Where The Blood Drips

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The second morning of the summer festivals arrived as soon a slim bit of the sun rays flashed through the horizon onto the grass below. Tommy groaned at how early he had to get up, physically having to pull his eyes wide open in desperate need to wake himself up. Tommy silently grumbled to himself as he stumbled out of bed, grasping on all the objects in his way to make stance.
After aggressively rubbing his sore eyes, Tommy stood still in his room, listening and waiting for any sign of human moves outside of his chamber. There was not a single sound. Tommy pushed open his door wide open, slightly confused on where everyone was. To his surprise, not even Eryn was waiting by his door.
Tommy quickly closed the door as gently as possible before proceeding to glance at his alarm clock. The time ticked of 6:33am. Tommy intensely looked at his clock before slamming his hand on his desk and slumping his body besides the wooden structure with a loud audible sigh. He had messed up setting his alarm clock last night, making it ring an hour early from his usual morning time. Tommy closed his eyes for a moment, resting his head just under the ledge of his desk, thinking to fall back asleep in this position.

Just as Tommy was about to fall back asleep, he heard several knocks on his windowsill. Confused, Tommy stumbled up, waddling through his room till he was faced in front of the silk curtains, blocking the window. Tommy gently pushed the blue fabric aside, peering at the now blue jay seated at his windowsill. Tommy cocked his head to the side, inspecting it until a vivid imagery appeared into his mind. Tommy knew this bird. It was the same bird in his gardens that one day. Tommy can clearly remember his designs, the patterns on his feathers burning into his heart's core. Tommy smiled, pushing open the window with a squeak, resilience showing by how long this window wasn't opened for. To Tommy's surprise, the bird did not fly away and instead took his chance to fly into Tommy's room, fluttering around the top ceiling.

Tommy stepped back in surprise, his eyes following the path of flight the bird made, sidling around until it finally landed on the top of and old lamp in the corner of his room, hidden behind plastic boxes that contained important scrolls and old video tapes. By reflex, Tommy began to swat the air, trying to chase the bird out by scaring it. Surprisingly, the bird just jumped on the spot, refusing to make any movement out the window as if he understood that the window would immediately close and it wouldn't be let in after. Tommy grit his teeth. He already was up on a rough start of the morning, and he did not want anything else at this moment, so he stalked towards the bird, ready to lightly whack it away. As Tommy approached the blue jay, the bird ruffled its feathers, lifting up several of its feathers and revealing a small, hidden scroll tied to its foot.

Carefully, Tommy brushed past its feathers and reached for the scroll. As a messenger bird, it just flapped its wings, waiting patiently for the scoop to be untied from his feet. As soon as the strings slipped off and the scroll tumbled into Tommy's hands, the bird fluttered into the air and plunged out the window, not wasting a single second to get out of the room. Tommy flinched back in surprise as he watched the blue jay fly further away into the horizon. Tommy carefully sat down on his chair and rolled out the scroll, peering at what it has to say. The paper was slightly torn and wet, indicating how old it was. On the paper, it said:

"Dear prince Theseus,
Sorry for such a late notice, but I'll be arriving over to your place soon. I hope to see the wonders that your palace has to offer.

Tommy flipped the paper around to see nothing else but empty space. A heavy silence filled the room before Tommy bursted out laughing at how late the letter appeared. Tommy would have to speak to Dream about his messenger bird. After all, it seems as if his bird got lost flying here. Tommy sighed, hiding his laughter back in. Closing back his eyes, his alarm rang again. Tommy smacked it in anger.

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