Well, This is a New Fellow

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Tommy did not remember the way back to his room. Nor did he remember even opening his door to his room. And he certainly does not remember Eryn chasing after him, but he could remember just sitting on the wooden floor, hugging his legs with his back pressed firmly on the wall and crying with sounds of nervous murmurs coming from outside his door.
Tommy had to stop. He had promised himself that he would not cry anymore. This was beyond humiliating. A crowned prince should not cry, especially in front of everyone. There was no solid reason on why he should cry, so just stop crying. Stop...
But the tears continued to flow. The harder he pushed himself to stop, the faster the pitiful tears would slide down his cheek and fall onto the dry wooden floors, leaving a weird circular mark on it.
Tommy closed his eyes. He imagined a place where it was all peaceful, and there was no problems. A time where the empress, Kristen, was well, and very much still alive.

"Tommy...you're such a bright energetic child. How could our family have such an amazing son..," Kristen would say, her voice soft, nearly as gentle as the wind as it blew.
Tommy sat peaceful in her arms on her bed. Ever since Tommy was born, Kristen had to stay in bed as told by Ponk since she got ill. It was a slowly spreading disease. It couldn't be spread, but it was still dangerous. Thankfully, the disease was wiped out slowly and slowly when people kept dying from it.
Kristen would put one of her strengthened hand onto Tommy's hair and ruffle it, cuddling besides the small boy.
"Mommy, would you stay by my side, always?" Tommy chirped curiously, afraid to move as if her fragile mother would break just by a single touch.
Kristen looked deeply into Tommy's eyes and did a heavy sigh, pulling her hand back down besides her body.
"My lovebird, I'm sorry. One day, I would have to leave to somewhere far away," Kristen softly said, relaxing her eyes and closing them softly.
"Why! Where are you going?!?" Tommy angrily pointed, his hands on his waist, but he was still sitting besides his mother.
Kristen did a small chuckle, somewhat feeling forced and replied back, "Because everyone would have to leave eventually. I'm going to somewhere where you would never find me until you get older."
Tommy blinked back, confusion and fear creeping up his throat. His lower lip trembled and suddenly embraced his mother in a huge hug, huge watery tears forming on his eyes as he wiped them off with his mother's blanket.
Kristen just put her hands on Tommy's back in reply, not speaking a single word. That was the type of silence Tommy preferred.
Though he did not like the death that came afterwards.

Well, the past is the past now. There was no way going back in time. (That was what Tommy thought for now) If his mother really did die, then she did. And if the gardener got fired, then he did. It would hurt, but Tommy had to be strong. He promised empress Kristen that he would be strong even when she leaves, funny that he had already cried when thinking of these thoughts. This was no time to start the morning mourning. Tommy was going to go to Fontis again. They may have stopped a part of Tommy's connection to a nice person, but they will not stop Tommy from doing what he loves. And Tommy will make them see that.

Tommy was back! He had made his way into his secret abandoned area without any problems besides a few stares from servants near the garden entrance. Tommy had also met the replacement gardener. He was sh1t. He really was! The gardener would grumble about anything dirty. He would not even do his job properly. He was strict over things such as who should be taking care of which part of the gardens and what other workers were doing wrong, yet Tommy had never seen him fully working on the garden himself. When Tommy watched from far away, his mouth twitched into something that someone could not describe. It was a laugh, yet it was so me aching that he looked as if he was about to chop the gardener's head off while laughing at the scene. Tommy quickly lost eye contact of the gardener when he saw that the gardener was heading his way. Tommy then hurried to Fontis, pushing past clumps of leaves.

Tommy made sure to bring some cleaning equipment with himself this time. Today, he would make everything shine! He started with using some of the clean water to pour a couple drops onto the grass and flower seeds, buried deep in the fresh soil. Then, Tommy placed a soft blue cloth into the bucket, soaking the whole cloth through. He picked it up and took the wet cloth to the fountain covered in rock and dust. After wiping it down onto the dusty stone below, Tommy wiped a bead of sweat off his face. The whole place had no space for sunlight to shine through, meaning that there is not any sunlight warmth, so Tommy started feeling a bit cold, even when he was tired after working so hard. Tommy trotted over towards the benches and tables, wiping the dust off them, as well.
When Tommy was done with all that, the new grass had already started to grow. The new puffs of fresh grass popped up from the soil, so insects landing on them to inspect their new happy surroundings. The birds watched from above, staring at Tommy who looked back with his kind eyes. One had even hopped down besides his leg and chirped a soft song. Tommy squatted down and inspected the blue bird. It blinked back, and that was when Tommy had a feeling that this would not be the last time he will see this animal. Tommy did a small squint and stood back up, brushing invisible dust off his pants.
It was past lunch when Tommy had finished. He had eaten a packed lunch on one of the cleaned tables and chairs. He had taken in the welcoming oxygen and vivid surroundings, beautiful greens all around him.
"Well, I better leave, now," Tommy said, knowing there was no one else but himself.
After taking a longing look at the beauties hidden in this small area, he left the garden all together.

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