Chapter 23:Feelings deepening

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One of the first things Arturia did when back in Japan, was to go visit the Einzbern Castle outside Fuyuki, the place where she and Gilgamesh had lived when they had received human bodies after the end of the war.

No one had been there for a while, but since it belonged to Illya, it was best to decide what to do with it.

The King of Knights talked about her ideas with the girl – because it was again her heritage they were discussing about –, who agreed. They took from the castle everything that still had value or could be used again, before having it demolished. The land was rented to a family who wished to build a farm on it, and both Arturia and Illya found it a more than acceptable solution.

Another thing the woman did was recover Avalon when the girl was asleep. Illya was safe from the Einzberns' manipulations, and there was no need for an extra protection any longer. The time of the destruction of the Grail was coming closer… Avalon's powers were going to be needed.

When she thought about Avalon, Arturia couldn't help thinking about other Noble Phantasms as well… and she had noticed that Gilgamesh had been using his Gate of Babylon differently in the last year or so.

One evening, he came to the apartment she shared with Illya because both her ward and Rin were over at the Emiya residence and he was way too bored by Kirei to tolerate his company.

He was sitting on the couch and observing her as she worked in the kitchen, calmly cooking dinner and at the same time having a casual conversation with him.

She did not allow him to be lazy for long, though.

"Gilgamesh, will you please set these on the table?" And she indicated two plates, two sets of cutlery, two glasses, napkins and a water pitcher.

He raised an eyebrow at her.

Who did she think he was, a servant? He would not be the one to set the table.

But then a thought struck him. If he did not put those items on the table… then Arturia would have to do it.

And she was certainly no servant, either.

The King of Heroes found himself analysing the situation. He would just be lending the King of Knights a hand… and then they would be able to have dinner. It could be acceptable.

So he stood up and, to Arturia's slight surprise, did what she asked. She made sure to hide her expression though.

She had been certain that she would have to argue with him and even threaten to leave him without dinner, but his compliance had made things easier. She would not push her luck by showing him how astonished she was.

When she finished cooking, she brought everything to the table. Even though they were in Japan, she and Illya often ate in the Western way and without chopsticks. She filled the two plates before sitting down in front of Gilgamesh, and did not realize that a few strands of hair had escaped her usual chignon.

However, he did. And he leaned forward slightly to casually put the locks behind her ear.

His touch was soft and uncharacteristically gentle. She froze for a second – remembering that he had done the same at Kiritsugu's funeral –, but then simply continued eating as if nothing had happened. A little tilting upwards of her lips, however, gave her away, and he did not bother to hide a smirk of his own.

After dinner, they quickly cleared the table and then went to their favourite spots in the living room, sitting on the couches in front of each other. Arturia had prepared tea, but Gilgamesh of course preferred his red wine from Gate of Babylon. Seeing him use his powers made Arturia remember that she had actually meant to ask him something about that Noble Phantasm of his.

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