What? Peyton: She was mine first. Luna walked up to me. Me: She doesn’t like me that way. Peyton: She asked me to the dance before you. Me: Is this true? Luna started blushing. Luna: I’m breaking up with you Peyton. Peyton frowned and whispered in my ear. Peyton: I will kill you. He walked away. I started dancing with Luna. After a long time of dancing, me: Will you go out with me? Luna: Wait until I fully trust you. Someone was behind me. I didn’t look back. Peyton: Nighty night. I got hit in the head with a frying pan. I fell forward and was knocked out. Luna was standing in front of me. Luna: I hate you Peyton. Peyton picked me up. Peyton: Your fault. He put tight ropes around my hands and feet. He put me on the ground and put tape on my mouth. I got up. I looked up and saw Peyton and he looked like he was going to punch me in the face. Peyton got his fist and punched me. I passed out. When I woke up I was at his house in his room. He locked the door and got his remote and set it too real fire that can kill. He took away my power of 50 lives and a giant fire started when he put me on my bed. I was stuck and the fire was burning everything. Some fire got on my face. Peyton went over to me and hit me with a frying pan then left his room and went to the door. I got knocked out. When I woke up fire was on my whole body soon it was covering my body. Help I thought to myself. I heard something out the door. I was burning in ashes. Luna: Peyton tell me where you put him! Peyton: Give me a kiss and go out with me first. Luna: No. She went to the door and kicked it down. Luna: Ethan… You’re tied up while this fire is burning you to death… I’m so sorry. I got dizzy and fainted. The fire was scorching my throat while it had tape on it. Luna: I will save you. She went over to me took off the tape and kissed me. She untied me and picked me up. She ran out of that house. I started to cough up fire. Luna: Are you ok? Me: n-n-n-n-o. Luna: I will take you to the hospital. We went to the hospital. The doctor healed me and gave me some soap and told me to put it on when I’m in an emergency. I tried it on and I was a Hork-Bajir I couldn’t control myself and my eyes turned red.  I took Luna outside of there. I got my giant claw and put her up to a wall. Luna: Ethan? I got my claw close to her neck. Luna: Ethan don’t kill me! I was talking in my mind to the evil part of me. Me: Stop it! Before you kill her! Evil me: No she must die and suffer.  I cut her with my claw on her stomach I saw blood gushing out. I cut her on her neck and hands and legs. Me: No-no! I started to gain control of my body. Luna: Ethan… you tried to kill me. Me: No I swear it wasn’t me! I brought Luna to her house and put her on her bed. Luna: How could you Ethan… how… Me: I’m sorry. It was late so Luna fell asleep. Evil Hork-Bajir: I’m back! Me: No! He made one of my arms a claw. My eyes turned red. I walked up to Luna and got my claw close to her neck. Me: You can’t do this! Evil me: Yes I can mwahaha I will follow you forever until she dies. Luna woke up. Luna: Ethan… Me: No you can’t do this! Evil me: Yes I can and I will. Luna: You’re trying to kill me again. Me: No it isn’t like that!  I got my claw closer to her neck. I could suddenly gain control. Me: I’m sorry! I ran out of her room crying. Luna: He tried to kill me… why?  I went to my house to sleep. I got up because I heard a noise. I saw Luna with red eyes in front of me. Luna: Revenge! She put me up to a wall and I felt pain as she grew claws and stabbed me with them. I fell on the floor as I was hit with the frying pan 5 times. I got knocked out. When I got up I was tied up. Luna was in front of me holding a knife. Me: No… you can’t do this… my 50 lives are gone. Luna: You will suffer. She put the knife to my neck. She stabbed me with it. My neck was gushing out blood tons of times. Me: Aghhhh! I was in serious pain. Luna: Die. She stabbed me more times. She threw me on the floor. Luna: Ha! See how you like it. She put me on a machine that was moving. I saw a saw blade there. I was going to get stuck in it. Right when I was at the saw blade I saw Luna’s eyes turn normal. Me: Help! You were raping me and killing me! Luna: I’m sorry. Suddenly my head touched the blade. Me: Help me someone! Luna got me up and untied me. Luna: It wasn’t me I swear.
Luna’s POV
I looked at Ethan and he had wounds everywhere. Suddenly blood came out of his mouth. Ethan: Can’t lose any more blood or I die… Me: I will help you! I promise.
Ethan’s POV
I was losing blood every second. I passed out because of too much blood loss. Luna: Don’t die Ethan! She took me to the hospital. I got healed and we went to my house. I started making toast. I looked behind me and saw Luna with a knife going to stab me. Me: … Benny walked in. Benny: … Ethan are you going to die. Me: I think so! Luna held it to my neck. Luna: Play time’s over. My mom walked in. My mom: Luna killing Ethan? Ethan save yourself! Me: I am going to die. Luna: Die for me little boy. She started cutting my neck. Blood spewed out of my mouth. I fell on the floor in pain. Luna’s eyes turned normal. Luna: Ethan? Did Austin come again? I was squirming on the floor yelling. Me: LUNA ALMOST KILLED ME. SAVE YOURSELVES! Luna: What? Me: IT IS THE END SO KILL ME NOW! Luna: I won’t ever kill you. Me: YOU TRIED TO YOU DEMOND MONSTER. Luna: I swear it wasn’t me! Blood spewed out of my mouth. Benny: That is one evil chic. My eyes turned red. Me: This is what you get for almost killing me. REVENGE. I got my knife and went close to her. Benny: Ethan? I was stuck in my mind and evil Ethan tied me up. Me: You can’t control my body! Evil Ethan: I will kill you if you get in my way so stay out of this! Me: Blah blah blah. Evil Ethan: I’ve had it with you. He walked to me in my mind and hit me with a frying pan and hung me from the ceiling from a rope. He put tape on my mouth and put a giant bucket of lava under me. I was knocked out and every second I was getting pulled in. Back where the body is, evil Ethan: I will kill you Luna and there is nothing Ethan can do about it! Luna: Give Ethan back! Evil Ethan: He’s in my mind tied to the ceiling and he will fall in a bucket of lava. Luna: No… It can’t end this way. Benny: I have a magic spell to go in Ethan’s mind. Benny: Overshadow! He went in my mind. Benny: Ethan where are you? I woke up. Me: Mnnggh! Benny: Ethan? I was hanging over a giant bucket of lava. Benny: I will save you Ethan! I rolled my eyes. My body: I will kill you Luna! Luna stared in my eyes. I fell on the floor. My eyes turned normal. Benny appeared. Me: It was the sparkle in your eyes that saved me Luna. Luna: Really? Me: Yes because you’re beautiful. She kissed me on the cheek and I blushed. Benny: I went in your mind for nothing? That wasted my overshadow. Me: Well you tried Benny. I hope evil Ethan won’t come back. Luna: So it wasn’t you? Me: Nope. Luna: Well I hope he doesn’t come back then. I walked to my house. I ate my taco. After the taco I went to bed. I woke up and saw Luna hanging over me with red eyes. She picked me up. Me: Where are you taking me? Luna: You’ll see. When we got there I looked and it was an evil place. I saw a cage. Luna pushed me in it. Me: Let me out! Luna went to a big machine and pressed a button. I got severely shocked. Me: Ah! I fell on the floor with shocking pain on my body. She pressed another button. I was burning because of the fire she made. She pressed another one and a pool of water came. I could breathe underwater now. Me: Thanks! Luna: What!? How! Me: I picked up a jar and put it next to me. I was stronger and faster! My 50 lives were back! Luna: No! My plan to rule the world is ruined! Me: I can’t get out… Luna pressed the shock button many times. I was tired and weak now. I fell on the ground. Luna’s eyes turned normal. Luna: What happened! Me: Owe! Luna: What? Me: You shocked me. Luna: No! Me: I can’t stand this any longer. I got out of the cage with my strength and walked into town. I was sighing while walking. I saw Benny walk over to me. Benny: What’s wrong dude? Me: Nothing.  Benny: You look sad. Me: It’s just that Luna keeps turning evil and wanting to kill me. Benny: Well she still is with you. Me: Ok I forgive her! I ran into the place and saw Luna on the ground in a giant cage. Luna: Ethan help! Me: What? The cage door closed and the key disappeared. Me: Too late. Luna: I’m stuck in here forever! My eyes turned red. Me: I have you now! Luna: What are you going to do too me? Luna stood near the bars of the cage. I got a knife and almost plunged it in her. Luna backed away. I did an evil smile. Me: I will rule the world and make you my slave forever. Luna: Yeah right! Me: You don’t have a choice either I lock you in here forever or you join my team or Ethan gets it. Luna: What do you mean Ethan gets it? I went near a button and pressed it. Normal Ethan appeared in his own body and there was him and evil. Luna: What are you going to do to him! Ethan: Where am I? Evil Ethan pressed a button and I was frozen solid. I couldn’t move at all. Luna: What have you done to him! Evil Ethan: He’s stuck there forever. You stay in that cage and watch him suffer and die as I kill him or you join my team and Ethan doesn’t die. Luna: Neither! Me: Big mistake Luna. Evil Ethan walked towards me with a knife and frying pan. Evil Ethan: It will be like it never happened. Luna: No! You can’t do this! My mouth filled with blood as Evil Ethan put the knife in my throat. Luna: No! This is so cruel! Me: Sorry my life is so short. My 50 lives were gone because Evil Ethan took them. I only had 1 now. Evil Ethan: He will die in 5 minutes because of the knife and I put poison in the knife also. My mouth had so much blood in it so I couldn’t talk. Luna: This is HORIBBLE. Her eyes turned red. She broke the bars. She went to me and hit me with a frying pan and she got a knife and put it to Evil Ethan’s throat. Evil Ethan ran away and out of the room. I was knocked out. Luna: Now I will kill you. I woke up. My eyes turned red. Me: I will join you if you let me go free. Luna: You’re evil too? Me: Yes. Luna: When you turn normal I will kill you deal? Me: DEAL. She unfroze me. My eyes turned normal. She put me up to the wall and got out her knife. Luna: Any last words? Me: No. She held it to my neck. Her eyes turned normal. She dropped me on the floor. Luna: Your poison is still there. Me: Save me. I passed out. I woke up and touched Luna’s hand I had a vision. Vision, I was on the ground bleeding in pain and Luna was stepping on me. Luna: Any last words before I kill you? I had blood in my mouth so I couldn’t talk. Luna: Ok then I will kill you. She stuck it in my neck. Luna: You were in my way. My blood loss was too much so I fainted. I wanted to see more the vision but it was over. Me: You will kill me Luna. Luna: What? Me: It will be you that kills me. Luna: No! Me: Yes because I had a vision. Luna picked me up and ran home. My mouth filled with blood again. Luna: Here I will put you on the ground. She set me on the ground. Her eyes turned red. She was standing on me. She held a knife to my neck. Luna: Any last words? My mouth was filled with blood so I couldn’t talk at all. She stuck it in my neck and I fainted. When I got up I saw that her eyes were normal. Me: Luna… Luna: This isn’t happening. Me: Too much blood loss… Luna: It is all my fault. Me: No it isn’t –coughs up blood- it is the evil you that did it. Luna: I will ruin your life and I don’t want that to happen. Me: Poison… Luna: POISON!?!? Me: Yes. I said with a knife in my throat. Luna: I put poison in you? ME: You and Evil Ethan did… Luna: I’m so sorry Ethan. Me: Just let me die on the floor. Luna: No… This can’t happen. I closed my eyes and blood came out of my mouth and onto the floor. Luna: Don’t die Ethan. I couldn’t say a word anymore. Luna: Your voice is gone now? I still couldn’t talk. Luna: I hit your vocal cords now you can’t talk! I tried to talk but nothing came out. Luna: I’m sorry. She lay next to me. I looked at Luna and tried to talk but nothing came out. Luna: What? I wrote it on a piece of paper, “Bring me to the hospital before I die!” Luna: Ok. She took me to the hospital. I went in a dark room and the doctor stared at me. Luna was in a different room. Doctor: There is only one way to help you. A small cage went around me and I couldn’t move in the cage at all. The doctor held out a giant needle. Doctor: This will hurt a lot. I fainted and silently screamed as the pain went in my skin. Doctor: All done. I still couldn’t talk. I wrote on a piece of paper, “That didn’t work at all you’re a fake get me out of this cage now!” Doctor: No little boy. He stuck another needle in my arm. I wrote on the paper, “OWE STOP!” Doctor: Never! He got another needle and did the same.

Ethan Morgan Love Story, FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now