Chapter 6:Teaching Illya

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During the following days, Arturia continued to help Illya with her studies – and she quickly realized that both she and the girl enjoyed it. Helping Illya like that was not a sacrifice on her part – and she was improving the girl's education in many ways. She knew that Irisviel would have appreciated it, and it was enough to make her feel content with what she was doing.

They were usually in the living room in which she had been introduced on the day of her arrival – and her unwanted thought about the King of Heroes proved to be right. He stayed in the same room as them, lying down on one of the couches and apparently paying no attention to them to simply sip on his wine.

None of the servants interrupted them, unless it was to call them for the meals. Arturia had asked Illya about it, and had found out that the girl was often alone, because her 'Grandfather' came to see her no more than once every other month. Servants who provided them with everything they needed – food, clothes, anything they might need – were always ready around both Illya and the two former Heroic Spirits, but they were left on their own most of the time.

Not that Arturia was complaining. On the contrary, that fact gave her the possibility to fully look after the child.

In the first few weeks, Illya had several questions about the 'mission' her parents had had to go on… and Arturia had decided to be honest with her. Even if she was young, she was not stupid, and the woman believed it was best for her to understand the truth about what had happened as early as possible – so she would not become a pawn for the Einzberns.

Arturia left out many gruesome details, but she explained what the Holy Grail War had been about and how they had had to fight to the death with other participants. Illya was quite horrified, but was glad for having been told the truth and for the fact that Arturia was not treating her like a kid.

Questions about the war also brought questions about its end. Arturia was a bit vaguer about that, because she had no intention of making her dislike for Kiritsugu too apparent in front of his daughter. However, she explained that the Grail had been destroyed and therefore her father's mission had failed. Since he had failed, the Einzberns were not welcoming him back, and that was why he could not visit her.

Arturia was pleased to find out that Illya understood all that. She made sure to explain both points of view, the Einzberns' and Kiritsugu's – even if it wasn't his fault the mission had failed, the Einzberns were angry at him and didn't allow his return.

Illya understood the reasoning… but she did not approve of it, exactly as Arturia wished.

The woman told the child that the only way to see her father was to learn enough to be able to leave on her own and go visit him herself – if he couldn't go to her, then she could go to him. Illya was very excited at the idea, and in her enthusiasm revealed that she didn't really trust her grandfather. Hearing that made Arturia even more pleased – the girl was really bright, and there was the concrete possibility of her refusing to accept her already written destiny.

Illya then shyly asked her if she would help her… not only to learn more, but also to grow and fulfil her wish to see her father.

Such a request took the former King of Britain by surprise… but she felt honoured by it, too. Therefore, she smiled warmly at the girl and told her that, since she had been her father's Servant and her mother's friend, she was gladly going to be there for her.

Arturia wasn't sure what her thoughts about Kiritsugu were. She was not going to hate him, out of consideration for Illya, but she was never going to like him either. However, she couldn't help noticing how the young girl really seemed to miss him. Knowing that he was alive and not being able to communicate with him made her very sad.

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