nj devils: Jack Hughes (1)

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A/n: I love so many players but don't know much about hockey, so don't mind if it's wrong.

it's one of Jack's last games before Christmas and me and y/f/n are sitting a little further up in the stands than we normally do.

there are about 20 seconds in the second period, Jack is on the ice and they are doing a puck drop. the seat next to me has been empty the whole game but some drunk guy is stumbling up the stairs and sits down.

"hey, pretty ladies! how are you tonight?!" he yells over the crowd. "fine thanks," she says from the other side of me and I turn further away from him. "how are you gorgeous?" he asks me moving closer. "fine." "if I didn't know better I'd think you didn't wanna talk to me." his words are slurring together. I don't say anything back and I look away.

"I'm having a little get-together after, we could have a little fun" he puts his hand on my leg and starts to lean in. a loud bang comes from the ice and our whole section goes quiet looking down to the rink.

all the other boys are getting off the rink but Jack is standing by the boards looking at us. "touch her and you're dead!" he yells to the guy and he quickly runs away.

J gives me a 'are you ok?' look and I nod and give him a small smile. he returns one and goes to the locker room.

-time skip to after the game-

"I can't believe that fucking idiot," Jack says talking about the drunk guy.

"it's not that big of a deal," "yes it is." "no it's not Jack." he stops in the hallway and makes me face him.

"he could have done something to you." he gets quieter looking down at me. "but he didn't," I say as quiet as he was. "but he could have."

his hands go to my waist and he takes another step closer, "he could have hurt you," he says even quieter than before. I lightly touch his cheek "it's fine, I'm fine." a small smile is on my face, he nods but doesn't walk away.

I wrap my arms around his neck and give him a small kiss, apparently it wasn't enough for him and he pulls me back in.

we stay in the hall for a minute or two and he puts his face between my shoulder and jaw. I start to pull away to open the door, he kisses my cheek and then my forehead.

he does the same little cheek rub that I did earlier and smiles at me. I smile back and open the door, he keeps his hand on the small of my back. I push the door open and walk in.

that ending was absolute shit omg. sry for not updating for a while

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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