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Okay so my neice is tripping telling me I need to update and since I'm free for tonight here you guys go

Shout out to my loving fans that push me and fanned and commented.

Also shout out to some girl named Friedchickenisha Fa'naynay Jones. Lol cool name girl hope you like this chapter.

So this might book will be ending soon and the second book will start :).

Brittany pov

I looked at my phone as it rang another Diggy Simmons song click clack away. Damn Im glad he wasnt near to hear that I got to change it before he do. Still half way asleep I looked over at the phone, it was just Zarah, it must be important. I reached over and answered it.

"Hey Ze what up?" All i heard was crying. "Zarah are you okay?" She stopped for a minute. "Im having a miscarriage."

I shot up and felt the sharpest pain ,worst then cramps. "Ouch!" My side felt like it was on fire. "Omg Brittany are you okay?"

I lifted up shirt my glad that I didn't see any blood. " Yeah I'm fine how are you doing?" I heard her sniff a little bit. "I'm breaking down I have no one else to talk to but you. Princeton doesn't know nor does he need too ,twist is an ass and won't care, my mom doesn't know and i guess now she doesn't need too."

I felt bad I couldn't help any further but hell I don't know what to do. "Did twist ever text you back yet?"

"No he didn't but when he sees it he most likely will." She sounded sad,I would if I lost my child.

"I didn't mean to bug you look I'll talk too you later, Princeton is calling." I could tell she was going to tell him I guess she was trying to expect the worst reaction possible.

"Okay call me later. Dustin wouldn't want you too sad." She laughed a little. "I know, thanks Brittany and bye." I smiled and hung up.

I laid back on my bed, damn I feel bad but there is nothing I can do. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in." Diggy walked in. I couldn't help but smile. "You okay I heard you scream." I nodded damn he look good in some shorts and I plain white T.

"Can I sit down?" I giggled. "Yes you don't have to ask." Damn this boy is to cute. "You didn't answer me about us going out." I blushed. "Um you still didn't officially ask." He smiled and I damn there fainted.

"So will you go out with me?" I smiled damn what is he doing to me.

"I don't know I just broke up with your best friend don't you think its too soon?" His face went serious. "Not what I found out about him." I looked at him and and tried to sit up but again a sharp pain came to my side.

"Take it easy, you need to lay down anyway." I keep forgetting the pain because it comes and goes because of the pills.

"I'm fine what happened with you and Twist anyway?" His phone rang and he looked and answered it.

"Hey Prince what's good?" I heard his voice, it sounded angry but I couldn't hear anything they said. "Really naw I'm going to ask her right now, thanks I'll see you tomorrow." Diggy looked at me pissed, the smile long gone from his face.

"Did Twist hit you?" I was shocked I never told anyone but Zarah. I couldn't find the words to come out my mouth.

"Brittany if you don't answer me. Did Twist hit you!" He whisper yelled. I flinched I never seen him mad. It wasn't my fault. Why was he so mad me.

"Brittany answer me!" He yelled. I started to cry, Diggy was someone I didn't want to know about what happened that day. Hell I didn't want anyone to know what happened that day.

"I... I didn't want you to know, but it wasn't my fault I promise." He moved closer his face expression lighted a bit. "Look I'm not mad at you okay I'm just mad at the fact that he put his hands on you."

He sat next to me and put my head on his chest, I cried for what seemed like forever.

"Daniel promise you won't tell." He looked down at me, and kissed my lips. "Why didn't you tell me?" She looked into my eyes with those brown eyes that can get anybody where he wanted them.

"Because he told me not to and to keep from crying he well he just started um.. Yeah." I stopped I don't know if I should tell Diggy that Twist ate me out.

He looked confused "Well, what is um yeah."

I looked down. "He ate me out." Diggy looked at me. Shit I shouldn't have told him anyway. Now there was no chance that he would forgive me.

Zarah pov

"Princeton please stop yelling." I said tears streaming down my face. "No that nigga put his hands on you and I'm going to hurt him."

The phone called ended for the third time. Shit I should have never have told him that Twist hit me. I was just sad that I lost the baby and I felt like I needed to get that off my chest, but more came out then just that.

I know Prince called Diggy because he keep asking me who else did he hit. Only because I keep telling him I wasn't the only one. Damn I hope I didn't mess up Brittany and Diggy relationship.

I laid on my bed and cried. Till I heard a knock on the door. I didn't feel like being bother right now from anyone.

I got up and looked in my mom's room, she was gone she must of had a date. At least her love life is going somewhere other then down the drain. It was times like this she was here to tell me what to do.

I walked to the door and looked at the peep whole. Shit Princeton was here already here and so was Roc, Ray, Prodigy. They weren't suppose to come till in the afternoon tomorrow.

I opened the door, Ray was the first one to walk in then Prod and Roc then Princeton. They didn't say nothing they looked like they were there to handle business.

I closed the door and looked at them they were in sweat pants and hoodies. I had a bad feeling about this.

Brittany pov

"Diggy please don't be mad at me." He didn't say a word just looked at the floor.

"I'm not mad at you hell at the time we weren't dating and he was your boyfriend. I mad at the fact he hit you over that kiss and I was in the same house and didn't know what was going on." He got quiet till his phone started ringing.

"Hello, yeah,I'll be there in a min." He hung up my gut feeling was telling me to not let him go.

"Where are you going?" I said wiping tears from eyes. He smiled a half smile. "I'm just going to talk to someone okay, can you watch Dustin for me?"

Before he got up I grabbed his arm. "Diggy please don't go." He nodded and laid in the bed with me. He kissed me. "Brittany, promise me something." I nodded. "That you will tell me what happens from now on." I agreed. I closed my eyes while he held me it felt like the world didn't matter.

Okay so next part will be revenge but only two parts promise.




Thanks you guys love you.

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