A Start of Summer Festivals

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Tommy enjoyed the peace. The silence in the air, only small howling of the soft winds from outside, as well as the branches and twigs of huge, old trees scraping against each other when they danced to the rhythm of the wind. The scraping would not be like the sound of writing with a chalk forcefully on an old blackboard. It was more like a small brush painting more colour on a dull, pale wall. Everything else including murmuring of people's voices, footsteps, and more can all just perish. The silence is all Tommy needed..before Tommy heard a loud bark erupting from outside. He moved his blond curls out of his face before kicking his desk to move his chair backwards for room to let himself stand up. He huffed and out of curiosity, he stood up and paced his way through his room to the closest window to the sound of the barking. There were a few more barks before he heard yelling. Tommy peered out of his window, curtains slightly pulled apart to allow Tommy to see more clearer. There on the training terrain stood Technoblade and Steve, his white dog.

Technoblade was just a four year difference from Tommy, but he looked way more older. He was mature and he even looked mature. His eyes were a light blue shade containing many life experiences. He had pink silk hair that flow to his waist all tied up into a braid today. There were a couple yellow flowers placed on the top of the braid, trailing down to the bottom. He looked like a gardener just with how many flowers were on him. But nonetheless, he was strong. Techno was the leader of the knights in this kingdom. He serves his purpose by going out to lead and protect this kingdom. There were many times Tommy wondered if he would make it out alive. It was a deep and dark thought, but ever since Tommy saw a huge long scar from Techno's left upper arm to a bit past his wrist, Tommy couldn't help but worry for Techno. He was always more of the brawls than the brains. His skills were also amazing. He could easily take on six well trained soldier and beat them without them even leaving a touch on Techno. In summary, Techno was just built strong and was skilled in fighting.

Techno started training Steve around a week ago. He was hoping Steve could be strong to protect people as well. It felt strange to Tommy that dogs could fight. He never really thought Steve was a fighter. In Tommy's eyes, he saw Steve as the cute ball of white cotton ball in the younger Tommy's arms. Steve was playful and energetic. Tommy had a vivid memory of him just chasing Steve around the house before they would knock into a maid or knight and then get scolded on. It was fun times though.

Tommy stared with a small grin as Techno threw a toy of some sort for Steve to return it. Instead, Steve just wagged his tail and ran in circles. Tommy could practically hear Techno do a deep exhale from meters away. Tommy did a small chuckle to himself before pushing himself away from the window. He carefully dragged the blue silk curtains to a close and turned away. He wondered if he should head down to the training terrain to help out Techno, but he shook his head silently and proceeded the thought through. Instead of doing that...he could rest the whole day. Tommy did spend the whole day yesterday to help out the gardener with his plants. Some were not properly growing and because Tommy read the most, he knew a lot about nature. With the help of Tommy, they ended up finding out the problem with the plants. Tommy could remember how dirty and muddy he was at the end of the job. From his shoes to his knees were all covered in mud. He was sure the emperor was going to be extremely angry seeing a prince help out a mere commoner. It couldn't be helped though. Tommy always had a soft spot towards people. When he could help, Tommy would always. Thankfully, Tommy didn't run into the emperor on his way back to his room. It was hard to get rid of the mud on his shoes, so he spent the rest of the evening cleaning out all the mud on his clothes before putting them into the basket of dirty clothes. He wouldn't want any maid to tattletale on Tommy to the emperor, would he?

After that adventure, right now, Tommy just wanted to lie down and rub his thigh. It was already the middle of the afternoon, around 3 o'clock. If he could rest till 6, he will just finish some preparations for the meeting with Nihachu after. Nihachu reigns over Mermaid kingdom. She also has pink long hair that flow to her waist. Instead of a light pink colour like Techno, it is more similar to the colour of peachy pink. She would have a seashell hair clip that looked like a clam on the back of her hair, clipping it to hold onto some overflowing hair. When Tommy was younger, he would jump into Nihachu' slap and touch her hair. He had a clear memory of how her hair felt like water. It was smooth and it flowed extremely well in Tommy's small palms. Nihachu was a really calm and easy going queen. She expects kindness shown in words and movement, but she would easy let it go if something goes wrong. The Mermaid kingdom was the top kingdom out of the entire world that flourishes the best flowers and plants. The nature on their grounds are extremely beautiful. You could always see something related to nature in ever ten steps you take. Tommy had visited her kingdom before when she vowed to bring him back for a tour. The place was also amazing. It was mainly filled with colours of pastel pink, blue, green, and yellow. It was colourful. On the other hand, Tommy's kingdom was quite dull. The walls weren't much besides a couple colourful lighting in some areas, but the main colour of the castle and its grounds were based on the theme of dull beige. The Bois kingdom, the emperor's reign, was mainly one of the less powerful reigns. They told him that they had enough money to repair the castle, but for some weird reason, they refused to do so. Tommy found it bizarre, but he didn't dare ask. When money was something talked about, the emperor would shut him out and refuse to speak another word. 

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