🏳️‍🌈gay gay homosexual gay🫵

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happy pride month!! because i have no idea what to do, heres my pride hcs for the twisted wonderland characters!! [if you wanna leave yours in the comments, go ahead].
remember- these are just my hcs and opinions, dont attack me of them or ill force you to step on a lego without socks 🙂.


Riddle Rosehearts;;
~ male [he/him]
~ demi-biromantic[male lean], asexual
~ trey was his gay awakening
~ he didn't learn about the LBGT+ until Che'nya and Trey brought it up

Trey Clover;;
~ male [he/him]
~ panromantic, demisexual
~ makes pride cakes
~ cater drew the pan flag on his hand with sharpie

Cater Diamond;;
~ demi-boy [all--he/him pref]
~ omnisexual [male lean]
~ buys everyone small pride flags
~ his diamond is made of the omni colors

Deuce Spade;;
~ male [he/they]
~ gay, aegosexual
~ never told anyone he was gay until ace and prefect
~ delt internalized homophobia until he enter NRC

Ace Trappola;;
~ demiboyflux [he/it]
~ greyromantic-bi, lithosexual [50-50 lean]
~ would 100000% beat someone up for being homophobic
~ made fun of Deuce for being gay [he was trying to flirt]


Leona Kingscholar;;
~ male [he/him]
~ pan-greyromantic, greysexual
~ romantic/sexual attraction is rare
~ casually uses the f-slur in an argument

Ruggie Bucchi;;
~ boyflux [he/they]
~ panromantic, demisexual
~ takes care of the baby gays back home
~ pickpockets people at pride parades [so he can buy things]

Jack Howl;;
~ male [he/him]
~ gay, demisexual
~ probably crushing on epel-
~ *aggressively supports younger gays*


Azul Ashengrotto;;
~ male [he/they]
~ demiromantic-bi [male lean], asexual
~ sex-repulesed asexual
~ pride events/games at the lounge

Jade Leech;;
~ boyflux [he/it/they]
~ unlabeled, greysexual
~ doesn't know what he likes, just don't be an ass
~ rearranged his mushroom collection so theyre in the colors of the rainbow

Floyd Leech;;
~ agender [they/it/xe]
~ greyromantic-bi [50-50 lean], akiosexual
~ ran around NRC with a pride flag cape
~ has a sexuality/gender crisis every other week


Kalim Al-Asim;;
~ pangender [all--he/him pref]
~ biromantic, demisexual
~ buys everyone in the dorm pride things

Jamil Viper;;
~ boyflux [he/they]
~ demiromantic-poly [all but female], demisexual
~ subtle pride things [gold things in his hair are rainbow, gay bracelet, etc]
~ makes sure Kalim's pride fest doesn't get too out of hand


Vil Schoenheit;;
~ genderfluid [all--he/him pref]
~ gay, demisexual
~ wears a skirt around school every now and then
~ "be gay do crime" <- what he lives by

Rook Hunt;;
~ demi-boy [he/she]
~ gay
~ Epel replaced his feather with a pride flag
~ bought Vil a new pride pallet

Epel Feilmer;;
~ male [he/him]
~ biromantic [male lean], lithosexual
~ Vil bought him a bi pride flag
~ his grandma is very supportive


Idia Shroud;;
~ agender [they/it/xe/ey]
~ greyromantic-pan, litosexual
~ pride minecraft server
~ has pride stickers on his pc tower

a/n;; i didnt know if i should do ortho or not, but im not gonna. if you have hcs on him and wanna share you can leave them here.


Malleus Draconia;;
~ non binary [they/he]
~ demiromantic-pan, asexual
~ lilia put a small rainbow wristband around his horns
~ carries around a little pride flag

Lilia Vanrouge;;
~ genderfaun [he/it]
~ biromantic, demisexual
~ tries making a giant pride cake...it failed
~ hands students mini pride flags

Sebek Zigvolt;;
~ demi-boy [he/him]
~ demiromantic-gay, asexual
~ Lilia drew a pride flag on his face
~ *aggressively supportive*

~ agender [he/she/they]
~ unlabeled, asexual
~ Lilia also drew a pride flag on his face
~ has a very fluffy pride blanket he sleeps with

aaaannd thats a wrap on my hcs. dont attack me for any of these, these are my thoughts and are not meant to be cannon...unless some are which is fucking awesome!!
have a safe pride month, if yours trans please bind safely, and be gay do crime <3

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