The Crimson Letter

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Tommy could hear his heart thumping. Everything suddenly became dizzy and things started to spin. Tommy clutched onto his stomach and sprinting down the corridors after turning a corner and getting out of the sight of Wilbur. It felt weird to talk rudely back to Wilbur. Tommy was not someone who would just start fussing over a small comment, but everything said to Wilbur felt wrong. His mind swirled and he felt the whole world turn as the next thing he knew was that he was in Eryn's hands.
"Prince Theseus! Are you alright?" Eryn yelled,  holding firmly onto Tommy.
"Please..take me..*cough* to my room"  Tommy murmured, his dizziness still not dying down.
Tommy could not tell if Eryn nodded or just ignored what he said and dragged Tommy into his room. He told himself to take one step and another. Left. Right. Left. Right.
"I'm fine. I'm alright," Tommy told himself, huffing, his breath uneven.
The walk back was weirdly long, yet the next thing Tommy knew, he was slumped in his bed with Eryn out of sight.
Tommy closed his eyes and tried meditating. What was it that Wilbur wanted? He felt like he was internally dying. His heart still thumped loudly. With a heavy heart, the young boy hid his body down into the covers of his familiar, comfy blankets.
And that was the story of how a young teen had tuned out from the whole world around him.


The morning light stretched its ray down the piling hills and up into the well bloomed gardens of the Bois empire. It climbed its way up the castle walls and past the transparent window in Tommy's room. It made its way up his bed and onto Tommy, where the light shattered into a million directions; sides and corners of the room.
Despite the welcoming light, Tommy shut them out, sleeping soundly in his bed. He did not plan this out, but he did not mind just sleeping until the noon.
A couple hours passed. Tommy woke up with a jolt on the knocks of his door.
"Uh- one minute!" Tommy loudly said, stumbling out of his bed and pushing back his hair to straighten it.
"Take your time, sir," Eryn's voice slid through the door.
Tommy slowed down his pace, knowing that Eryn was worthy of his words, meaning that it would be alright for Tommy to take his time.
He shuffled around his room, changing and making himself look presentable, checking on the clock ticking 1:10 already. After a few more minutes of preparation, he opened the door where Eryn stood beside it, guarding the door.
"Morning," Tommy hummed, rubbing his eyes.
"It's more like the noon, isn't it, prince Theseus," Eryn joked, doing a small bow before standing up again.
Tommy forced a smile for politeness and nodded along.
"Is there anything planned today?" Tommy asked walking down the corridors as Eryn scurried after him.
"Well, there is the meet up with prince Tubbo, son of his majesty Shlatt after lunch that you had scheduled last week," Eryn said, many of Tommy's plans memorized by heart.
"Oh yes, Tubbo.." Tommy murmured, almost forgetting that he was to meet up with his best friend, today.
"Alright then. I will be heading to the dining room for my lunch. While eating, if Tubbo comes early, please guide him to the main waiting room. I will meet him there," Tommy hummed, waving Eryn off.
Eryn stopped following and did a small bow before walking in another direction towards the main entrance of the palace.


Tommy gently snapped his finger, and a maid immediately rushed over, picking up his plate to be returned back to the dishwasher. It was a fine meal, like Wilbur had sugar coated yesterday during dinner. Tommy sighed and pushed his chair back in before heading out of the dining room. He strolled across the bare corridors where he used to sprint around from Wilbur when they were kids playing tag. Tommy could not help but feel another sharp jolt in his body when remembering his past. At this point, he could not tell how long he walked until he reached the end of the hallway, plastered into a lobby of the front entrance. A chandelier hung down from the high ceilings lighting up a bright white light with several dim yellow from contrast to the sun. The marble floors were well cleaned, not even a single but of dust seen that was not wiped. Tommy first spot Eryn, quietly standing besides a yellow cloaked hooded boy. Eryn's eyes met Tommy's and he took a small bow saying, "Hello, prince Theseus."
The hooded boy turned around and his honey eyes met Tommy's blue passionate eyes.
They both did a small bow to each other even though they did not have to since they were the same level as one another, but they did just to show respect.
"Prince Tubbo, I'm glad you came." Tommy said, walking closer.
"No need to be so formal. We're still friends, Theseus. And if you please, Eryn." Tubbo smiled, removing his cloak and handing it to Eryn where he hung it on the closest hanger.
Tommy did a smile back and asked, "What are we doing today?"
Tubbo's hazel hair bounced as he took Tommy's arm and dragged him down Tommy's own palace as if Tubbo knew the whole layout by heart. And Tubbo did.

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