Chapter 22:Noble Phantasms and heritages

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One afternoon, Illya and Rin met at the Tohsaka mansion to practice Magecraft. Since it was becoming late and they still wished to spend some time just talking, the white-haired girl called her guardian and asked her if she could stay over for the night. Knowing that she did not have anything to wear as pyjama, Arturia offered to bring her some clothes. There was a short silence as Illya whispered something with Rin, and then her ward happily told her that she was very welcome to come to sleep there as well. Arturia accepted the invitation, suppressing a smile at the girls' antics.

She packed a few items for Illya and herself and went to the Tohsaka mansion. She was unsurprised at finding the King of Heroes there, too.

He and Rin had not exactly become… close, but the black-haired girl obviously respected him and he did not seem to mind her company too much.

A few days earlier, Arturia had gently enquired with Rin about what had happened the day she had been crying – and she had been told that Gilgamesh had offered her silent comfort. The thought had warmed the King of Knights's heart.

His presence there at the mansion was in fact a good thing, because Arturia had a few things she needed to discuss with him and she preferred to do it directly rather than over the phone.

The four of them had dinner together, and then Rin and Illya went to the former's bedroom, where they had taken another mattress so they could 'sleep' in the same room… most likely talk the whole night. Arturia would have probably objected to that plan if the following day had not been a Sunday and they had not been able sleep in.

The two kings remained in the living room, sipping on their favourite beverages, talking quite comfortably to each other. The conversation ended up on Noble Phantasms, especially the most powerful ones.

They talked about Berserker's Knight of Honour ability, which could turn everything he touched into his Noble Phantasm, then they mentioned Rider's Reality Marble, Ionioi Hetaroi, which was the embodiment of his great capabilities as a leader.

Gilgamesh was then quite matter-of-fact when he talked about Ea.

"When there is a stage worthy of using its power, nothing can even hope to resist against Ea."

Arturia seemed to hesitate for a second.

"Something could," she replied.

Before he could do more than just look at her with a raised eyebrow, completely unconvinced, she added, "My third Noble Phantasm… Avalon."

He seemed mildly curious. Since she had to talk with him about other things that had to do with it, she began to explain.

"Avalon is the sheath of my sword… Excalibur. It was stolen during my lifetime and lost over the centuries. The Einzberns found it and used it as a catalyst to summon me as a Servant."

She paused for a second, collecting her thoughts.

"I have come to suspect that it was then put inside Irisviel to help keep her alive until the time in which she had to become the Grail's vessel."

She remembered how fast the woman had been healing after having been gravely injured against Kirei, and how she had even had enough energy to help Maiya recover. At the time, she had simply accepted that the medical abilities of the Einzberns were greater than she had thought, but the truth had not been so simple. She continued in her explanation.

"Avalon is a very powerful defence Noble Phantasm. It has, among other things, great healing abilities, but since I am its owner, it works at its full potential when I am near it or the one to use it."

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