6. Disguises

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Willow POV:

Willow woke up that morning in a lethargic mood, having being tired to the bone from yesterday, and staying up talking to Hunter on the roof last night. She felt goosebumps as she recalled the events of last night, where Hunter had said all those sweet things to her, and left her in a happy and confused daze, wondering what he meant by those things he said.

"Hey, Willow? You there?"

The plant track witch snapped out of her trance at once when she heard Gus's voice bring her back to reality. "Yeah, I'm here, just zoned out I guess." They both looked up as they heard Hunter enter the room.

"Hey Hunter," Gus smiled wearily at him as the blonde boy entered the living room where he, Willow, Luz and Amity were sat talking amongst themselves. "What kept you in your room for so long?"

"Yeah Hunter," Luz grinned, sharing a smug, knowing look with Amity. "Why were you in your room for so long?"

Do they know something we don't? Willow wondered.

"I... uhhh," Hunter stammered, his face flushing slightly. "I overslept! I was really tired, sor-sorry."

"Well," Camila said, entering the room. "If you all are staying here for a while, you need to blend in. You can't just go walking around with those ears and clothes. We're going to the mall."

In a few minutes, they were all piled in to this strange transportation device that Camila called a "car" and sped off to the human mall.

The mall was huge, and very bright and flashy. Billboards towered above them, and bright advertisements flashed away.

"Alright," Camila said, turning to the group (they all had hoods on, excluding Luz, so their ears wouldn't show) and handing them human money. "All of you can go off and buy whatever clothes you like, as long as they're not too expensive. When you're done, I'll meet you at the fountain in the middle of the mall."

With that, the gang wandered throughout the mall for a while (Camila had gone to get herself a coffee), Luz leading the way.

"Oh!" Willow cried. She had spotted a sports shop and was immediately drawn to it, with all the weights and sportswear you could buy. "Can we go in there?" 

"Sorry," Amity said. "But me and Luz are planning on going to her favorite store, but"-Willow saw a mischievious glint in her eye-"you can go with Hunter!"

"Huh? What? I go in where with who now?" Hunter gave a start. He's been so quiet this whole time, Willow thought. What's up with him?

"Oh, I'll go with you guys then!" Gus exclaimed, turning to Luz and Amity. "I don't like sports that much."

"Okay!" Luz clapped her hands with a sly smile plastered across her face, which Willow was immediately suspicious of. "We'll see you guys back at the fountain, have fuuuuuuuuun~!" And with that, they were gone.

"Uhm.." Willow began, turning to Hunter who looked quite flustered and confused. "Should we... head in?"

"Oh! Sure, sure, we can do that!" Hunter laughed awkwardly.

The pair headed into the shop, and spent a while testing the weights and trying out the sports shoes, and came out with a pair of shoes each and three small weights.

"This is great!" Willow exclaimed. "We have so much more oppertunity to work out now, even without Flyer Derby. Hey!" A thought had just struck her. "What if we could go for a run every morning to test out these shoes, and to explore the Human Realm?"

"O-Oh!" Hunter blustered. "Sure! J-Just you and me?"

"What, scared I'll leave you in the dust, Bad but Sad Boy?" Willow grinned mischieviously.

"Oh, you are ON, Park!" Hunter smiled villainously. (note from the author: is 'villainously' actually a word? screw it i'm using it cuz i can)

"Oh!" Willow cried. She had spotted a beautiful flower dress in a shop. That was a must-buy. "Wait here," she said, handing Hunter her shopping bag. "I'll be right back."

A few minutes later, she had stepped out of the dressing rooms with the dress on. "What do you think?" she asked Hunter whilst admiring the patterns.

"You, uh, you, uhm..." Hunter stammered, his ears turning pink for some reason. "You look... nice. Bit strange, but nice. I've never seen a dress like that in the Boiling Isles."

"Me neither." Willow shrugged to herself. "Eh, it's good enough for me!" With that, she went over to purchase it, whilst pondering over Hunter's recent behaviour. He must be adapting to this new environment, Willow concluded. That's why he's been so distracted lately.

The pair then  made their way back to the fountain, where Luz, Amity, Gus and Camila were waiting. 

"Well, what took you both so long then, huh?" Luz smirked.



Please accept all of my sorries for this taking soooo long to do, I have been so freaking busy with two holidays, exams and overall demotivation that I haven't had the energy to write. BUT I AM BACK, and the next chapter wont take as long to come out, I promise!!

Okayyyy see you in a day, or a week, or a month, or a year, idek AHHHHH BYE


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