13: Sunhats On!

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Hunter POV:

As the weeks stretched on, the days were getting warmer and warmer. The gang spent most of their time outside, going on hikes and spending time in the sun. Hunter noticed that Willow had started gardening in Camila's backyard, and he wanted to join her, but didn't know how to ask. But today he would try.

"Heyyyy, Captain!" Hunter called, making awkward finger guns™  as he approached Willow, who was planting seeds.

"Oh, hey Hunter," she smiled up at him with glinting eyes, and Hunter got lost in them for a moment. "Anything you need?"

"I was, er, wondering," Hunter began, taking a deep breath and balling his fists. "Can I help you with your gardening?.. I mean, if you need help, it's not like your not good at it, it's not like i'm saying you're bad at gardening, I think you're brilliant at it, I just wanted t-" 

He stopped short as Willow started to laugh. It was a soft, beautiful sound, that rang in Hunter's ears like a melody.

"Of course you can help, Hunter, you didn't even need to ask!" she pointed to the shed at the bottom of the garden. "You can get some gardening gloves and tools from in there." 

Man, it worked! Hunter thought, making his way over to the shed. Who knew if I just talked to her it would be okay!

The pair started working on a flower patch together. Willow was spraying the budding plants and Hunter was burying with a trowel. 

"Man, it's really hot out here," Hunter said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "Kinda wish I brought a hat or something."

Without a second take, Willow removed her floppy sunhat from her head and plopped it on Hunter's, causing colour to rise to his cheeks, yet again. Why did she always do this to him? Why? She literally just showed a simple act of kindness, but to Hunter it felt like she had just gifted him the world. 

"Oh, no, I can't take this, you need it Cap-" Hunter began, but Willow put her hand up to silence him. 
"Hunter, you clearly need it more than me." She sighed dramatically. "Honestly, you can't handle a little sun, Mister Bloodwilliams? I thought better of you."

"Hah, yeah right!" Hunter shot back, catching on to the playful banter. "You couldn't even stand getting wet when we went rafting!"

"Says the guy who fell in," Willow teased. "I may not be brave, but I'm not stupid."

"Don't say that," Hunter replied, trying to hide his smile behind his hand. "You're the bravest person ever, Captain."

Willow looked down with a pleasant smile on her face, as if abashed by the compliment.

"I'm afraid that spot is taken by you, Hunter," she said, looking up at him, her eyes shining with not playfulness, but a deeper emotion Hunter couldn't decipher, but he could barely think with how much his heart was beating. She coughed abruptly. "It seems like you're out of seeds. You can get some by the tree over there." She gestured to it in the corner of the garden. "I put them over there so they stay out of the sun."

Hunter got up and made his way over to the tree and bent down to pick up the packet of seeds, his mind buzzing with feelings. But as he stood up straight clutching the packet, his head hit something round with a loud "ow!"

He looked up to see a swarm of insects come out of whatever he bashed his head on, and go after him. Hunter then ran manically around the garden, desperately trying not to get stung. At first, Willow was taking a picture of herself, but quickly got alerted to the problem at hearing Hunter's shrill scream, and used her magic managed to herd the bees back in their hive.

Poor Hunter however, escaped with numerous stings from the ranbid incects.

"Well, now I know never to put seeds near that tree again," Willow giggled a few minutes later, putting ointments and band aids onto Hunter's stings from a first aid kit. 

"Yeah, well, at least they didn't shoot fire in the Human Realm," Hunter grumbled, with a slight smile on his face as Willow continued nursing his face. 

"I suppose so," Willow said. "those bees reminded me of Clover. I hope she's okay..." She paused as her eyes clouded with sorrow, but she abruptly blinked her emotion away. "Oh, Titan, sorry about that, I don't know what came over me." She drew her hands away from Hunter's face (his stomach knotted in disappointment) and she sat down beside him.

"You don't have to apolagise for that, Captain," Hunter said softly. "I miss Flapjack every day. But hey, I know they'll be okay. They're tough, and I bet Darius will be looking after them... if he's still..." he broke off.

"They'll be okay, Hunter," Willow said firmly, resting her hand on Hunter's shoulder. "They have to be."

Hunter hummed in halfhearted agreement, and without thinking he instinctively lowered his head down and rested it on Willow's shoulder.

She squeaked in surprise, and Hunter immediately drew back and frantically said "Oh Titan, was that too far? I didn't even think, I'm so sorry, Captain-" His face burned bright in embarassment.

"N-no, it's okay," Willow peeped, covering her face with her hands with just her eyes looking at him from her fingers. "I don't mind."

With her permission, Hunter slowly lowered his head to her shoulder again, and the pair sat on Camila's porch in comfortable silence, watching the clouds go by, and eventually they fell asleep, both leaning against each other, illuminated by the waning sun.


Hiiiiii guys! So crazy few days huh? With the leaked ep and all? Yeeeeah, really annoying tbh, I've been dodging spoilers for the past 2 days but I can tell from the one clip I watched and the thumbnails that it's pretty Huntlow inclusive- I'm very excited for that ;v; Sorry for the lazy chapter tho, i just kinda played off of the scrapbook picture for this one, I hope for the next chapter to be better

See yaaaaa~


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