🏳️‍🌈☁》Coming Out [ftm]

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Trigger[s];; N/A
Request;; N/A
Reader;; trans male
Recommended Music;; Second Puberty, Jake Edwards
A/N;; pride special for all the guys reading. also, you're already dating the character unless i said otherwise. oh and make sure youre binding safely or ill attack you with a pillow🙂/th. i know how hard it is coming out, so if you need to vent about something my dms are open. and if your parents dont accept you, fuck them. im your dad now.

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🌹Riddle Rosehearts;;
~ He was confused at first so he assumed you were joking.
~ But then he saw your serious expression and knew this wasn't a joke.
~ He never had much internet access as a kid, so he did some research later that night on how to help you and what the term "transgender" meant.
~ He later found you and took you deep into the rose maze for a secluded talk.
~ He apologized for assuming it was a joke before grabbing your hand.
~ He asked for your preferred name and pronouns.
~ He made sure everyone addressed you properly and if anyone wouldn't...well it's off with their heads.

♣️ Trey Clover;;
~ He slowly picked up on it.
~ He noticed how you felt uncomfortable when someone used your deadname or used she/her pronouns.
~ He noticed how you tried to make your voice deeper, always pulled on your shirt to cover your chest, you know, the little things.
~ Eventually, he pulled you aside and asked if something was wrong, of course he wasn't going to force you to tell him until you were ready...and that's what happened.
~ You told him you weren't ready to talk about it just yet, and he nodded saying, "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to listsn."
~ A few days later, you told him.
~ He asked your preferred name and pronouns and the next day you woke up to find a binder–surprisingly fitted to your size–on the foot of your bed.

♦️Cater Diamond;;
~ You had attempted to cut your hair shorter and act more masculine.
~ So when you told Cater about your identity, he held back a chuckle.
~ You were confused before he said, "Looking like that? No sir!"
~ Later that day, you both went on a shopping spree.
~ He bought you some more masculine clothes, and even a binder.
~ He even went to get your hair fixed [not saying you did a back job, it was just choppy in the back].
~ Of course while shopping, he asked for your name and pronouns.

♥️ Ace Trappola;;
~ He wasn't surprised in the slightest.
~ He casually asked your name and pronouns, before going back to whatever he was doing before.
~ You thought that was the last of if, but you started finding some of his clothes around your room.
~ He told you with amazing subtlety to wear them, "They'll look good on you."
~ He tried to act like he didn't care when he first bought you a binder, but it made him happy to see you smiling at your flat chest.

♠️ Deuce Spade;;
~ Poor baby is really dense.
~ He was shocked before he went deep into thought, trying to recall the signs.
~ Without thinking he said, "That's why you got accepted into an all boys school."
~ He realized it might've been rude, so he apologized.
~ You just laughed it off before he asked for you name and pronouns.
~ Like Ace, he began leaving his clothes for you, but he always left a little note with them. 'I think these could fit you, [y/n]-kun'.
~ If someone deadnames you...congradulations, you just unlocked bad boy Juice mode, I suggest you hold him back or stand clear of the soon-to-be fighting arena.


🦁 Leona Kingscholar;;
~ You approached him while he was napping.
~ You sat next to him and told him your name and pronouns.
~ He wasn't shocked in the slightest.
~ As long as you were happy he could care less.
~ He rolled over and lightly stared at you before rolling onto your lap and saying, "Good for you, now let me sleep."
~ You knew he sucked ass at expressing he cared, but you knew he did.
~ Occasionally, if you're with him at his dorm, he would throw one of his shirts at your head, "Keep it. I don't wear it anymore."
~ He got your measurements and told Ruggie to buy you a binder.

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