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-None, only mentions of whatever

George's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, trying to get adjusted to the lights around me. I woke up twice before but kept dozing off to sleep again because I was so incredibly tired. I had a dull pain in my head, but knew I was getting so much medication that it wasn't too much bad.

I breathed out and lifted myself up slowly, immediately laying back down because I got dizzy and felt the headache getting ten times worse than it was before I tried to sit up. A hand was placed on my shoulder which caused me to be startled and look up slowly.

'Wilbur...' I whispered with a soft smile. 'Why am I here again? I'm so tired... I miss Dream and Sapnap.'

'It's okay to be a little bit emotional,' Wilbur replied, grabbing my hand. 'You just had six hours surgery. They managed remove the tumour completely and took the fluids out of your brain. You need more treatments, but it's a really good start!'

'I'm so tired... and thirsty,' I sobbed, suddenly feelings tears roll down my face without a reason. 'Can I drink something? I want water.'

'Hey, it's okay! I will get some water for you, alright? I have a surprise for you when you feel a little bit less loopy and sad.'

'Am I annoying you?' I sniffed. 'I'm sorry... I will turn around.'

'You're not annoying me at all,' Wilbur answered with a sweet smile on his face. 'I'm going to get you some water and then I'll be back again. Maybe you can sleep for just a bit longer...'


Wilbur gave me some water and I fell asleep right after that. I just woke up again, luckily feeling way less upset and tired. I managed to sit up in my bed and rested my ear on my pillow, looking at Wilbur who held his phone.

'There's just a... pretty big surprise coming in about a minute. Are you prepared for it?' Wilbur suddenly asked me with a big smile on his face. He laid his phone down on the nightstand and glanced at the door.

'Uh- yeah?' I replied. 'You're acting so strange... Is it something I'm going to like? I can't move much, because I'm really weak and I feel very sick... Cancer is actually- a bitch.'

'It's going to cheer you up, I promise. You will enjoy it a lot and won't have to do anything physical for it. You can just lay down and stay quiet if you want to.'

'Alright... when is it happening?'

'Whenever you're ready,' Wilbur chuckled, looking at the door again. 'Are you?'

I nodded softly and saw Wilbur stand up. He slowly opened the door and smiled at... a person? I sat up higher and leaned to my left to see who was behind it, seeing Sapnap walking in.

It took me a while to process what was happening and I gasped when I saw Dream's face, from what I saw on camera, behind him. 'What...?'

'Surprise!' Sapnap exclaimed, running up to me. He leaned in and carefully gave me a hug. He let go of me after a few seconds and made space for Dream who was smiling brightly with tears in his eyes.

'I'm an emotional disaster,' he chuckled, giving me a tight hug. 'I'm so intensely happy to meet you and even though this wasn't planned at all, I'm so glad I get so see you and be with you during the most difficult times. Sap and I booked a hotel next to the hospital so we can go to you every single day.'

I let out a soft chuckle and broke the hug, looking from his face to his outfit. 'This was definitely not planned but- what the hell, I'm so... confused right now. I don't feel well at all so I'm not too enthusiastic, but I'm actually so happy.'

Dream sat down on a chair, having a really pale face. I wanted to ask about it but decided to not be annoying since I hated it as well when anyone asked me why I was so pale and looked sick. Sapnap grabbed a chair next to Dream and sighed relieved.

'So, the surgery went well?'

I shrugged. 'I think so. I'm actually really tired so I'm going to lay back down. Maybe Wilbur can tell you about it.'

'Of course, I promised you that you can just stay quiet and lay down and Dream and Sapnap fully understand that as well. You just had surgery and you still have cancer so it's very understandable.'

'I definitely agree, you can sleep, you can lay still or not talk at all. We are here for you no matter what,' Dream answered nervously. 'I'm kind of nervous, I just... didn't expect to be here and show you my face, but I'm more than happy to be here.'

I smiled softly and curled myself up, closing my eyes because my head hurt a lot.

'The surgery went very well,' Wilbur started. 'They removed the whole tumour but there's a ninety-nine percent chance there's still some cancerous cells in his brain and if they don't give him chemotherapy and radiation, the chance is high it'll come back.'

'But the whole tumour is gone now? And the fluids?' Sapnap asked.

'The tumour is fully removed, just like all the fluids in his brain. The tumour was already pretty big, but luckily not too big to remove. If he would have waited for a few more weeks to months, he could have ended up in a coma or became blind or anything...'

'I'm so glad he's safe here now,' Dream mumbled. 'I've been so scared... I'm glad we know why he feels like this now so there's a solution.'

'Are you feeling okay, Dream?' Wilbur suddenly asked. 'I've never seen you this pale as you're now and I'm worried you might not feeling well.'

The conversation with Sapnap suddenly popped back up in my head. He asked me how to throw up and got mad at Dream for starving... Would they both have an eating disorder?

'Oh, don't worry! Just jet lagged,' he answered with a chuckle. 'I'm completely fine next to that!'

I could hear his lying voice. I knew him so well that I immediately knew when he was lying. It worried me a lot that Sapnap wanted to purposely throw up and Dream also had weird traits...

I couldn't think about it for any longer since I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep...

1096 words

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