Chapter 18:Rin Tohsaka

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As she went back to the Emiya residence, Arturia reflected on her brief encounter with the girl. She wasn't sure what kind of person Rin Tohsaka was, especially considering her young age.

She was confrontational, unafraid, suspicious of people but not particularly cautious, evidently smart but not the type who thought things through completely. She seemed to have a strange personality: gruff and brusque in exterior, much softer and probably fragile inside. Arturia could see the effects of Tokiomi's upbringing, and she did not like it.

She did not know the details, but she was aware of the fact that Tokiomi's death had been a horrible betrayal… however, he had certainly been no saint.

It was best to discuss those considerations with Gilgamesh, who had been Tokiomi's Servant and probably knew more about him than her. To be fair, Arturia mused, it was not bound to be the truth, because she had been Kiritsugu's Servant and had known close to nothing about him. But Gilgamesh was better at reading people than her – he would most certainly be able to provide more information.

She was going to do that because Arturia had decided to begin to look into Rin Tohsaka's life… and hopefully find a possibility to free her from Kirei's shadow over her. But she needed to discover more about the girl first.

Of one thing, the King of Knights was absolutely certain: Rin didn't like Kirei. At all.

That meant that she was not going to talk to him about meeting a strange woman, and therefore her identity was not at risk of being exposed.


After picking up Illya at the Emiya's – where Arturia had a brief but important request for Taiga about the following days –, the King of Knights cooked dinner, and spent the evening doing some housework with her ward while listening to her talking about her time with her brother.

When it was time to go to sleep, the King of Knights dialled the number of the other former Heroic Spirit. As usual, he answered after only one ring.

After summarizing the other events of the day, Arturia approached the subject in which she was interested the most.

"When I was at the mall, I had quite the strange meeting. I saw Rin Tohsaka."

On the other side, she knew that Gilgamesh was listening a bit more intently.

She briefly explained the coat incident, and continued, "I was wondering about the reason why Kirei controls her money and therefore, to a certain extent, her life, in such a way."

The King of Heroes was completely aware of the fact that she wanted to know more, and he scoffed.

"Kirei is not completely in control of the Tohsakas' heritage. Apparently, even if Tokiomi left everything entrusted to his care in the will, the family's attorneys in London had some sense and they didn't allow the Tohsakas' riches to be safeguarded by a complete stranger. Kirei only has some form of minor tutelage, or so it seems."

Arturia frowned. Then what had happened that afternoon didn't make much sense. She repeated to him the shop assistant's words.

"Could you please look a little more into this, Gilgamesh? That girl's entire future is on the line if Kirei manages to extend his full control over her."

He was annoyed, and did not bother hiding it.

"Arturia, that brat is the child of my former Master. Tokiomi was a very boring mongrel, and there is little chance of his offspring being better. I don't see your interest in her, either."

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