Timothee Chalamet (1)

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A/n: I know that I said I'd do Steve Harrington next but I could not be bothered to write about Stranger Things right now and I was just reading Little Woman, and omg I love Timmy so much.

This is a Timothee x actor reader on a red carpet for one of their movies together.

Y/n POV:

I have a red carpet in three hours and I'm currently getting ready. I never have been a huge fan of big fluffy dresses so I'm going with a simple yet stunning F/c, floor-length gown. I'm just going to have my hair straight, simple smoky eye with fake lashes and black heels.

Me and Timothee are going together and he said he will be here with the car at six, the event is at six thirty so we will have plenty of time to make sure I look good.

My makeup and hair are done leaving me to get in my dress with only thirty minutes till Timothee gets here.

My phone starts to ring as I'm getting up from the makeup chair, it's just from my mom. I answer my phone and set it up so she can see me.

"Darling you look lovely!" She says when she first sees me. "Thanks, mom" I reply. "Hold on let me show your father, D/n!" She yells to him.

"You look gorgeous honey!" He says looking at me through the phone. "Thanks, dad," I say again.

We talked for a bit after I got my dress on and my team touched up my makeup. "Ok, mom I need to go," I tell her, stepping into my shoes.

"Okay," She disappointedly says, I know she could talk for hours. "But call me after!" Her voice comes through the speaker, sounding happier than before.

"Ya I will." My phone buzzes telling me that Timmy's here. "Mom I need to go now"

"Oh! Is Timothee there?" She always loved him. "You too would be so cute together" "Mom!" A small laugh comes through the phone.

"We are just friends" "Friends don't kiss" My sister's voice comes in. "That was for a movie!" I tell her yet again. "I know but it's funny to watch you get all worked up" She giggles again.

"That's enough S/n, you can't make fun of
Y/n for being in love with him!" They are howling at this point. I can't believe this, they are so annoying sometimes.

"Alright, you need to go, tell him we say hi!" "I will mom" I start to walk to the door with my phone.

"I love you, say hi to B/n for me" "I will love you too" I press the end button and put my phone into my purse, check myself in the mirror and open the door.

Timothee is in simple a black suit but of course, he manages to make it look gorgeous. "You look amazing N/n," He says as I walk up to the car.

"Thank you, you look good too" I reply, my face getting a little darker. He smiles and moves aside to open the car door.

I sit down and he goes to the other side and gets in, "Such a gentleman" I say referring to him opening the door.

"My mother raised a good man" Timmy says jokingly. We both chuckle a bit and look forward.

My conversation with my mom and sister makes its way to my mind, we did kiss, but it was for a movie. There are no feelings involved. I mean he is attractive and very nice, but we are just friends.

Just friends

Those two words suck. What if I wanted to be more than that? What if he wanted to be more than that?

I can't think like that, we are just friends. And there is no way he would want to be more than that.

Apparently, I think a lot more than I should have because we are at the red carpet and I didn't even talk on the twenty-minute drive.

Someone opens the door and I step out, instantly cameras are flashing and reporters are screening for me to look at them.

Timothee gets out of the car and joins me at the start of the carpet. "Looks like we are going to be here for a while" He whispers leaning closer to me, we both let out a small, airy laugh.

We walk over to the movie poster and have some pictures taken by it then we go our separate ways answering questions, interviews, more photos and eventually signing autographs.

I go to the first reporter and start the questions.

"Was it fun to be on set with Timothee Chalamet?" The woman looks very interested like she has been waiting her whole life for this moment. This is not your typical first question, morally it's 'who are you wearing?' or 'what did you do to get ready for tonight?'

"Yes it was, he's very sweet" My reply seems to calm some of her nerves, she must have been very nervous. Like she thought I was going to be a total bitch.

"He seems like he is" She agrees with me. "How did you get ready tonight?" There it is.

"Nothing special. Hair, makeup, got into the dress and came here." "You look amazing, I love the dress." She says after nodding.

"Thank you, I love it too." I agree with her. We talk for a little longer but I cut it short to go to the next person.

"Who are you wearing tonight Y/n?" The man says. "It's a Marc Jacobs" I tell him smiling at the camera.

"It's gorgeous," He says looking at it, "Thank you very much" My hands run over the fabric, feeling the folds and the seams under my fingers.

"Is there any special person in your life you haven't told anyone about yet?" My cheeks get hot and look at the ground before I answer. "Not at the moment."

"Why not you're stunning," He says. "Thank you, but I just haven't thought about it lately" My thoughts from in the car hit me, I have thought about it, but has he tough about it?

My face is still dark as I answer more questions. The reporter goes quiet for a bit so I try to find Timothee in the crowd, it's not hard. His perfect frame screams at me calling my eyes to him.

He's angelic.

The rest of the time flies by without a thought, I can't even remember the questions, all I can think about is Timothee.

I do a few more in interviews but I still can not be bothered to pay much attention.

I get called over to the end of the carpet and soon Timothee follows.

"It's time to sign some autographs!" My publicist tells us motioning to the hundreds of fans.

Timothee gives me a glance as we are walking to the edge, and we both smile at each other knowing we both don't want to be here anymore.

All I can hear are screams or fans wanting to meet us. I go over to a group of girls pushing each other out of the way.

All I can hear is 'I love you!' and 'Your amazing' making my way down the row of people.

My hand starts to cramp up about halfway down and my face is tired of smiling.

Finally, I am done with signing and I get to go home. The car is already at the front so I climb in followed by Timmy.

"My hand hurts" He says the second the door closes. "Same," I reply feeling exhausted.

"I can't wait to go home," I tell him sighing as I say it. "Same," He says the same thing I do.

The car ride feels longer than before, probably because I'm so tired, but finally we get to my house. "I know we are both exhausted, but do you want to come in for a drink?"

He nods "I'd love to actually"

Word Count: 1343

A/n: I ended that really abruptly sry, I didn't want to right anymore. sorry for the part with the dad, I don't like my dad so it was the perfect time to imagine a good father for once lol.

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