✨ Random HCs That I Thought Of pt1

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Trigger[s];; Mentions of alcohol
Request;; N/A
Reader;; Thanos Snapped
Recommended Music;; OhNo!, Kevin Walkman
A/N;; the mc is hinted at, but not really here ykwim?? also might do more idk. i think i was projecting onto Floyd, Malleus and, Azul too much here

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~ Cater loves those "pov" playlist
~ Trey can't function with other people in the kitchen. They keep getting in the way and it feels crowded
~ Ace teases Deuce by saying "fatherless behavior" whenever Deuce reverts back to his "thug habits"
~ Ace listens to Lemon Demon
~ Deuce regrets this "thug days" but he still likes his music from that era
~ Cater had an emo phase.
~ Riddle always wear socks
~ Cater bought Uggs when they were cool
~ Ace bought Deuce a baby chick to make fun of him, but now Deuce is in love with it
~ Cater likes to wear sundresses and those giant sun hats
~ Thug Deuce stole some kids candy and he feels bad about it now
~ Ace had tons of expensive Lego sets
~ Che'nya gave Riddle a cat stuffie last visit and Riddle still sleeps with it [he loves it more than anything]
~ Cater flirts with everyone
~ As a kid, Ace would "dead man float" in pools to see if anyone would care or save him [no on did]


~ First time skiing, Jack ran into multiple trees
~ Jack likes his fur being bushed [when in his wolf form]
~ Leona will go to despite messures [if he's not feeling lazy] to avoid Cheka and his brother [ex;; jumping out the nearest window, hiding behind Jack or Ruggie, whoevers closer]
~ Ruggie and Jamil have mutual respect for each other
~ When MC and Grim were staying with Leona, he would random fall asleep on them. Unconsciously, MC would pet Leona like a cat
~ Jack lets MC hug his tail when they're tired
~ MC called Jack a good boy once and it hasn't left his mind since
~ Despite his age, Leona only drank alcohol once and that was when Cheka was too much


~ Azul takes monopoly too seriously. He and Idia agreed to stop playing
~ Floyd would hide Azul's notes to mess with him before giving them back when Jade said Azul was about to cry
~ When Azul falls asleep on his desk, Jade and Floyd give him blankets
~ Floyd calls simple things [ex;; pencil] wrong names on purpose to piss people off
~ They saw Finding Nemo once and now the tweels compare Azul to Pearl ["Floyd, stop teasing Azul...you're going to make him ink" // "jADE!"]
~ Floyd also had an emo phase...he's still in it, but it's not as noticeable
~ Floyd kins Tendo, Juuzou, and Gumball
~ Azul is on mentally ill Pinterest
~ Floyd has ADHD
~ Jade is in the BSD fandom
~ Floyd and Azul got too deep into the Danganronpa fandom and Jade still makes fun of them for it
~ Azul has a private board on Pinterest for weight loss tips and workout routines
~ Azul tries to keep up workout routines, but he either forgets about them or gives up on them
~ Azul and Floyd have a collaborative playlist for sad songs
~ Jade made a playlist for background music for the lounge
~ MC joked about maid costumes and Floyd thought they were serious so he bought one. He wore it and was proud
~ Azul attempted to dye his hair and got it everywhere but his hair
~ Floyd has a tier list of best places to nap and worst places to nap
~ Jade finds students in debt to Azul and has them try out new mushrooms he found ["I just need you to try this, rest assured your debt will be cleared...if you survive]
~ Jade has gotten a kid addicted to shrooms
~ If Floyd falls he just lays there
~ They have weekly game nights and most games get extremely heated


~ Kalim wanted a pet spider but Jamil said no
~ Every bug he sees, he calls Kalim or someone to take it away
~ Jamil and Trey share cooking tips
~ Jamil has parental locks on Kalim's phone just in case
~ Someone on Magicam made a Kalim Stan account
~ Another made a Jamil x Kalim fanfic [Jamil found it and told them to take it down...they didn't]
~ Kalim and Jamil have movie nights and alternate choosing movies
~ Kalim bought Jamil a snake plush and Jamil hid it in his closet [but he sometimes sleeps with it]
~ Kalim was a Tablet Kid™
~ Jamil was–and still is–Kalim's pillow
~ Kalim found Orange YouTube by accident and he is forever scarred
~ Jamil "jokes" about Kalim turning him into an alcoholic before 20, but most of the time he is serious


~ Vil bought Sebastian's [Black Butler] hooker boots
~ Rook has a journal assigned to everyone he "observes" and each has notes, their schedules, etc etc
~ When he's mad, Epel will "curse" in redneck
~ Rook has a French accent and it really shows when he's excited or angry
~ If Rook forgets a word in English/Japanese he switches to French and leaves everyone confused
~ Epel goes on angry rants to Jack about Vil
~ Deuce and Epel like to race Blastcycles
~ MC compared Rook to the He-Man meme once and showed Epel a picture and now he can't unsee it
~ Rook made a Vil Stan page
~ Epel used to have horrible tan lines back on the farm
~ Vil gives wine mom vibes
~ Epel has never had acne

💀Ignihyde [idk much im getting lazy] ;;

~ Idia is a god at Just Dance
~ Idia keeps all his old gaming consoles for nostalgic purposes
~ Idia introduced Azul to Uno and stopped playing because of how heated the two got [Idia's hair almost set the room on fire]
~ Crippling social anxiety
~ Kins Leviathan from Obey Me
~ Plays Otome games
~ Also on mentally ill Pinterest


~ MC called Lilia "Draculaura" once and he took it as a complement after seeing a picture of her
~ When they were kids, Sebek never did anything without Silver
~ Lilia is amazing at sewing and makeup
~ Malleus loves cats
~ Silver fell asleep on the couch and when he woke up, everyone was napping with him
~ Lilia makes dad jokes all the time and it drives Silver insane
~ Sebek goes through 10 things of hair gel a week
~ Sebek and Malleus don't know how to use sarcasm
~ Lilia will proudly wear a dress
~ Silver used to have long hair before Lilia cut it because Silver was annoyed by it
~ Lilia is amazing at bleaching and dying hair
~ Malleus has separation anxiety and abandonment issues
~ You show Malleus basic human kindness, he devotes his life to you and is always excited to see you


~ Crowley was the kid who tried to be funny but no one laughed at his jokes
~ Sam has a black market business
~ Crewel and Trien get together, drink wine, and complain about students and Crowley
~ Ashton wanted a tattoo but didn't want the pain
~ Sam sells alcohol to minors that pay enough money
~ Crewel used to play piano
~ Sam can play the drums
~ Crowley unironically likes elevator music
~ Ashton can down 20 shots and still be sober
~ All the staff have vacation trips together in the summer and head to the beach
~ Sam jokingly does that "Buy one for the price of two and get a second one free!" and students fall for it

A/N;; i didnt add the teacher in my pride hcs so imma put them here

~ Male [he/him]
~ Straight, demisexual
~ doesn't even care if his students are gay or not
~ definition of Corporate Rainbow

~ Male [he/they]
~ Demi-pansexual
~ Made a pride line
~ Helps out his trans students [clothes, binders, etc]

~ Male [He/Him]
~ Aroflux, Asexual
~ Found Lucius a pride collar
~ Gives advice to younger gays

~ Non binary [He/They/Xe/It/Zir]
~ AroAce
~ Sells pride things
~ Gay top hat

~ Male [He/Him]
~ Straight
~ "We're all a little gay"
~ "You're a guy? Okay, here's the guy workout"

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