Divergent: Peter Hayes (1)

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A/n: I have not written in a long time but I have nothing to do rn and I have Peter on my mind so I am bringing you this train wreck. I am in a dystopian faze at the moment so there will probably be more of this sort of thing for a little bit. Again I am a horrible speller so I apologize in advance. There I sent much Peter in this btw.

Y/n: Your name

Y/h/c: Your hair color

Y/e/c: Your eye color

Y/n/n: Your nickname

Y/n Pronouns: She/Her

Y/n faction: Amity

Y/n POV:

The day has finally come, the tests are finally here, and I am finally getting out of here.

I have never been the poster child for Amity, when we were little all the other kids tried to help in the fields and were doing good deeds around the city I was trying not to punch a Candor for being a Candor.

But today is it, I will find out where I truly am meant to be, I know one hundred and ten present it's not going to be here.

Time skip to the start of the tests:

My brother Jack bounced on the balls of his feet as we waited to get our test over with. I know he will be fine, he is the kindest person I've ever met, he was born to be Amity.

Amity's line is next to Candor's line so we can hear every stupid thing those dicks say. Everyone in this city besides them can agree that we could live without them just fine, they are just a backup if you don't fit anywhere else.

Some kid from Candor gets louder as he slightly hits an Abnegation boy in the chest. I have no idea what they were talking about but my guess is something stupid, they are so sensitive sometimes.

The sound of rails screeching yank me out of my thoughts and force me to turn and look at what is making the horrible sound.

As the train gets closer to us Dauntless kids start jumping out and rolling down the small grassy hill.

Dauntless has always looked so amazing to me, I can only hope I can be so lucky to get a Dauntless resalt.

Jack taps on my shoulder and as I look back at him a girl from Abnegation turns at the same time. We must be dreaming of the same thing.

The line moved relatively quickly into the large building that would help decide our fate.

We finally get in and sit down to get the low down on how the tests will work. The same girl and a boy from Abnegation sit in front of us, he looks like the picture-perfect Abnegation kid but her on the other hand, she looks like she is counting the minutes to get out of there.

The woman finishes and shows us to the rooms we get the test done in. Jack gives me a little smile just before we enter the small rooms.

As I walk in I see a large mirror next to the doorway, a chair that looks like it would be in an old hospital and a woman hunched over a computer surrounded by vials of colorful liquid.

She gestures for me to sit in the chair still looking down at her work. I follow her instructions and show myself to the large object. She picks up a small glass of blue liquid and hands it to me.

"Bottoms up" she says coldly. I bring the glass to my lips and tilt my head back downing the thing. It tasted horrible and slightly burned my throat, if I didn't know better I would think they were giving me a shot of alcohol.

She took the glass from me and told me to close my eyes. The chair feels cold on the back of my head as I lean into the light brown leather.

I slowly open my eyes and look around the room, every thing changed and the woman isn't in the room anymore.

The mirror looks more tempting now, so I swing my legs over the edge and onto the floor.

In Amity we don't care about how we look so we normally don't use a mirror, it's strange to see my reflection for longer than a few seconds.

I look to the side of me and see myself in more and more mirrors, I know how this test works look in the mirror for to long and your Abnegation or don't look at it at all and your Candor or do what I'm doing right now and be Erudite.

But this test makes it hard, all of the walls are covered top to bottom with the reflective glass.

I turn away for the seventh time only to be met face to face with myself. "Chose" I harshly say to myself. She is looking behind me, I look and see two tables one with meat and the other with a knife.

"Tell me what they are for first" "Pick one" "Tell me first" "Fine" she says before she disappears into thin air.

The growling of a dog makes me flip around to see a angered German Shepard looking directly at me. The meat and knife are gone and it's just me and the dog.

It starts to run at me at full speed showing off it's fangs. It gets closer and closer and I impulsively get down to the ground, it is fake anyway.

My eyes squeeze shut in fear that the dog will bite me but I feel the hot breath on my face telling me that the dog has stopped, and it has. It stopped directly in front of my and looks a lot less menacing now.

I reach my hand out in hopes it won't bite it. It leans into my palm and let's me scratch its head.

A child from across the room comes closer wanting to pet the dog but when I look back at the animal it's fangs are showing again and it starts to charge the child.

My feet think before I do and I run in front of the dog stoping it from hitting the girl, but just as my actions are being executed it jumps out and pushes me on my back.

Even though it isn't it feels so real.

I try to protect myself and I reach up to grab the dogs muzzle pushing it's teach away from me. It works but not for long it is back on me barking in my face.

"It's not real" I say under my breath. I close my eyes and try to tune out the sound of the barking, it works.

I open my eyes to find myself back in the test room. The woman looks at me with wide eyes and pulls me out of the chair by my arm.

"What was the result" I protest as she pulls me to the door. "It was inconclusive" she says looking shaken up.

"What do you mean?" I ask again. "You didn't get just one" "Then what do I pick?!" I ask frantically.

"I don't know. You fit into Candor, Erudite and Dauntless." She says looking almost as panicked as I feel.

"So what do I pick?" I repeat myself "I. Don't. Know." She replies strongly as she pushes me out of the door slightly.

"I manually put in Amity" Her eyes look to me and then behind my shoulder as she tries to give me some comfort.

"Go home and just tell your family that the test made you sick" I feel a small squeeze on my shoulder as she talks.

"Thank you" I say as I turn and start to walk away.

A/n: Ya there wasn't much Peter but it was something. Next time there will be more of him.

Word count: 1340

Next: Top Gun Maverick: Y/n

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