Stop Pretending to Care

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It was funny as the morning soon turned to sunset, the mix of yellow and crimson rose mixing into one another, creating a perfect and appealing colour. One may say that the day goes by fast, but Tommy never felt the day even go by. It was suddenly dark as he sat on his bedside, wondering what he have done this day. The last thing that evoked into his mind was the tears drying onto his skin as he continued to sit on top of his bed sheets. The only tangible evidence of the day was the cloth on his left hand, tightly wrapped to keep the blood from seeping out. Even the evidence of broken glass and the snow globe in general was gone. Away from his room and away from existence.
Tommy sighed, finally leaning his back onto the bed, staring into the ceiling as it looked like it was about to collapse down. If Tommy's life was an ocean, he was drowning in it.

A soft knock on the door made Tommy's eyes finally wonder back into reality. With a small grunt, Tommy heaved himself up before staggering to the door, opening it with his right hand. Eryn stood outside, staring heavily into Tommy's eyes.
He was the last person Tommy wanted to see.
"What is it?" Tommy muttered.
"Prince Theseus..what's the matter? Why are you so upset with me?" Eryn simply said, straight forward with his point.
Tommy fell silent, a hoard of emotions piling up onto his shoulders once again.
"Just go away," Tommy whispered, slowly turning his back towards Eryn.
"Prince Theseus. Please just tell me what's wrong," Eryn insisted, taking a step forward.
"Let's both have our own lives. Let us just not bother one another anymore," Tommy choked on his words.
Another heavy silence.
"There was never an 'us'. We never tried to develop our friendship, have we?" Eryn softly said before turning around and rushing off.
Tommy flipped around, his expression dark and somber. Of course, Tommy had to loose another of his friend. The mixed feeling of betrayal slowly dissolved into grief and sorrow.

When Eryn had been accepted as Tommy's assistant in the royal palace, it was a miracle. It was confusing to how a simple peasant and orphan had been suddenly upgraded to be a crowned prince's main assistant. To Tommy, it was always a mystery. Perhaps it was fate. But little does Tommy know why Eryn was accepted in the first place.


Back then, it was simple. Eryn would often meet with Tommy outside of the palace in the forest where both of them would run around and play. As soon as Tommy was crowned the next emperor, he stopped coming out for a week or so. Until one day, when Eryn was patiently waiting for Tommy, sitting peacefully on a huge rock where they would usually meet up, Tommy has walked up to him, the heavy crown on his small head.
Eryn had looked up at Tommy in delight and confusion to why he has not shown up for the past days. Tommy tiled his head down before saying a small goodbye. He explained to his friend how this might be the last time he would ever see Eryn as his duties as a crowned prince was hard, and so there was not enough time for him to wonder out and play like they were. Eryn was both happy for him, yet he felt a sense of loss. Finally, Eryn decided to speak with the emperor to become one of Theseus's assistant.

As it has been said before, there was a nearly impossibly chance the royal family would just allow random strangers to work on the palace, yet Eryn needed to try. It was the slim chance of ever seeing his friend again.
As Eryn faced the towering front doors of the Bois' palace, the grandness seems to devour him whole. He could not possibly imagine spending his life in such a big powerful place. Eryn gripped harder onto Tommy's hand, depending on him to lead the way. And Tommy did.
A guard in the front entrance stepped before the both of them, looking down on the two children.
"Sorry, prince Theseus, but who is that...with you at this moment?" the guard asked suspiciously, eyeing Eryn with a slight hint of disgust.
All of Eryn's pride and courage diminished as he felt like he was not even considered as a human being.
"My friend. I want to speak to Philza about this matter. Please move," Tommy simply said, holding onto Eryn's hand even more firmly.
After all, this was an order from the crowned prince, and everyone knows not to defy him as long as it's not dangerous. With a nod, the guard stepped aside, continuing to stare at Eryn's baggy clothes.

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