✨ Random HCs I Thought Of pt2

182 7 1

Trigger[s];; N/A
Request;; N/A
Reader;; Nah
Recommended Music;; Confort Crowd, Conan Gray
A/N;; again i think im projecting too much on floyd and azul...deal with it

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~ Ace gets really excited to start new video games but then gets bored and leaves them unfinished until he remembers about them again
~ Ace also has ADHD
~ Deuce set water on fire when he tried to cook
~ Riddle will eat cereal no matter what meal
~ Cater was a Nikki stan
~ Trey always has an annoying hole on the heel of his socks (every pair)
~ Cater says any joke that comes to his mind, funny or not
~ Cater had discord but deleted a day later cause he didn't know how to work it
~ Trey makes hyper realistic cakes to mess with everyone (this got Ace to bit a door handle thinking it was cake)
~ Ace acts like sweet kid around his friends parents/people he doesn't know well, but it's all an act cause his mom always scolded him for disrespecting random strangers
~ Riddle has OCD
~ Cater convinced Riddle and Jade to cosplay as Ciel and Sebastian


~ Jack has too many succulents in his room to the point he pokes himself on them when he forgets they're there
~ Ruggie will only wear oversized clothing. Any normal sized/tight fitting clothing feels weird
~ Jack names all his succulents
~ Leona would rather starve then do the dishes
~ Jack tripped down the stairs and started doing push-ups, it started becoming a habit whenever he trips
~ Ruggie would lay out in fields while the sunsets an just stare at the sky
~ Jack HATES needles
~ Ruggie cant sit correctly in chairs
~ Leona would definitely doxx someone


~ When Floyd is bored, he bites at the skin around his nails (sometimes doing this unconsciously)
~ Jade buys Floyd cups with weird text on it ["My horse doesn't like you" // "Got Cholera?"] Stuff you'd find on wish-dot-com
~ Floyd bought all three of them matching fuzzy socks and onesies
~ Azul refuses to admit he has depression
~ Floyd always says "be more pacific" instead of "specific" because it sounds the same and it pisses Riddle off (and because he cant pronounce specific correctly)
~ Jade does not allow Floyd to drink energy drinks
~ Jade can say the most cheesiest/cringiest things with a straight face
~ Azul likes green tea
~ Floyd will willing walk into places barefoot or just in his socks


~ Kalim and Jamil will wipe the floor with Idia (or anyone) in Just Dance
~ Kalim bought stilts and almost broke his arm
~ Kalim will browse random shopping sites to find the most stupidest looking thing and buy it (if Jamil doesn't stop him)
~ Post-overblot, Kalim has tried to buy Jamil things he thinks he would like or things that remind him of Jamil, but Jamil shuts him down (secretly Jamil is really happy about it)
~ Kalim is banned from all kitchens on campus unless someone who knows how to cook is there (someone who's not lilia)
~ Jamil tried to give Lilia cooking tips, but Lilia took them too literally
~ Kalim bought a giant sea otter plush that he sleeps on
~ Jamil will burn the entire school down if he saw a bug
~ Post-overblot, Kalim almost got into a fight when someone was talking shit about Jamil (he didn't fight them, but he did stand up for Jamil)


~ Vil buys Rook different types of hats
~ Epel tries to sneak out at night but always ends up getting caught by Rook
~ Epel can't cook anything besides Mac n Cheese and cereal
~ Rook is amazing at making BBQ
~ Vil always has dirt/drama on the other students
~ Epel HATES applying eyeliner. He always gets teary-eyed and pokes his eye (Vil has to help him and gets irritated when he starts tearing up)
~ Epel will arm wrestle with anyone stronger than him to test if he's getting stronger
~ Epel is banned from the Pomefiore kitchen after be burnt an omelet, he's only allowed in if Rook or Vil is there
~ Epel is a highlighter kid /hj
~ Rook can kinda draw people but he's better at drawing animals or landscapes


~ Ortho almost killed multiple people after he heard them talking shit about Idia
~ Idia wants to cosplay in public, but he doesn't want anyone to stare more then they already do
~ Idia only washes his hoodie once every other week
~ Idia tried making ramen in a pot but accidentally evaporated the water when he got distracted by his game
~ Ortho cooks for Idia
~ If Idia can't escape a social situation, he basically shuts down and goes into "npc" mode (don't speak unless spoken to)


~ Malleus makes flower crowns when he's bored
~ Silver gets sunburn easily and hates failing asleep in the sun
~ The best thing Sebek can draw is a stick figure or Malleus
~ Silver was obsessed with stop motion animation at one point and tried to make one of his own
~ Sebek almost fell down the stairs, but caught himself by doing one of those tuck-n-roll moves
~ Lilia drew on Sebek's face when he fell asleep
~ Malleus can only draw gargoyles, anything else and it looks horrible
~ Lilia tried to do Silver's make-up but Silver wouldn't stop blinking and Lilia accidentally poked his eye
~ Silver thought pokémon were real as a kid
~ Lilia loves dark chocolate and coconut
~ If Malleus has Roaring Drago in his hand and he falls, his is more concerned about his tiny pet then any injury he might have gotten
~ Sebek treats Roaring Drago on equal importance as Malleus (Seeing as Malleus loves him)

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