4. Unravelling

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Amity POV

"Luz," Amity whispered up to the bed from her sleeping bag on Luz's floor. "You've been restless for ages. Do you need to talk?"

For a moment Luz said nothing, but then let out a quiet sob, and without hesitation Amity bolted out of her sleeping bag and was at her girlfriend's side whilst Luz started to cry.

"Batata, what's wrong?" Amity said, hugging Luz tight whilst Luz cried in her shoulder.

"I should have saved him," Luz choked. "The Collector has him now, and I don't know what to do. And Eda, Raine, Hooty, Lilith... what's going to happen to them? It's all my fault Amity, all my fault..."

Amity felt like her heart was breaking. Here she was, holding the girl she loved, who was shaking, crying and so fragile and damaged and mentally torn to shreds...

"It wasn't your fault, Luz," Amity said, her voice breaking slightly. "It was the Collector and Belos' fault, no one else."

"B-b-but King!" Luz trembled. "I could have pulled him back, I could have saved him!" 

"There was no time," Amity said. "His sonic shout was too strong for you to pull him back. He sacrificed himself to save us. Look, Luz..."

Amity cupped her hands on Luz's face and brought it to look at her, Luz's eyes swimming with fresh tears.

"You need to stop blaming everything on yourself when it's never your fault. No one blames you for anything, Luz. You're the most compassionate, brave, caring, loving, most beautiful person I have ever met..." - Luz let out a teary squeak - "and I think the whole group agrees with me on this one. Ever since you met us, you made each one of our lives better. Willow could never even speak in front of the class, and now she's leading her own sports team. Gus was so sheltered and shy, and now he's come out of his shell and finally making new friends. Hunter was trapped in the Emperor's Coven with no way out from Belos, and now he finally has people who care about him, and he's happy. And me... don't even get me started on what changed with me. My life is a thousand times better since I met you."

"You don't have to keep saying that..." Luz started to protest

"I do. And I'll keep on saying it until you believe me. You helped me come out of that awful, bullying friend group, you strayed me off a path which would have made me unhappy, you pulled me away from my mother, you made me see that there's more to life than grades and status... friendship, love and laughter. I never had those things until I met you. Now I have friends that have my back, that support and listen to me... all because of you. And of course, how can I forget that you made me come to terms with myself, you loved me even though I was such a broken mess... and now I have you as an awesome girlfriend. I have you to thank for everything.

"Even if we're stuck here forever, in this weird unfarmiliar world... it's all worth it to be with you."

Tears were running down from Luz's face as she listened to her girlfriend, and when Amity was done, Luz buried her face into Amity's shoulder and hugged her, and Amity held her love just as tight. 

"I love you so much Amity."

"I love you too Luz. More than you could ever imagine."


Author's Note


Hope you guys enjoyed this Lumity fluff/angst, even though it was quite rushed :')

Quick question for you guys - at the end of season 2b, did Flapjack go with the gang to the Human Realm? I don't remember seeing him but I'm reading a lot of fanfics that show that he was there, so let me know if he actaually was there and if you do want to see him ;)

I'll see you in the next chapter my dudes! :D


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