Hunger Games: Finnick (1)

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A/n: So this is gonna be based on how I get chosen to be in the games in my DR. I might do a part two on getting selected for the second game and actually meeting Finnick or Y/n in the first game. Btw Y/n is Katniss's twin. Sorry, I got what they say wrong I haven't watched the movie or read the book in like a year.

Y/n: Your name

Y/e/c: Your eye color

Y/h/c: Your hair color

Y/n/n: Your nickname

Y/n Pronouns: She/Her

Kat: Katniss's nickname

Nobody's POV:

Prim woke her two older sisters from her screaming after she found herself in bed after a nightmare. Katniss was the first by her side, holding the small girl to her chest trying to comfort her.

"Shhh it's ok" Katniss says comforting her the best she can. "It was me" Prim says still shaken up. "I know but it's not. it's your first year Prim, your name is only in there once, you not going to get picked. Try to go to sleep." The girl says

The young girl gripped her sister's shirt trying to calm down after the horrifying dream.

It was the day of the reaping, the day that could change the town's lives with one name read aloud by a woman in a funny wig.

"I can't" "Just try" Her other sister says from the other side of the bed.

"Can you sing to me?" Prim says with some hope in her voice. The girls nod to each other and start singing the song that they no so well.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow." Katniss and Y/n start. "A bed of grass, a soft green pillow..." Prim joins her older sisters.

After Prim's breathing normalized, Katniss laid her down convincing her to go back to sleep. When they knew she drifted off the two put on their boots and ran to the edge of the forest to meet up with their long-time friend Gale.

Katniss and Y/n pulled their weapons out of a fallen tree and began to start looking for what they would bring home.

The brown hair girl spotted a whitetail deer eating a couple yards away. She positioned herself across from the deer and pulled her arm back in hopes to hit the thing.

"What are you gonna do with that when you kill it?" Gale says as he pops up from around the corner sacring the girls, making them jump.

"Damn you, Gale!" Katniss yells as the deer runs off. "What are you going to do with a 100-pound deer, Katnip?" Gale says chuckling to himself and Y/n.

"I was gonna sell it, to peacekeepers" She says fiddling with her bow. "Of course you were" He says with some sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Like you don't sell to peacekeepers!" "No! Not today!" They yell slightly raising their voices.

"It was the first deer I've seen in a year. Now I have nothing." Kat says looking defeated. Gale picks up a rock and throws it into a bush making birds fly out, Katniss and Y/n both shoot a bird and shortly after going to collect them.

After they have their kill for the day, the three of them walked up the hill and sat down looking out over the forest.

"No, What if we just stopped watching? Just for this year" "They won't Gale." Y/n says trying to calm him down. "What if they did? What if we did?" He says clearly no anymore calm than he was before.

"It won't happen" She says bluntly. "You root for your favorite, cry when they get killed. It's sick"

"If no one watches they don't have a game. It's as simple as that." He blurts out still worked up. The sisters slightly laugh under their breath.

"What?" He questions them "Nothing" Kat quickly replys. "Your laughing at me" He says coming to terms with it. "We're not laughing at you" Y/n replies coming to the defense of her and her sister.

"We could do it ya know" The brown hair boy says changing the subject. "Take off, live in the woods." "They'd catch us" Y/n says trying to break his thought. "Maby not" He says hopefully.

"They'd cut out our tongues or worse. We wouldn't make it five miles" Katniss says bringing him back to reality. "We have Prim and you have your brothers" She protests again. "They can come to" He says glancing back at them.

"Prim in the woods?" Y/n says trying to lighten the mood. "Maby not." He replies again.

"I'm never having kids." Kat says after a few minutes. "I might" The boy speaks. "Maby if I didn't live here" The other girl pipes up. "But you do live here" Gale says glancing at her. "I know but if I didn't" She says looking back at him.

They all go silent before Gale looks for something in his bag. "Oh I forgot, Here" He pulls a small loaf of bread out and handing it to Katniss. "Oh my god is this real!" She says riping it into three and smelling it.

"Yeah. It better be it cost me a squirrel, the guy probably felt sentimental, he even wished me luck" He says looking at her and Y/n. "Happy hunger games..." Katniss starts "And may the odds be ever in your favor" Y/n finishes, the both of them mimicking the capital accent.

The friends taking small bites of the bread savoring the little they had.

"How many times did you put your name in?" Katniss asks the boy. "Forty-two." they all go silent "I guess the odds aren't exactly in my favor"

They all finish and start making their way back to the fence of district twelve, making some small talk on the way.

Y/n and Katniss go straight to the market to sell one of the birds. "Thank you girl" The woman says to Katniss handing her the ball of string she had traded for.

"What are these?" Kat asks picking up a set of one gold and one silver pins from the woman's table. "Those are Mockingjays" She replies with some light in her voice., the first the girls had heard all day.

"How much?" The y/h/c asks. "You keep them" The woman says closing Katniss's hand around them. "Thank you" Kat says quickly before turning to run home with her sister in tow.

"Mom we're home!" Y/n yells as they enter the small house. "Aww look at you! You look beautiful" Y/n cooed as she hugs her younger sister. "You gotta tuck that tail in little duck." Katniss says as she drops to her knees in front of her and tucks the tail of her shirt into the back of her skirt.

"I laid something out for you two on your bed" Clara, their mother says leaning on the door frame. "Thanks mom" Y/n replies to their mother with a small smile on her face. Y/n knew that Katniss didn't love to talk to Clara like she was their mom, because of her shutting down on them, so Y/n tried her best at making her feel loved by the twins.

The two girls walked into the family's one-bedroom and saw a light blue dress for Katniss and a white shirt with a floral skirt for Y/n.

They took terns having baths and scrubbing themselves clean to the best of their abilities. Y/n was first out of the lukewarm water and started to slide on her mother's old clothes that hugged her curves.

Katniss came out and quickly put on her dress as their mother put Y/n's hair into two french braids. Kat was getting her hair done and Y/n was making sure that her outfit looked presentable.

The two walked out to see their little sister sitting on the chair. she looked up when she saw them walk in. "I wish I looked like you guys" Prim said to her sisters in front of her. "Oh no, we wish we looked like you little duck" Y/n said putting her hand on the small one's back pulling in for a side hug.

"Do you want to see what me and Y/n got you today?" Katniss says as she pulls the two pins out of her pocket and gives the gold bird to Prim and the other to Y/n. "It's a Mockingjay. It will protect you and as long as you have it nothing bad will happen to you. Ok?" The little one nods her head asking Y/n to put it on for her.

"It's time to go" The girl's mother squeaks from behind them.

A/n: Ok so that was really long... I will make a part two that is actually getting reaped and some of Finnick. I know the spelling is horrendous but I haven't reread it.

Word Count: 1451

Next: Hunger Games: Finnick (1.2)

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