8. Haircut

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3rd person (?) POV:

Hunter and Willow have grown closer over the past few days, thanks to their morning jogs and deep connection with each other. They seemed to understand each other better than anyone else it seems like, and it was apparent to everyone at this point.

"Hey, guys..." Gus said to Luz and Amity one day when the group was on a walk in the park and Willow and Hunter were laughing together on a bench. "Is it just me, or do they seem to be really.. buddy buddy with each other? More than usual?"

"Hmm.. I don't know what you're talking about, Gus," Luz snickered. 

"Yeah, they're always like this!" Amity playfully said.

Gus, the poor sweet innocent bean, didn't get it.


"Hey, Vee?" Hunter said one morning. He had sought the basilisk out because he wanted to ask her something.

"Oh, what's up Hunter?"

"Uh.. d'you think you could give me a haircut?"

Vee looked perplexed. "A haircut..? Why ask me?"

"Well, I would ask Luz, but she would probably make me look stupid. Amity would probably kill me in the process. Gus doesn't know how to hold a pair of scissors and I don't really know Camila."

"What about Willow?" asked Vee.

"UhHh, WiLLow?" peeped Hunter. "Pfft, naaaaah, she's probably got better things to do, I don't wanna bother her, ahahhahhh..!"

"Mhm," Vee smiled, knowing what was up, formulating a plan in her mind. "Alright Hunter, I'll do it. Willow will lo- I mean, everyone will love it!"

"Okay? Whatever you say. Just mind my ears, they're sensitive."

So, for the next 30 minutes, with very vauge instruction from Hunter, Vee managed to style Hunter's hair to look like this: 

So, for the next 30 minutes, with very vauge instruction from Hunter, Vee managed to style Hunter's hair to look like this: 

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"So, what do you think?" Vee frowned. "I think I could have made it a bit less spiky, maybe a bit more off the front and... WOAHHHH, Hunter, what's wrong!?"

Hunter had tears in his eyes. 

"Yeah. I'm okay, it's stupid, I know, it's just..." he brushed his tears away. "I'm looking at myself in the mirror for the first time in titan knows how long. The last time I did I was in the Emperor's Coven, living so badly. But now I look at myself, I look.. happy. I no longer look like a clone, or some other guy before me. I look like my own person. I just..."

He turned and smiled at the basilisk.

"Thank you so much Vee."

"You're welcome, Hunter," Vee said softly, touched by his words, although she didn't understand some of it but didn't press him for details. "That'll be 20 snails please," she added playfully.

"Hey, you little-!" Hunter rebuttled as Vee ran giggling from the room.


Willow POV:

"So.. what do you think?"

Willow's ears pricked when she heard the noise. All the people at the dinner table turned their heads to see Hunter standing in the doorway, scuffing the ground with his foot and looking down, embarassed.

It took Willow a few moments to clock that he had a new hairstyle. Wow. He looked...

"Hunter! Dang, my man, you look dapper!" Luz said, finger gunning, whilst Amity looked pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah, you look like an e-boy!" Gus chimed in.

"A what?" Hunter eyes him suspiciously.

"Nothing, just don't look into it," Gus giggled. "Did you do it yourself?"

"I had a little help," Hunter said, smiling at Vee and she gave him the thumbs-up.

Everyone simultaneously turned to Willow, expecting her to say something as well, but words didn't come easy to her in that moment. She was just staring at Hunter, slightly slack-jawed, at a complete loss of anything to say, her cheeks flushing slightly. Oh Titan, what do I say?! Do I say something?! Anything! C'mon, Park!

"Ahahaha.. wow, yeah, you look fantasticulous-! I mean, fantabulous-I mean, er, ehm..."

She looked down at the floor, trying to regather her thoughts after this sudden brain malfuncion.

"You look great Hunter," she settled, having regained her composure. "You really do."

She swore she saw Luz, Amity and Vee share a look out of the corner of her eye.

Hunter's eyes shined. "Thank you, Captain."

Somehow that made Willow blush even more.

As the group ate, Willow barely said anything during the whole ordeal, trying to protest her emotions.

What is happening? Do I have some sort of.. crush on him? No, no, that can't be it. You promised yourself you wouldn't open up to anyone like that, you'll only get hurt Willow...

...besides, it's not like he'll ever like me back anyway.


*trumpet noises* and we are back! Hello ladies, gents and everyone in between!

Are we all excited for the first s3 special in October?! I sure as heck am, it looks so cool with the poster and video spoiler (p.s. thank you Kevin for enduring my many rambles over text about the teasers, you da best xD)

Also it looks like Palismen DID go with Hexsquad to the Human Realm so WHOOOPS sorry for the bad take there, I'll fix it soon I promise byeeeeeeeeeeee~


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