2. Reunion

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Hunter POV

"Hey mom... I'm back!"

The woman, who Hunter assumed was Luz's mother, stood in the doorframe gasping for air for a few seconds, and then lunged onto her daughter and hugged her tightly, and Luz hugged her back just as hard. 

"Luz..." her mother gasped, her voice muffled against Luz's jacket. "Luz..."- she broke away from her daughter -"Luz, is that really you?" she cried with tears running down her face. 

"It is Mami, it is," breathed Luz, crying herself. "I'll explain everything just... can we go inside?" 


Fifteen minutes later, Hunter found himself sitting in Camila's (Luz had hastily introduced them to her mother before pulling Camila aside to talk in another room) living room with a mug of brown liquid in his hands. He eyed the mug suspiciously, and he heard the basilisk Vee pipe up "It's just hot chocolate, it's pretty good actually." 

Hunter and the others took a tentative sip of the so-called "hot chocolate" and to Hunter's surprise it wasn't too bad. 

As everyone drained their cups they all slouched down on the cushiony chairs, taking in their surroundings.

As Hunter scanned around the neat, orderly room, he noticed that there were a lot of picture frames, all with Luz and her mother in them. They were both posing for the pictures with smiles plastered on their faces, and Hunter wondered if those smiles were real.

As Hunter looked around more, he saw a few frames in which a man was present, with dark hair and beard, and Hunter assumed he was Luz's dad. Luz had never mentioned her father to Hunter before, and whenever the topic was brought up Luz looked down whilst Amity hastily changed the subject.

Gus was sitting next to Hunter on one of the long chairs, and he barely touched his hot chocolate. He shouldn't have to deal with this, Hunter thought to himself as he put his arm around Gus once again. He's only young, he shouldn't have to go through all this...

"Hunter?" Gus said, and Hunter gave a start. This was the first time Gus had spoken since they arrived at the Human Realm. "What... what's going to happen now?"

Hunter hesitated for a few seconds. He looked around at Willow and Amity for guidance, as he wasn't too good at comforting people. Amity looked just as clueless and blank as Gus did, but Willow shook her head.

"W-well," she began. "We need to find a way back to the Boiling Isles eventually.. but we need to lay low here for a while, so we can get our strength back up and figure out a way through this. And hey!" Willow smiled. "We're finally in the Human Realm! You have loads of time to study humans and try out new things here, Gus!"

Gus looked slightly more cheery at this thought and sipped his mug. Hunter looked at Willow with admiration. She always knows just what to say... Hunter thought. She always knows how to calm people down... she never hesitates to help the people she loves. She's amazing... Wait what?! Why am I thinking these things?! I must've hit my head harder than I thought...

Hunter frantically blinked to get rid of these strange thoughts and feelings he had all of a sudden. This must be the after effects of the fight is all. Causing him to think these things.

A few minutes of awkward silence ensued, and Luz and Camila re-entered the room, both of them looking like they'd seen Belos materialise into the room. 

"Okay, everyone," said Camila. "You all look exhausted, you all need to go to bed. We'll discuss everything in the morning, but first you all need sleep. Amity" - she turned to look at Amity who gave a start - obviously Luz had already mentioned her name - "you can sleep in with Luz in the first room to the right." Amity nodded. 

Camila gave everyone else instructions on their rooms, and after about five minutes they were all in their designated areas - Willow and Gus sharing a room with a bunk bed and Hunter in the furthest room down. He was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. It all seemed so surreal... he was in the human realm, a place where barely any witches dared to go. He was told his whole life by Belos that he was only half a witch, that he could never do anything so memorable as this... yet here he was.

Rage bubbled up inside Hunter, threatening to claw his insides. He hoped Belos was actaually dead for all her cares. He made Hunter's life a misery, and he will never get past that... will he?

Unable to go to sleep, Hunter got out of bed, slipped his boots back on, opened the window and climbed onto the roof. The air was cold, but Hunter didn't care... he just wanted to clear his mind of the splitting headache he was feeling.

He could see the whole town from this view... it looked quite pleasant, with the blinking lights of the passing vehicles and the flashing lights of the houses.


Hunter whipped around to find the source of the voice.

It was Willow, climbing up on the roof.

"Can't sleep either?"


Author's Note

Aaaaaand the Huntlow train is pulling in! Chooooo chooooo!! 

Sooo just to warn you guys, I may have these weird moments where I post like three chapters in the span of like 2 days, and then I might go quiet for weeks. Just expect that from me and my fvcked up sleep schedule and school :')

That aside, I hope you enjoyed this chapter - we're starting to get into the Huntlow and angst part of this, hope you have your seatbelts on!


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