Maze Runner: Newt (1)

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A/n: Happy pride month! It is June 1 for me so it is the start of pride month. this is my first time writing so it will probably be short.

Y/n: Your name

Y/h/c: Your hair color

Y/e/c: Your eye color

Y/n/n: Your nickname

Y/n Pronouns: She/Her

Nobody's POV:

Newt sat in his hammock the night already getting cold, Alby said that it was going to be one of the coldest nights. They were short one hammock in the glade because Minho broke one by running into it.

Newt went to bed early and could hear Thomas, Minho, and Y/n running to the homestead. The two runners hopped into the beds next to him, Y/n hot on their trails. she skidded to a stop almost falling on him.

"That's not fair! you broke it you should be sleeping on the floor Minho!" Y/n hollered at the brown hair runner. "ya but you're too slow Y/n/n" Minho snickered.

Y/n huffed and bent over to get a pillow and blanket. "Fine I'll just go sleep in the kitchen"

"No you won't" Alby's deep voice boomed through the homestead "it's too cold, you will just need to share with someone"

"Why can't Thomas and Minho just share" the girl protested earning a chuckle from some of the other boys

"Because they won't fit in a hammock together, your the smallest so you need to share" Y/n didn't reply just nodded at the leader as he started looking for who she was going to share with.

Alby looked around and locked eyes with the second in command. He knew Newt and Y/n always had a crush on each other, there couldn't be a more perfect time to put them together.

Newt knew what Alby was thinking. he shook his head slightly trying to tell him to not. Ably just smirked to himself and nodded at the blond.

"Y/n your sharing with Newt" her face flushed as she looked at the boy slouching in the dimly lit room.

Thank god it was dark so he couldn't see her pink cheeks. She made her way to the boy's hammock and gingerly sat down beside him.

The two laid down as the sunlight completely went out of the sky. The faint snores fell over the glade but they couldn't seem to find sleep.

Newt POV:

Y/n was next to me, the girl I had liked since she came up in the box. I wish I could tell her what I felt but every boy likes her here, so why would she believe me?

She moved around so our backs were pushed against each other. Our legs slightly overlapped each other and I can feel her body heat on my back.

I am never going to have this opportunity again, being in the same bad as the girl I am in love with.

With the confidence I somehow found I flipped over so I was spooning with her, I was spooning with Y/n, the only girl in the glade. How am I this lucky?

Y/n POV:

Newt moved so he was behind me. That is when reality kicked in.

I am sharing a hammock with the guy I have liked ever since I first came up in the box.

His hands snaked around my waist as he pulled me closer to his chest. I can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck.

A wave of cold hit me like a truck even with my blanket up to my nose. I shimmed myself closer to Newt and he did the same.

I turned around so we were facing each other and gave him a little smile. The homestead was almost pitch-black.

Newt smiled back, his signature smirk creeping onto his face. He looks so cute like this.

He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his chest, with him placing his chin on my head.

"Ya know love, I have liked you ever since I jumped down to get you out of the box," he said just low enough for me to hear.

"Really?" I question him lifting my head up from his chest to look at him. "Of course. Your amazing, how could I not like you?" He says, his rich accent filling my ears.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" "Because all the other shanks in the glade like you too. I didn't think you would believe me."

"I like you too" I squeak, suddenly at a loss of breath. "Really?" Newt says slightly raising his voice and quoting me.

"Ya, I thought I was being obvious" I reply with a small chuckle. "Can I kiss you?" Newt says boldly but is humbled by a small voice crack.

"Yes you can." I say

He brings his head closer and I feel his soft lips on mine. Sparks are sent through my body as we lay there. I break the kiss in need of air.

"Maby we should share a bed every night," Newt says to break the comfortable silence. "Maby we should" I say and lean up to kiss him again.

"Finally" I can hear Minho say clearly half asleep.

A/n: So that wasn't that sort. Sorry if it was bad.

Word Count: 910

Next up: The Hunger Games: Finnick Odair 

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