🌧 Floyd Leech》Woods Behind Campus。

110 5 1

Trigger[s];; SH (self harm)
Request;; @Jellyfishie25
Reader;; Gender Neutral
Recommended Music;; Hey You, Pink Floyd
A/N;; whoo another request!! im so sorry this took so long to get out, i was dealing with some stuff irl. i hope this is to your liking, and ofc sorry if anyone is ooc

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

You took a slow, deep, trembling, breath. You stared down at your desk, your cold hands clenched together in your lap as you bit back tears. You only had five minutes left in class, but time always seemed to drag on.

The bell finally relieved you from class and sent you to lunch. Packing your things quickly, you left the class with your gaze on your shoes as you headed to your dorm. Your head was going to explode, you could barely see through your tears as you headed down the hall with tunnel vision.

"Hey, Shrimpy!" Floyd's muffled voice greeted as you passed him. You gave him a quick glance before you kept on your path, hoping he wouldn't follow.

You made it to your dorm and shut the door, tears blurring your vision as your head violently pounded. You grabbed the sides of your head and fell against the door, tiliting your head back to try and breathe, but to no avail, sobs caught in your throat.

You closed your eyes and bit your lip, holding back a gut-wrenching scream that was begging to be let out. It all became so overwhelming the pressure building in your throat disappeared and you head was numb as your body moved on autopilot.

Mindlessly leading you to a drawer, mindlessly grabbing a blade...mindlessly finding a temporary solution to your problems.

You sat on the carpet in the center of your room, debating whether or not you should head back to class or just stay here and rot. You had to go back sooner or later so might as well get it over with now.

You walked along the path back to the school, dragging your feet and rubbing your wrist. Your cold skin warmed under the sun, you felt lighter under her touch. The warm feeling on your skin was comforting, like being held.

Although you forced yourself back to the school, you didn't try to resist as your body moved on its own, taking you to the woods behind the campus.

You found a nice tree in the shade. Sitting at the base of the giant, you leaned against its bark and looked up, pulling your knees to your chest and holding them tight. You listened to the birds chirping away, the leaves rustling in the small breeze.

You wondered if anyone would think to look for you. You wouldn't know what to say or what a good excuse would be. Your mind trailed off, what if no one came looking for you? You've helped them when they needed, but would they bother to do the same?

You rested your forehead on your knees, taking in the sounds and trying to clear your head again. Your eyes blurred again and you itched at your wrist as you heard shuffling from beside you.

Lifting up your head slightly to see the source of the noise, you saw Floyd walking towards you. A small wave a panic ran up your spine as you stopped scratching, wiping your eyes and trying to compose yourself.

Though you were just thinking about someone to come looking for you, you didn't want anyone to. You didn't think you deserved it.

"Shimpy? Whatcha doing out here?" Floyd asked, standing in front of you, looking down you and how small you made yourself look.

You shrugged, "Why are you here?" You asked in a low voice.

"I was gonna take a nap," Floyd lied and sat in front of you. Truth be told, he saw that you were crying earlier. Sseing you vulnerable made him feel weird and soon he found himself wondering if you were okay. It was weird for him to worry for someone and he tried to force himself to forget it, but he still found himself wandering towards your dorm and following you towards the woods.

"What's up with you?" He noticed the puffiness of your eyes and your slightly disheveled hair and uniform.

You shook your head, a pressure on your throat and chest. Glancing at Floyd's unusually soft gaze broke down the wall you had built; against your will, the pressure released as tears fell from your eyes. You buried your face behind your knees, sniffling as you choked out an apology for the public breakdown. Floyd stared at you, he wanted to help and comfort you, but he couldn't think of something to joke around or talk about.

Choosing a different approach, he sat beside you and put an arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him.

The sudden action surprised you, but you didn't fight back. You wiped your tears with your uniform blazer and leaned into him, mumbled apologies leaving your lips. Floyd placed a reassuring hand on your head as he looked at you with an uncharacteristically gentle smile.

Floyd's smile wavered as you wiped your tears away again, the action pulling your sleeve up more than you wanted.

You froze as you realized what he was looking at. You tried to move away, but he kept you there, not saying a word.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was doing and-and I-" You stopped your rambling as Floyd took your hand in his, realizing what was under the gauze. Everything he wanted to say was caught in his throat, coming out as silence, but he wanted you to know he still cared in his own way.

He brought your wrist to his lips, kissing the wounds through the cloth of your uniform before gently holding your hand.

You didn't know what to say as he kissed the top of your head, leaning back against the tree and holding you tighter to him.

After a moment of silence, he whispered to you, "I'm here for you, Shrimpy..." he wanted to say more, he wanted to pour his heart out to you, to give you everything, but those words were the only thing he could manage to squeeze out.

Prompt //

a/n : again im sorry this took so long to get out

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a/n : again im sorry this took so long to get out. i really hope this is to your liking.

Word Count;; 1072

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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