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July 10, 1995 London, England

We finished the music video yesterday, and once that was finished being edited it would be released as a single. The estimated time of when the music video would finish being edited was about 2 months and we planned it to be released on September 17, 1995.

Right after the music video yesterday which was really fun to film with the guys, we caught a plane to England to run some errands.

"Hey sage have you seen my jacket? I can't find it and we're about to leave" Nick panicked frantically looking around for his jacket. The boys and I had an interview for a show which would air in a quite successful channel here in London.

"Here it's with me, stop panicking you'll do great" I placed my hands on both his shoulders "But what if I get a voice crack!" He whined about to cry "you'll do great, you won't get a voice crack you're  almost done with the puberty stage its starting to wear off, you'll do absolutely amazing ok?" I assure him giving him a small kiss.

"Ok" He deeply breathed in and out "thank you" Nick hugged me tightly "of course, but I can't- can't really breathe" I tried to get out "Sorry" He apologized as he pulled away.

"Its fine come on or we'll be late" I take his hand as we go out the hotel and head to our venue, thankfully it wasn't too far and we made it in time with the others. 

The boys went up first and I'd be next. 

"Today we have seen many boy bands, up next we have a boy band rising to fame, please welcome the Backstreet Boys!" The host introduced while the crowd started clapping, here in Europe they were honestly becoming a hit, more people knew them.

Back in America MTV would decline them so not much people knew them in America.

The guys sang Just to be close, and Nick in fact did not have any voice cracks while singing, which thank god or he'd be crying about it all day, I didn't need to see nick sad or I'd probably get sad too.

"So, Nick you're the youngest and also have a lot of girls running after you, so what is your ideal type of a girl?" The interviewer asked.

I knew they weren't 100% sure about me and Nick being together and only rumors were passed around, but the question still was quite uncomfortable, which made me shift in my seat, nick glanced my way and smiled 

"I like girls who are- girl who have rather, good personalities their looks don't really matter but I do like brunettes but personally I think I like girls who are fun to be with and just understand you, you know" Nick gushed while he looked to me giving me a wink, making my face go red. 

It wasn't too noticeable so hopefully no one caught that, or it would probably confirm suspicions and I wasn't too ready with going public yet.

"Well there you have it!" The interviewer said as the crowd started going wild, many people liked Nick because of his looks, but most importantly his personality stander out to me.

"So you guys have been working on a single, right?" The interviewer asked "Yes actually, its gonna be released, hopefully, by September and we're actually scheduled for a music video next month. That music video will be our first and we're really excited" Kevin said as he looked into the crowd, something he usually did in interviews.

"Oh really? Its your first? That must be exciting!" The interviewer said, she asked a few more questions and it was now commercial break the boys went off stage and after the commercial break it would be my turn.

"You did amazing!" I said as I hugged nick "you guys too!" I exclaimed to the others as I pulled away from nick "thanks sage" Howie gave me a side hug.

The make-up person went to me and fixed my make up a little, I took my anxiety pills before this so hopefully it would be less nerve wracking I started picking on the side of my nail, a habit I did when I got a wee bit nervous, Nick saw this and made sure to comfort me

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