12. Rafting

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Willow POV:

Willow has been having a lot of fun over the past few days. Camila had given her this strange device called a "camera" so she could take pictures of the Human Realm. It was similar to her scroll phone, but it was able to print the pictures out so she could keep them.

She had already taken a few pictures already, such as when they were watching a movie called "Hocus Pocus" (which was VERY historically inaccurate) and when she, Hunter and Gus were in a photo booth at the mall.


Even thinking about the boy filled Willow with warmth. She had rapidly gotten, to say the least... infatuated with the blonde as time had gone on. 

Everything about him made her heart skip a beat, as corny as that sounds. To his laugh, his compassion, his dedication to his friends and passions... the witch was, to put it shortly, head over heels for him at this point. Fortunately, she always manages to keep her cool around him and to never get to flustered, which she had been doing well (excluding that one time he got a haircut, but she tries not to think about that), so she would have to keep that charade up as they were all going rafting soon. 

As they drived to the rafting centre, Hunter was infodumping about the new book series Gus got him into called Cosmic Frontier to anyone who would listen, and Willow hung onto his every word. 

They got there and signed up for a raft for all of them, minus Camila and Willow (for she wasn't interested in being thrashed around a river in a tight raft, wasn't her cup of tea). 

"Titan, why did I agree to do this?" Hunter whined as everyone put their lifejackets on preparing to board the raft. "I could be reading the next installment of Cosmic Frontier, but I'm willingly paying to get wet, cold and bruised... for the fun of it?"

"Come on Hunter," Luz grinned. "You, the Golden Guard, have faced demons, a crusty sociopath from the 1600's, a literal god child, and you're scared of a little water?"

"That's different," Hunter huffed, his face flushing slightly.

"Hey," Amity punched Hunter's shoulder (Willow was glad to see they had become friendly with each other now). "At least we can be wet, cold and bruised together. Although, those two look like they will take joy from it than anything else." 

She gestured to Gus and Vee who were already ready and were doing some sort of chant with their arms linked, clearly hyped up.

"Well, I'll see you guys soon!" Willow said, beginning to walk out the door. "I'll make sure to take photos.. and Hunter?"

He looked up.

"I'll make sure to get you a towel in case you you fall in," Willow giggled.

Hunter's face turned bright red, Luz, Vee and Amity silently died among themselves and Gus said "Guys? Huh? What's so funny?" as Willow closed the door and walked to the starting point with Camila.

Camila and Willow watched them climb in the raft from a distance and get pushed off by the instructor. There was a walkway beside the river where you could follow the raft, so the pair walked beside the raft full of struggling teens. 

Luz was having a blast, but you couldn't say the same about the others. Amity was clinging to her girlfriend the whole time with her eyes shut tight, Vee was crouched at the bottom of the raft, her eyes only just peeping out and mumbling some sort of prayer to herself, Gus was trying to steer with Luz as best he could but looked equally terrified, and Hunter was just sitting there, holding the oar in his hands, not doing anything with the most disgruntled "I am here against all of my better judgement and will" look on his face. 

Willow was laughing and snapping pictures the whole time, and Camila was hurriedly yelling out instructions like "go left, there's a rock!" "no, no, the other left!" "now steer forward!" "ow, that's gotta hurt.. OH GOODNESS THERE'S A DIP-" "HUNTER NOOOO-"

"I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so," Hunter said, dripping wet and shivering in the changing rooms.

"Oh, pshaw," Luz scoffed, taking off her life jacket. "That was the most fun I had in ages. Just because you fell in doesn't mean it was a damper on everyone's time."

"I did not 'fall in'," Hunter corrected her making air quotations. "I was hurled in. When we fell in the dip. There's a big difference."

"Yeah, sure, sure," Luz rolled her eyes. "Mooooom!" she yelled as she went out the room. "I demand a hot cocoa for all of us! We're getting hypothermia!"

"Oh, yes, I demand one too!" Gus said, following Luz and dragging Vee and Amity out by the arms.

"Hah, she's not wrong," Willow came over from drying Gus's hair with a towel and went over to Hunter. "Here, your hair's a mess."

"Oh, thank-" Hunter was cut short by Willow ruffling his soaking hair with the towel, and he promptly turned pink on cue. 

"There we- pfft!" Willow burst out laughing as she drew away the towel and Hunter's hair poofed up like an afro.

"Oh Titan, don't look at me," Hunter laughed himself, attempting to fix his hair and the two dissolved into a laughing fit. 

"No, no, I like it, it's cute!" Willow giggled, trying to fix it herself and brushing her hand accidently against Hunter's face.

"Hey, that towel seemed to work!" Willow said brightly as she did a double take on Hunter's face. "Your face feels really warm now."

"O-oh.. yeah, that towel's.. really good," Hunter mumbled, doing a half grin.

"Hey lovebirds!" Luz said, poking her head around the door. "Your drinks are getting cold, you Huntlosers!"

"We're not lovebir-!" Hunter started to protest, his face going as red as ever as Luz ran giggling back to Amity. 

"Come on," Willow laughed. "Let's go."

Somehow she felt okay with Luz calling them lovebirds. And somehow, although she couldn't put her finger on it on how she knew, she had a feeling that Hunter was okay with it too.


*crashes thru your wall* IM BACC DID Y'ALL HUNTLOSERS MISS ME

Well merry crisis season everyone, today i am bringing you your early crisis present! Aaaaaaa... drumroll please... fluffy Huntlow chapter where they both have reciprocatory feelings towards each otherrrr! I know, I'm just the best author ever amirite, no more of that "does she actually have feelings for him" shet, thank me later

Well I hope you enjoy your chrismoos, if i don't upload before that day, i hope you get everything u wantttt, byeeeeee


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