5. Some Advice

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Hunter POV

Hunter woke up to the bright sunlight streaming through his curtians, and he instinctively put his hand next to the bedside cabinet, expecting to feel Flapjack there, but he wasn't of course, and Hunter felt a stab of sadness. He wished he didn't leave his beloved Palisman behind, but he wouldn't have had the time to fetch him. He just hoped that his bird pal is holding up alright.

He had been sleeping much better ever since he left the Emperor's Coven... no, scratch that. He had actually SLEPT since he left the Emperor's Coven. Belos kept him on very strict working hours and rarely let him sleep. To him, 6am was a generous lie-in.

He got up, changed into his normal clothes and headed out into the main living room, where Luz and Amity were sitting together (Willow and Gus clearly hadn't gotten up yet), both eating some strange pieces in a bowl with some white liquid with spoons (ahem. cereal, Hunter. it's cereal). Luz had her head on Amity's shoulder. Hunter walked over to Lumity, with a goal set in mind that he had been talking himself in doing for hours last night.

"Oh, morning Hunter!" said Luz warily, giving him a half-hearted smile. Hunter noticed that there were bags under her eyes - she clearly hadn't slept well. "Is there something you need?"

"Uhm.. yeah, I suppose so," Hunter mumbled, sitting next to the young witches.

"So... I think that the Captain has put me under some sort of enchantment. A spell."

Luz and Amity looked perplexed. "What, Willow? What do you mean?" Amity asked.

"Well, I've been acting really weird around her, and I don't act like that when I'm around anybody else."

Luz raised her eyebrows. "What are the symptoms?"

"Warm face, fast heartbeat, incessant overthinking, stuttering, mind blanks," Hunter explained, listing them off his fingers. "I could go on, but my point is... HEY, why are you guys laughing?"

Luz and Amity were in a fit of giggling as they realised what "enchantment" Hunter was under.

"Oh, Hunter," laughed Luz. "She DID put you under a spell!"

"She did?! I knew it!" Hunter cried. "What is the spell? What's the cure? Tell me please!"

"It's called a 'crush', Hunter," Amity grinned.

Hunter was baffled.

"A... 'crush'?" he asked, scratching his head. "She... she wants to crush me, is that it-?"

"No, Hunter... YOU want to crush HER," Luz giggled.

Hunter was more confused than ever. "No I don't! Why would I want to do that? You're not making any sense."

"Look," Amity sighed. "Think about me and Luz. We're both in a relationship, right?"


"What do you think happened before we got into that relationship? What do you think were the stages leading up to it?"

"Uh.. I've no idea."

"Well," Luz explained. "Before we got together, me and Amity went through those exact things you described. Blushing, racing heart, overthinking, all that stuff. That's called having a crush."

"Ahhhh... alright. Are you two cured of that then?"

"Well, partly yes," said Amity, trying to be patient with this poor boy. "When we got together and learned that we both had a crush on the other, we were pretty much cured. Now we're in a romantic relationship. That's the last stage - relationship."

"So... what you're saying is that... to cure the spell, all I need to do is... confess my symptoms to her..?"

"Well... 'feelings' instead of 'symptoms'," sighed Luz. "But first you have to have an idea that they feel the same way as you do, otherwise it could ruin your friendship with her, and then you can confess once you know."

"I see... should I make a list on those stages, so I know what to do and how to lead it towards the... WAIT, CONFESS?" blurted out Hunter. "I can't confess to her! What do I do? What do I say? I'll just get all flustered and stutter over my words again!" He buried his face in his hands. "Titan help me..."

"Hey, hey, it's alright," soothed Amity, putting her hand on Hunter's shoulder. "It doesn't have to be an immediate thing. Crushes and love develop slowly overtime. Don't expect her to reciprocate your feelings straight away... just enjoy being friends for the time being."

"Okay... okay." Hunter stood up. "Thanks for the advice, guys, I'll see you later."

And with that, Hunter headed straight back to his room. He had some research he needed to do.


Hi my dudes! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit difficult to write it in the POV of someone who has no idea what love is... I think I did it justice though!

Also, thank you SO much for 1.6k views, I did NOT expect to get to this number so fast! :') I promise to get the next chapter out ASAP, but I do have school, so how long it will take I don't know.

In the meantime, write down in the comments some ideas of what the gang can get up to in the Human Realm.. Huntlow and Lumity oneshots can be included! I would love to see your ideas!

Aight, see you next time, chauuuuu~


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