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June 19, 1995 Orlando, Florida

The next day I woke up beside sage once again. Sage made me feel things, I was happy whenever I was around her I was ecstatic— in fact I was beyond happy. I was grateful to have her, and honestly I have started to accept my feelings towards her.

She made me go crazy, it was like I was meant to meet her, like she was the one that would make me complete.

The way her bangs fell down onto her eyes, her slow breathing — everything about her was perfect, no she was perfect.

June 19, 1995 Orlando, Florida

I woke up seeing Nick staring at me, and I felt butterflies, but I doubt he was looking at me in that way.

"you know nick its rude to stare" I chuckled lightly opening my eyes slowly.

"No its not, and if you want me to stop starring stop being so perfect" he grinned, making me blush "awww sage is blushing!" Nick laughed.

"Ok and?" I rolled my eyes playfully while getting up to get ready for the day "hey no! Where are you going" Nick pouted.

"to get ready obviously" I laughed lightly going to take a quick shower, it was already 12:00pm, I had to get ready if I wanted to start the day rigt.

After taking a bath I changed into some baggy pants, a cropped tight fit shirt and a varsity jacket I asked Nick if he had already took a bath, he said he would do so later so we both went down to the kitchen.

"Morning!" I jumped onto Kevins back, he was currently cooking... chicken? I think it was, it didn't really look too edible honestly.. Howie was a better cook, no offense.

"its not morning anymore sleepyhead" Kevin grunted in response pushing me off.

"yea well whatever" I shrugged sitting on the stool in the kitchen. Our kitchen was a simple design with an island in the middle and some stools, honestly we ate here more than we ate in the actual dining area.

"Kev we've got a school thing concert later, whatever you wanna call it thing — later right?" Nick asked as he inspected the chicken taking a closer look at it and checking if it was even edible.

"Yes we do and stop looking at the food I made like that just eat it its edible" Kevin rolled his eyes.

"Ok grumpy gramp" Nick replied with an attitude making me laugh.

Nick took a bite of his chicken and his face showed an expression of satisfaction "you know its not bad, do you wanna try?" Nick asked poking his fork into another piece of chicken and putting it in front of my face, I wasn't too hungry honestly so I politely declined shaking my head.

"Ok then, more for me" Nick shrugged.

"you haven't eaten in a while Sage, why don't you just eat a bite at least" Kevin suggested "no I'm fine honestly especially with the chicken looking like that" I joked.

"I'm serious I'm concerned for you" Kevin seriously stated, Nick just looking between me and Kevin like a little child.

"I'm good I promise-"

"HOLA!" Brian cut me off walking into the kitchen.

"Ok well I'll be in the living room avoiding Brians tactics or whatever" I got up exiting the kitchen and sitting on the couch in the living room, Howie beside me.

"sooo How'd you sleep?" Howie smirked beside me, he always thought me and nick had a thing for each other I know I did, I don't know about nick though.. I doubt he felt the same. 

"Ha ha" I rolled my eyes throwing a pillow at his face "hey! I was just asking, and how'd you even know I was talking about Nick being all touchy with you unless you liked him" He smirked in response.

I just rolled my eyes with a grin playing on my face as I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, and just like that I had fallen asleep again.

"Sage wake up were here" I hear someone whisper in my ear while lightly shaking me, I rubbed my eyes looking around I was in a car and Nick was beside me, so I assumed he woke me up.

"Where are we?" I asked stretching in place.

"The school" he said as he took my hand helping me down, it gave me butterflies, man was I down bad for this boy.

"Oh ok" We walked into the school holding hands as my head fell on his shoulder still feeling sleepy.

"wait did you bring my anxiety pill things?" I asked "Oh shit- we can ask someone to get it don't worry" He reassured me "Ok"

I had social anxiety so I had pills to help whenever I performed to calm the nerves, my anxiety was slowly healing though with the therapy and everything.

Anyways we went in the gym Nick going to play basketball with Brian and AJ while Kevin and I sat on the steps in the gym "Nick was jealous a while ago" He smirked.

"hm?" I showed a confused expression tilting my head slightly having no idea what he was saying.

"A while ago with Howie, you know when you fell asleep" He explained "Oh, I bet he was just.. I don't know but I don't think he was jealous, probably got it all mixed up" I shrugged.

"He threw a fit again and ignored Howie the entire time going here, believe me he was definitely jealous" Kevin laughed.

"yea but- I don't know maybe it was just a coincidence" I tried explaining.

"God you're both so blind" He rolled his eyes making me punch him lightly on the shoulder.

After a while we were called to go out the gym so we could enter the gym when we were introduced, it was 2:25 we had 5 minutes until we would be performing.

oh my god I forgot my anxiety pills. I checked my pockets for a cigarette, thankfully I had one stick in my pocket I excused myself from the others going outside.

"Sage? Its 2:29 they told me to call you back!" Nick walked outside as he shouted loud enough for me to hear, I quickly chucked the cigarette away starting to cough because of Nick just suddenly going to call me.

"There you are they're calling you come on" He tugged at my arm, I decided not to talk so he wouldn't smell the smoke on me, ever since he found out about me smoking he had always tried to tell me to stop and would get all protective over me when he found me with a cigarette.

"Sage, why do you reek of nicotine?" He asked as his head slowly started turning towards me "I- I do? I don't know must've been the kid beside me he was smoking too.. i- I don't know" I shrugged trying to play it off.

"Open your mouth" He instructed "What no I'm not at the dentist" I rolled my eyes laughing a little, we were already with the others at this point.

"just open" he said sternly I opened slowly and he went to sniff my breath

"Nick what the fuck are you doing" AJ asked laughing at Nick as AJ went to hit the back of Nick's head lightly.

"you liar you said you'd stop or at least tell me if you would start again so we could talk about it..." Nick ignored what AJ said, I was about to respond when Kevin started talking

"lets not fight, or just continue this conversation later ok? We're about to start" He instructed.

Right after Kevin said that they had called for them to perform, this was how it worked, they would perform 2 songs, then I would perform about 2 also and we'd perform one as a group.

Soon we all finished and went back home I was about to sit on the couch when Nick went to drag me into his room.

─── ⌗ end chapter ✎*ೃ˚

a/n: bad chapter ik I'm sorry 😭

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