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June 28, 1995 Stockholm, Sweden

"Hey Lou... Ok yea sure.. Ok I'll tell them" I woke up the next day at around 7:30 by the phone, Lou had told me to tell the boys we have to record another song, for the boys it would be Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) meanwhile for me it would be 'I kissed a Girl'

This would for sure put speculations on magazines about me being Bisexual, hell they already had magazines saying me and Nick were together. I mean I was bisexual but I wasn't open about it, the only people that knew were the boys.

Im guessing Lou wanted that song for me so I boost up the charts and get more famous with the speculations.

"Nick come on get up" I whispered in his ear, just like me yesterday, he woke up slowly and stretched "why'd you wake me up so early" He whined "come on stop whining like a child, Lou called and said he wanted you guys to record another song" I explained

"awww I wanted to have the day off" Nick pouted "Ok well, please get up I still need to tell the other guys ok?"

"Ok" he gave a peck on my lips as I went to tell AJ, Howie, Brian and Kevin. We all finished getting ready at about 8:30, arriving at the studio at around 8:40 am.

"Ok, so originally the idea was one verse for nick, one verse for Brian but seeing as the can't really happen right now, both verses go to Brian, Nick you will sing some backing vocals along with the other, that fine?" Max asks 

"again?! but-" Nick was about to complain getting cut off by Kevin "come on nick dont go making this a big deal, its either Brian gets 2 verses and we finish in possibly 2 days again or you get one and we finish in double the time because of the amount of retakes" Kevin explains.

"Fine!" Nick shouts, as he shouts he gets a voice crack making Kevin prove his point.

"Ok so, we can start on the 2 verses Brian you've listened to this song already before right?" He makes sure "right, but could I listen to it again, just in case" Brian asks "sure" Max plays it and Brian gets the tune right, and started recording both parts.

After watching Brian a little I go to nick who was on the couch, he looked disappointed and looks like he was doubting his abilities.

"Come on nick cheer up, it isn't you fault its normal you're just going through puberty, its normal plus maybe you can record the other verse when your over this stage of life" I reassured.

"But I feel like Im not helping and just being a burden" Nick pouts as he puts his head on my shoulder "you are a big help, backing vocals still do play a big role you know, plus like I said its not your fault Carter its normal"

Nick just stays silent his head still on my shoulder "what about we go get ice cream while waiting" I suggest, Nicks head shoots up and he looks happier than a while ago "I'll make sure to get you ice cream if ever I get you mad" I mutter making him giggle.

"Max, you don't need nick yet for a while right? Could we go out for a while?" I ask "oh yea sure just be back at around 11:30 ill start backing vocals of nick by that time, so there's more time." He explains "ok by-"

"Could you buy lunch too? Im quite busy because I was told to organize the files if it isn't much of a burden could you, here's the money" Ava hands us the money "Ok, now worries bye!" I say as me and nick walk hand in hand to the elevator.

"I just realized im pretty sure Ava's our age" I randomly stated in realisation "Oh yea she is I never noticed" Nick says, we go into the elevator and nick pressing Ground Floor.

we go down and both run through the city laughing, we go to the McDonalds and get 2 ice creams, and what we all normally get.

Thanks to nick and Kevin I was getting better with my eating disorder sure it was hard, but I was eating more, and I had the boys to thank for that.

"wanna prank howie?" Nick asks "maybe.." we both grin cheekily "Ok come on! lets change the onions into soap" Nick laughs as he once agains drags me to the hotel.

We go in our room slice the soap and put it so it looks like the soap are the onions. "we should get another burger though so he can actually eat lunch" I say "but-"

"Nick come on don't be so rude" I laugh at him, we go get another burger and I keep it in a separate pocket of my bag so he wouldn't see the extra one and suspect anything.

We marked the one with soap slightly, but not too obvious.

We then walked around the city eating ice cream since it wasn't 11:30 yet "Nick when did you start to like me?" I ask curiously "Well I always did, but they weren't that strong I noticed them probably when I saw you .. smoking again you know, I realized I loved you I didn't want to lose you to that addiction so" Nick affectionately spoke.

"what about you? when did you start liking the great Nick Carter" Nick stated sassily "very funny" I laugh "but I think I always liked you too but especially when the boys would joke about us being together pushed me to like you more"

"crazy little bitches but they're family" I laugh to myself "aint it" Nick laughs "OH SHIT! ITS 11:28" Nick screams frantically "KEVIN IS GONNA GET MAD AGAIN" He grabs me making my ice cream fall and runs to the building, which wasn't too far from here thankfully.

"my ice cream!" I pout "I'll get you another one later don't worry come on" Nick runs to the elevator which was about to close, thankfully we got to it in time and we made it right on the dot.

"Right on time, wow" Max says surprised "hey- be surprised if Kevin is on time not me" nick rolls his eyes making max just laugh slightly.

He goes to record but was still panting so he had to relax first, 30 minutes later its lunch break me and nick make sure to give Howie the soap one, and we eat in peace. Howie was telling a story when he suddenly starts screaming, me and nick laughing our asses off.

"what the fuck!?" Howie screams "why did you put soap in here!" the fact he knew what it was because nick always puts soap in Howie mouth when he's sleeping just made me laugh more.

After the laughter among us died down I gave Howie the actual sandwich, this time he took he onions out just in case making me and nick giggle.

God I was grateful to have these boys.

Later after the guys, I went to record, since this was a shorter song than enchanted it took even faster to record and there were less backing vocals so I had finished the song already and tomorrow I would just need to record electric guitar and drums.

"your hot you know" Nick said as we walked out "god shut up" Kevin rolled his eyes pretending to puke making the others laugh "nothing wrong with appreciating my girl kevsters" Nick said making us laugh, and Kevin roll his eyes again jokingly.

When we got to our room Nick got me ice cream remembering his promise a while ago, he also got himself ice cream as we watched top gun "tom cruise is hot here damn" I mutter 

"im hotter though right?" Nick asks "yea of course of course" I say sarcastically "whatever" Nick laughed.

We soon fell asleep together the move playing and ice cream smeared over nick lips.

── ⌗ end chapter *ೃ༄

a/n: kinda bad chapter but like wtv slay 🙄🤪

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